
Monday 23 April 2012

Succinctly Yours - A Microfiction Meme #49

Grandma at Grandma's Goulash provides a picture and a word prompt for this Microfiction Meme and the rules are use the photo as inspiration for a story of 140 characters OR 140 words.

Want more challenge? Use the word of the week in your story. This part is optional.

This week's word is ENCHANT here's the picture and my offering using the picture and word of the week  in 140 characters, including spaces and punctuation.

When Daniel's plane crashed in the jungle he was relieved then enchanted by the tribe who rescued him, until they invited him to be dinner. 


Jenny Woolf said...

I don't know how you think of these things, I would be totally stumped!

Commander Zaius said...


Not certain but I get the impression Daniel might be the entree instead of the guest.

mrsnesbitt said...


Daryl said...

broiled or boiled? ha!

Akelamalu said...

Thanks Jenny :)

It says 'They invited him to BE dinner' Beach ;)

Happy to have made you smile Denise

Either way his goose was cooked Daryl LOL

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

uh oh!

smiles, bee

anthonynorth said...

He'll have to stew over his fate.
Nice one.

Ron said...

Bwahahahahahhhaha! totally blow me away with these things!

Brilliant finish, m'dear!

Absolutely BRILLIANT!

Happy Monday......X

Akelamalu said...

I know Bee ;)

He will indeed Anthony

Pat said...

My husband had a similar take on this photo. It's actually our youngest son (the tall guy) and still I laughed!

Kay L. Davies said...

Not so much rescue as salvage, I guess.

katie eggeman said...


Grandma's Goulash said...

Love your version of Guess who's Coming To Dinner.

CrystalChick said...

Poor Daniel isn't having a very good day.

Good one!

Lorraine said...

Why don't you make up a book from all the ones you've done. It is sooo clever. I'll bet it would sell

Flowerpot said...

Always good Ak dont know how you do it!!