
Monday, 2 February 2009



Yep another award folks!  Thanks to Storyteller (Small Reflections), who graciously passed this award on to me with the following rules:
1) You must link back to the person you received the award from.
2) You have to nominate 10 bloggers who are deserving of this award!

Well that's simple enough isn't it?   No it's not because I can't choose 10 from all my blogging pals, so I'm going to use a complicated formula.    As I have to pass it on to 10 bloggers I'm going back 10 previous posts, which was Flash Fiction #59, and awarding it to the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 15th, 17th, 19th commenter - that's fair isn't it?

So step onto the red carpet

Ron (Vent) - the most versatile blogger I know.  He's an actor, writer, blog enthusiasts, holistic healing practitioner, teacher, make-up artist, retail sales promoter.

Elaine (Leibfraumilch & Lipstick) - a talented and funny writer and a great photographer.

RLL (Real Live Lesbian) - a frank, funny and beautiful lady.

 Bee (Muffin53) -  Empress of the High Seas who you will either find on a cruise, in Florida or Podunk eating cake!

Linda (Are We There Yet?) - An ambulance dispatcher who missed her calling - she should have been a History teacher!

Jeff (A Word In Edgewise) - Such an eloquent narrator and the resurrector of Portrait Of Words writing challenge.

Mojo ( Why? What have you heard?) - I've not been reading Mojo's blog for long but I can tell you he's ACE at 55 Flash Fiction.

Deb (Nourish The Soul) - Feisty and Funny, do yourself a favour and go read her blog.

Mike (Rambling Stuff) - such a caring blogger who brings the plight of others to the fore when they most need prayers.

Dr. John (Dr. John's Fortress) - A man who's sermons never sound like preaching.

So there you go.   Take the Lemonade Award and enjoy it's FIZZ!


cheshire wife said...

Congratulations on the award! Hope that you have toasted it with something stronger than lemonade.

CG said...

Congrats on another award!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oboy! i win! is there cake??

smiles, bee

Marshall Family said...

well done ake and well done everyone who recieved! xx

Sandi McBride said...

Congratulations on the award! I like the looks of this one...have you been over to Dr Johns? Something is astir in Pigeon Falls!

Ron said...

First of all...CONGRATS to YOU dear lady!!!!!

I've seen this award on a few blogs and thought it was the cutest damn thing, so THANK YOU for sharing it with me!!!

*and I happen to really LOVE lemonade too!!

Also, congrats and bravo to all the other recipients!

Happy Moday to ya, Akelamalu!

And thanks again!

Mike Golch said...

Thanks for the award and the Pat on the Back.Hugs!!!

Mojo said...

In the interest of fairness and honesty, I should point out that I was actually the 14th commenter on that post... Lucky #13 would be Daryl from On the M104. A thoroughly amazing blogger, and well deserving of any award she receives.

Elaine Denning said...

Aww, thanks AK! I'm honoured :) xxx

Mike Golch said...

I have something for you.

Akelamalu said...

I slipped a white wine in there Cheshire Wife ;)

Cheers Buff x

Thanks CG x

For you Bee, of course!

Thankyou Emmie x

Pigeon Falls is the best Sandi and thanks m'dear.

You're very welcome Ron x

My pleasure Mike :)

Akelamalu said...

No Mojo yours was the 13th comment - I purposely didn't count my own comment, so take the award and enjoy.

You are so welcome Laney x

I'll be over shortly Mike :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Akelamalu!

Daryl said...

Excellent choices as was choosing you!

david mcmahon said...

An award that's richly deserved.

Spiky Zora Jones said...

Hi honey...yes, your blog rocks.

Yay! And congrats to ou sweets.


Dr.John said...

Thank you so much for making me an "odd" choice for an award.
I will treasure it.

Deb said...

Hi Dear Blogging Friend ~ Congrats to you! And thank you so much. There are two words which I like to use to describe myself and feisty is one of them! You are very insightful to have picked up on that! I accept this award with pride. Hugs! :)

Flowerpot said...

Well done Ak - a much deserved award!

Akelamalu said...

Thank you Citizen x

You're very kind Daryl x

Thank you for your kind words David :)

Aw thankou Spiky x

You're not Odd at all Dr. John! :)

You're very welcome Deb x

Thank you muchly Flowerpot x

Anndi said...

Congrats! Well deserved.

Is it pink?

Real Live Lesbian said...

Thank you SOOO much! I can't wait to check out some of the others!

Akelamalu said...

Thanks Anndi - of course it's pink! LOL

You are very welcome RLL I hope you enjoy the other recipients blogs. :)

Julia Phillips Smith said...

*tipping hat*

Akelamalu said...

Thanks Julia x

Linda said...

Whew! It took me awhile to get here, didn't it?

Thank you so very much for the lovely Lemonade and you're right - I should have been a history teacher! Hopefully I will remember that for my next life!

storyteller said...

Sorry I've fallen behind. I'm hoping to catch up, but lately I've just not been at home much to log on to my computer. I'm not complaining ... just letting ya know what's up. Life is good! Monday at Small Reflections, I shared photos of the lovely RAINBOW that greeted me that morning. ;--)

I'm delighted you enjoyed the Lemonade Award and have passed it along to others. Perhaps one of these days I'll find time to visit the blogs of those I don't yet know.
Hugs and blessings,