
Friday 27 February 2009

Friday 55 Flash Fiction # 64 Jetted Off

Jetted Off

Jetted off for a week in Spain.

Looking forward to:

Sun, Sea, Sand clear blue skies.

Wearing sandals and shorts,

despite the odd looks from locals, who were wrapped up in gloves and scarves.

Enjoying eating paella, drinking sangria, soaking up the sun.

Seeing the country by car.

Relaxed, refreshed, then


Return to work.

Friday 55 Flash Fiction is brought to you by G-man (Mr Knowitall). The idea is you write a story in exactly 55 words. If you want to take part pop over and let G-man know when you've posted your 55.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's always the bummer part of it! But at least you have more wonderful vacation memories!

Gledwood said...

...the photos look loverly though...


Dumdad said...

All good things come to an end....

Shrinky said...

Oooooh, I am jealous! Mind, it is always a bit of an anti-climax coming home again, isn't it? Never mind hon, retirement ain't too long around the corner, eh? Smile.

Marshall Family said...

ahh i hate that part too! snap! back to reality :(

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

well at least i'm glad you got to go honey!

smiles, bee

CrystalChick said...

Mmmmmm.... Sangria!

Glad you had a good time!

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Love the part about the locals wearing hats and scarves! That happens to Canucks in Florida all the time. My mom went swimming in the pool on a trip there, and a man in a jacket asked her if she was from Canada.

Hope your trip is renewing for a long, long time.

Pam said...

always sucks when you have to go back to work :( great 55, ake :)i don't have a 55 up yet :-/ hopefully later today.

Flowerpot said...

hope youhad a great time and good weather too Ak!

skywind said...

Beautiful country, endless charm. Thank you for your photos.

Mojo said...

Guess you had your patented plot twist built in on this one eh?

Isn't that always the rotten part of vacationing though?

Akelamalu said...

Holidays are always over too quickly for me Citizen!

The photos are curtesy of Google Images Gleds, I'll be posting my photos next week.

They do indeed Dumdad :(

You're right Shrinky not long to retirement now. :)

I know, it's a bummer Emmie

That was the good part Bee :)

Mmmm yes sangria Crystalchick :)

LOL I know just how our mum feels Julia! LOL

They are hkki but they're not mine.

Back to reality yeah Ciara:(

We had both Flowerpot, I'll tell you all about it next week.

It is indeed a beautiful country Skywind :)

It was always going to be that ending Mojo ;)

Misty DawnS said...

It was a great post and had me in a wonderful daydream, Ake... until that last line. What a sad story. hehehehe

Ron said...

Oh man...isn't this the TRUTH!!!

ooooh....but I bet you've got some wonderful photos and stories to share with us!

Can't wait!

Have a wonderful weekend, dear lady!


Reverend Michael Kilgore said...

Ake...are you looking for back-to-work sympathy? No way baby! Nice 55 and thanks for stopping by!

CG said...

Good holiday, good flash fiction :)

g-man said...

Ake...There definately is an art to being a tourist, without looking like one!
Excellent 55 my dear!
Thanks for visitng, thanks for always playing so well, and have a Great Week-End...G

Real Live Lesbian said...

Great one! I'm so jealous! Mmmm...sand and sun!

Bummer on the work crap! lol

GEWELS said...

Hi Akela- I've missed you.

So glad you had a nice adventure in a warmer clime. I absolutely ADORE Spain and wish I was there myself.
Where did you go? Tell us all about it.
Thanks for visiting lately. I know I haven't had ANYTHING to say lately, but I've been busy.
I'll be around more often I promise!

Mary said...

Oh, I want to go somewhere (relatively) warm, too. Great 55!

Spiky Zora Jones said...

sweetie...babe, you wrote this like a song.

Just add music to it and you have a hit.

I like the pics too...give inspiration to what kind of music too...

Have you considered ...running off to Nashville and becoming a country music song writer. hehehehe.

ciao sweetie...more please.

Donnetta said...

Well, I never been to Spain--but I been to Oklahoma!

Wonderful pictures. Darn it! Back to work. D

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

I love to travel and would love to go to Spain...especially want to see the alhambra palace in Granada. You've wet my appetite. Returning home is not fun though, takes ages to settle down into Real Life. :)

Akelamalu said...

I was sad too when it was all over Misty ;)

You can be sure you'll be reading about our adventures Ron! :)

LOL Oh you're mean Mike! :)

Cheers CG x

We definitely looked like tourists G-man LOL

Bummer on the work crap is right RLL :(

Great to see you back Gewels, I've missed you too! x

The sun definitely makes you feel better Mary, roll on summer!


Well I've never been to Oklahoma Donnetta but I sure would like to. :)

Welcome Eaton. You should go to the Alahmabra Palace it is amazing! We didn't do it this trip but went some years ago. :)

Travis Cody said...

That's what makes vacation so special...the excitement leading up to it followed by the return to work after.

MarmiteToasty said...

Wouldnt it be great if all life was like one big holiday LOL...

Hope you had the most super of times...

sorry I aint been around, acute tonsillitis has floored me lol..


Akelamalu said...

I'm looking forward to vacations where there's NO return to work afterwards Trav. ;)

It would indeed Marmie. Sorry to hear you've been ill m'lovely. x

Thanks Buff x

Mimi Lenox said...

So true. So true.

Akelamalu said...

It is, it is Mimi x