
Monday 14 July 2008

Presidents in drag 1.....

George W Bush

Jimmy Carter

John Kerry

John Kerry / George W Bush

Jimmy Carter

George W Bush


Pam said...

lmao i think in that last one he looks like his mother! lol

Anonymous said...

Those are just scary!

Crazy Working Mom said...

OMG, this is too funny! THanks for the Monday Morning laugh. :)

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

that is really funny but john kerry was never a president, just wanted to be! ha ha ha

smiles, bee

CG said...

CRAZY!! I love the last one!

Odat said...



Flowerpot said...

those are BRILLIANT!

Akelamalu said...

Poor Mom Ciara!

I know Citizen :0

I'm happy to have made you smile Tisha :)

I'm not that well up on Presidents Bee, thanks for correcting me. xx

At least he looks decent in the last one CG ;)

That's just what I said when I saw it Odat!

They are clever aren't they Flowerpot. Someone spent a lot of time on them.

Sandi McBride said...

Is it my imagination or does Jimmy Carter look suspiciously like Don Knotts?

maryt/theteach said...

It shocked me when I first GW in drag... But Akalamalu, do ya think you have to label the pix? LOL! Excellent post! Great laugh! :)

Dee Jay said...

LOL Thanks for the laugh! I particularly liked GW's purple ponytails and Jimmy's little old lady get-up!

Dianne said...

there isn't a blonde joke invented!! that could do justice to how dumb he is

John Kerry looks very comfy as a "mod model"

great stuff lady

buffalodick said...

No great dinner tonight, I have lost my appetite...Although with proper breast augmentation, George W. (after about 19 Lone Stars) has some prison induced attractiveness... I am sooooo kidding you...

Marianne said...

OMG hilarious!! In the first one George W looks like his daughter!!! And he looks hot in the second to last one! x

Suburbia said...

That is SO funny!

Thanks for the bicarb tip. Seems the best so far (all the others involve making it wet, which only brings out the smell more!)

Akelamalu said...

I don't know who Don Knotts is Sandi, so I can't comment.

Well I was sure you would all recognise them, but you never know Teach ;)

Glad you enjoyed them dee jay :)

You don't like him Dianne? ((wink))

LOL I guessed you were kidding Buff ((wink))

You think George W looks hot in drag Marianne?????

Hope the bicarb works Suburbia and glad you had a laugh.

cathy said...

Jimmy Carter looks like a nightmare granny. LOL all very funny.

bindhiya said...

very funny..

Maggie May said...

Really funny!

storyteller said...

Ohmygosh … these are hilarious! I love George Bush with purple hair and Jimmy Carter in the straw hat especially, but they’re all strangely fascinating and (as others have pointed out already) just a bit scary!
Hugs and blessings,

Jeff B said...

Dubya looks like the church lady from the old Saturday Night Live skits. Yikes!

Ron said...

OMG Akelamalu!!

This post is BRILLIANT!!!

I LOVE it!!!

Where the hell did you find these?

The first one of Bush looks like a Glamour Shot!

And the one at the bottom of Carter looks like Granny from the Beverly Hillbillies!

Bravo for this post!

KB said...


la bellina mammina said...


la bellina mammina said...


James Goodman said...

lmao!!! that was hilarious. Thanks for the chuckle. :D

Akelamalu said...

Jimmy Carter looks scary Cathy!

Glad you enjoyed it Bindi :)

They certainly are Maggie!

Mmmm, you don't really want to look but can't helpyourself, kind of fascinating Storyteller

LOL they're definitely skits Jeff!

Someone sent them to me Ron and I have more so keep tuning in. :)

I thought so too KB

Aren't they just Bella!

You're welcome James happy to make you laugh. :)

Linda said...

Oh, their mothers would be so proud!

Those last two definitely look a bit matronly, don't they??

Mimi Lenox said...

I don't know why but this made me feel just a little sick. Take the blond wig off George! (stepping down now...)

Mimi Lenox said...

He looks like a Republican Madonna.

(stepping down AGAIN)

Joe said...

Thanks for the much needed laugh!

Jennifer S said...

Hilarious! Thanks for the laugh.

nitebyrd said...

Holy S**T! And I thought clowns were scary!

Akelamalu said...

They do look like their mother don't they Linda? LOL

They are yukky Mimi, creepy even!

You're welcome Joe and thanks for stopping by. :)

I thought you'd appreciate them Jennifer. :)

Clowns are nice compared to these Nitebyrd!

~ej said...

omg, that's hysterical!! :)

Woman in a Window said...

Beautiful and convincing!