She was here again, that made twice this week.
He followed her, at a discrete distance, watching her every move.

He was entranced, she was beautiful.
He would speak to her today, he was determined.

As she removed the scarf and put in her pocket he said

“I’m Security madam, have you paid for that?”
Friday 55 Flash Fiction is brought to you by G-man (Mr Knowitall). The idea is you write a story in exactly 55 words. If you want to take part pop over and let G-man know when you've posted your 55.
wow, very clever! another good 55. mine will be self posting sposedly at midnight u.s. pacific time lol sometimes it doesn't post until after midnight :-/
nice twist, ake! i like this 1. it's brilliant. hehe.
Ha ha! Another good one. You have a kanck for these.
Was that chick Winona Ryder?
Excellent 55 Ake, as usual!!
Thanks for playing, and have a great week-end...G
Nice twist, as usual! Enjoy your week-end!
You ALWAYS keep me guessing until that finally punchline.?.?.?.?
Another awesome Friday 55, Akelamalu!!
Have great weekend, dear lady!
You are just SO good at these - I love 'em!!
Thanks Ciara I will be over later to read yours. :)
Glad you liked it Acey x
How kind of you Citizen :)
LOL possibly g-man!
Cheers Buff< you too :)
So glad you like them Ron x
Aw thanks Linda :)
well that was a surprise ending! ha ha ha
smiles, bee
It is always the beautiful women that are the trouble!
Hey Love,this is a good one as always. that's my story,and i'm sticking to it.
i hope that you have a great weekend. Big Time Hugs and God's blessing heading your way!
Reminds me of the movie Bodyguard !
There is still a chance of a lot to happen! I am not losing hope!
I love to think that it was Wynona Ryder! I think she is one of the most beautiful woman around!
Wheeee! I love your twists! Nice job, akelamalu!
I hope these 55's aren't written from personal experience!!
Ruh roh! Crime doesn't pay!
It was a surprise to her as well Bee! LOL
You think so GIM? :)
Thanks Mike :)
Ah yes, maybe she was just doing some research for a film Mona! ;)
Glad you liked it Smarmoofus x
No, none of them are from personal experience MOTL:)
Not unless you get away with it Trav
BRILLIANT Akela! One of the best!
Thanks Bella xx
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