
Friday 17 December 2010

Friday 55 Flash Fiction #145 It's Over.......

Watching her husband playing with the children, Angie smiled.

His affair was over, she had listened into the telephone call when Tricia phoned to tell him that her husband had found out .

Dan was blissfully unaware that Angie knew about his affair,

or that it was she who had sent the photo to Tricia’s husband.

This is a continuation of last week's Flash 55, if you missed it click here.

Friday 55 Flash Fiction is brought to you by G-man (Mr Knowitall). The idea is you write a story in exactly 55 words. If you want to take part pop over and let G-man know when you've posted your 55.


Charlene Amsden said...

Angie is brilliant. I wonder, next week will we find her collecting hubby's insurance money?

Anonymous said...

Bravo Angie. You go girl. Love this 55 as usual. Well done my friend. Have a great Friday :)

Commander Zaius said...

A brillant short story overflowing with intrigue.

Valerie said...

Bravo, Angie. Good thinking.

MorningAJ said...

Oh good plan! Of course, if he did it once he might do it again..........

clean and crazy said...

good for her!! now what is she planning for retribution?

Finding Pam said...

I fear for Dan and what Angie may do to him. Brillantly written, my dear.

Linda said...

Now, is she going to forgive and forget or are we waiting for Part III??

Daryl said...

Nicely played

Akelamalu said...

One never knows Quilly ;)

Glad you liked it and approve of Angie Thom x

Why thankyou BeachBum I'm pleased you enjoyed it.

Angie played a blinder didn't she Valerie? ;)

Yes, there's always the chance he'll do it again AJ

I'm not sure what she's planning, if anything, Clean&Crazy. ;)

If she's planning anything for Dan, he sure as hell will be surprised Pam! ;)

You want a Part III Linda?:0

Thanks Daryl x

Monkey Man said...

Great 55. Hopefully the story ends with them pulling that skeleton out of the closet and clearing the air.

My 55 is HERE .

Spiky Zora Jones said...

akelamalu: oh my, angie knew of his affair...I wonder if angie will ever let her blissfully unaware husband know...that she knew and had sent the photo herself....

oh what a lovely anniversary gift that would be. hehehehe

later sweetie. have a fabulous

Brian Miller said...

hmmm...and i wonder if she is now content or if there will be more...

secret agent woman said...

What's to stop him from finding another?

G-Man said...

Intrigue abounds!!
Most excellent 55 My Friend
Thanks for playing Pearlie Mae, and have a Kick Ass Week-End...G

Gledwood said...

All men are bastards. Take it from me.

tony said...

Not So Much As "The Biter Bit" as the "Snapper Snapped!"

Shrinky said...

ooh-la-la! Just as well her hubby is blissfully ignorant - I have a feeling she's not quite done with him yet..

Akelamalu said...

Not sure what, if anything, is going to happen next Monkey Man, glad you enjoyed it.

Who knows what Angie is planning Spiky ;)

Depends what comes into my warped mind Brian LOL

Absolutely nothing SAW!

I'm so pleased you enjoyed it G-man x

I'll take your word for it Gleds ;)

Quite Tony LOL

You never know Shrinky ;)

Travis Cody said...

A perfect holiday gift for one, not so much for the other.

Anonymous said...

that's cute,
she stopped her hubby's affair...

fun 55.

Anonymous said...

Here is the end of the year awards 4 you, enjoy!

End of The Year Awards 4 Friends of Jingle or Jingle Poetry Community

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

At this time of the year, We wish you all the best !

Link up a poem to our potluck today, We send blessings all the way to brighten your day!