I'm chuffed to little mint balls that anyone at all reads my drivel, let alone thinks it's worthy of an award, so I thank you very much and I will display it with pride.
I now have to choose 5 more recipients. People who's blogs make me think. This is difficult because I visit so many blogs and enjoy them all so much, so please don't be offended if I don't choose you, it's not because I don't like you, honest injun! I have tried to choose blogs who haven't already received the award but if you already have it I hope you will accept another one.
So here are my five choices...
Linda at Are We There Yet - Linda quite often ends her posts with a question - hence making me think.
Lettie at Lettuce-Eating - writes such 'from the heart' missives, you become really involved in what she is writing about.
Nea at The Southern View - writes about her life, her family, her surroundings - a joy to read.
Mike at Mike's Homefront - a recently discovered treasure. I love his writing and he has galvanised some of us bloggers into action with his new venture The Experiment (though it's not quite up and running yet). However, I will be honest here and say another reason I nominate him is because he has (unrequested) advertised my Grandmother's Biography on his blog and one good turn deserves another in my book. Thank you Mike. x
Last but not least, this may be breaking the rules a little bit but I'm going to do it nevertheless, by nominating two of Ruth's Blogs. Firstly There Are a Million Stories in the Naked City because it has made me really appreciate my life, what I have and what I have to lose, and was the first of Ruth's blogs I visited. Since then I have been introduced to Me, My Life, My Garden , which is not, as you might imagine, just photographs of Ruth's garden, it is so much more and a delight to read.
So there are my five choices, I hope you will all take a look at them and agree with me that they deserve the Thinking Blogger Award and I hope they will take part and display their award with pride.
To the Nominees.....
Should you choose to participate, please make sure to pass this list of rules to the blogs you are tagging.
The participation rules are simple:
If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to five blogs that make you think.
Link to the original post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme
Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote.
Congrats Akela - you truly deserve it! Besides making us think and ponder, we get some education too! ;-)
Congratulations!! and thanks so much for my award/s! Shall have a ponder about who to give awards to...so many great blogs to choose from! Thanks for all your support
Thank you honey. :)
Thanks and congratulations to you too! I know it's not easy to choose, but you get to choose 10 as you have an award for both blogs! :)
Thanks for the award akelamalu. I will display it proudly.
Thanks for the kind words you said about my writing. I'd nominate you for this award but someone discovered you first.
I will participate in passing the award along to five others.
PS. The only reason I wrote about Gingervitus is I am a sufferer. :)
My daughter told me about it this weekend and I just have to start a campaign for the cure. :O)
You're welcome honey!
I love ginger hair!
Did you party after the awards?????
Would I party without you?
Congratulations!! Enjoy your award party :) xx
I'll definitely be checking out the others...
Thankyou, I'll try! ;)
miss u
Thankyou and congratulations to you too, you got one!
Congrats! I know exactly how it feels being that my blog is so popular and everything... Wink!
Anyways, I enjoy reading your blog, and this is proof that plenty of others agree with me.
Take care!
Morning Akelamalu~
CONGRATULATIONS my friend!!!!!!!!
Much deserved!
My God...I hope you have a fireplace mantle or a baby grand piano on which to place these awards!
God love ya woman!!!!
It's always a pleasure to stop by here.
Be well,
Aw thanks honey. x
Thank you kind sir. I may have to get a display cabinet! ((wink))
Congrats ... but thinking makes my head hurt ... must be from excercising a little used muscle.
Congrats! You deserve it. Great choices for your awards.
Hope you had a lovely weekend.
Hope your sweet Dad is doing great reading about him makes me smile. ():)
Love and Hugs,
Angel ():)
It hurts mine too! :)
Thank you my friend, glad you agree with my choices. Dad is doing OK thanks.
Well done, and I am SO glad you didn't tag me........! Will have a look at the new blogs though!
Congrats to you again!!
And I love this particular contest as it gives you other blogs to check out!
Thanks. I may tag you for something in the future! ;)
early bird
I like it too for that reason - linky love!
Hi Akelamalu,and congratulations.......I will give this some thought.......see, i do think....haha
My blog really was started just for storage of all my poetry, and somehow it has become more of a diary. But all who come and read are welcome, as far as making them think......mostly they probably think they are glad that their life isn't as boring as mine. haha But I appreciate your recommendation! Thank you.
I am working in the yard today, I will get back to this tonight, okay.
Its so hard to pick just 5 isnt it??? I read 2 of those blogs daily....Southern View and Are We There Yet. Both excellant blogs! Good choices!
Congrats Akelamalu - and thanks so much for my award.
i'm looking forward to having time, soon, to read your grandmothers biog.
Congrats Akelamalu - and thanks so much for my award.
i'm looking forward to having time, soon, to read your grandmothers biog.
Hi there!
Enjoy the awards!
I find I'm coming here so often to listen to "No More Cloudy Days"
Love it. Means something special to me. ;)
My PAD and
Guelph Daily Photo
Congratulations, Thinking Blogger! I heartily agree!
You think more than most honey, don't work too hard in the yard! :)
Glad you like my choices. :)
Thankyou and you're welcome. :)
Thankyou and you are welcome here anytime. You could always get the song for your own blog and listen to it when you're not here. :)
Oh Julia thankyou m'dear. :)
Congratulations on being given a second award for being a Thinking Blogger! It just goes to show that people not only love your blog but it makes them think, too!
Thank you very much for my award (it's actually my second, too but I forgot to put it up the first time - shame, shame, shame on me!). I will do better this time and do a post in the next day or two. If someone is going to honor me with this, the least I can do is say thank you! And I do mean thank you!
I really need to get more organized!!
Thanks chuck. You get those awards up on your sidebar - you deserve 'em!
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