Just to get you in the mood for Christmas
Remember the Nursery Rhyme quizzes? Well this is a bit like those only the initials represent the first line of Christmas Carols and Songs.
Here's an example:
O.I.R.D.C. - Once In Royal David's City - get the idea?
Email (through my profile) your answers to me by Friday and on Saturday I'll post the answers and the winner(s).
All those who get any right can claim this snazzy Christmas badge for their blog.
1. O.L.T.O.B.
2. S.N.H.N.
3. W.S.W.T.F.B.N.
4. A.I.A.M.
5. G.K.W.L.O.
6. J.B.J.B.J.A.T.W.
7. R.T.R.N.R.
8. T.H.A.T.I.
9. O.T.F.D.O.C.
10. D.T.H.W.B.O.H.
G.L. (That's Good Luck)
My Dad finally got his hip replacement yesterday and is doing well.
Here's a wish for you for tomorrow- can you figure it out? HAHT!
Mines in.
ok, i tried lol
I have a music degree. That would be cheating. Ergo, I will sit this one out.
Unless there's cake involved.....
Jesus! These are hard!
Erm...can you not do somethig simple next time with the song titles. You know, like I = Imagine or something like that?
Actually, forget that, it'd probably be harder!!
I hope you HAVE A HAPPY THURSDAY too Cindy :)
Got yours Jo thanks. :)
And yours Ciara x
I'll send you a virtual cake if you have a go Mimi!
You think so Miss U? Nah you'll know them!
You can't join in Dan as I'm your mother we might be accused of cheating!! ((wink))
brilliant news about your dad - you msut all be so relieved.
We are Flowerpot, he just needs to get up and about now!
no fair! you added two more! lol
happy thanksgiving to you and yours! :)
Great news that your Dad's has his op. Give him my best.
Love the idea of this quiz :o)
No I didn't Ciara there were always 10 hon!
Thanks Ruth, Dad's doing well and will be getting up out of bed tomorrow! :)
ooh loving this quiz, thanks! Glad to hear your Dad's doing well.
p.s. glad to hear your dad's doing well :)
Yay about your dad!! And I'll give this one a shot. Right now I'm heading over to the hospital for my evening visit with Gram, and then my husband and I are joining my uncles who flew in last night. We're all meeting at a dinner club to hear my other uncle play jazz. They came to see their mom and cheer her up. It worked!
oh i am so happy for you and your dad. i cannot imagine not being able to have a surgery that is needed. what is up with that?
smiles, bee
pleased to hear your dad's ok. i'm stuck on one but will try harder...
I have a music degree too.. it's so not cheating!
Wishing your Dad a speedy recovery! I'm not touching your quiz with a 10 ft pole!
Evening Akelamalu~
So GLAD to here everything went well for your DAD!!!!
With this comment...I'm sending him some additional Reiki...hope he feels it!
Have a great evening,
well, then i've gone blind lol because i swear i only saw the 1st eight..that's why i only sent 8 the first time. bugger all...need my eyes checked lol
Thanks Bele and I'll look our for your entry to the quiz.
Hope you found your Gram well Julia, don't forget to email the answers to the quiz.
Thanks Bee, he waited about 5 months for surgery - that's long enough in anyone's book!
Wrack that brain for that last one Topchamp!
Aw thanks Buffalo. What's wrong with my quiz? Too hard for you? ;)
Many thanks for the Reiki Ron - I'm giving Dad some but you can never have too much can you? x
Thanks for the good wishes for my Dad Ciara. You can see 10 questions now can't you??
MEGA CHUFTED ((((ake's DAD))))..... hope he continues to make good progress.....
I'll have a bash at the quiz in the morning, Im just to drained and knackered tonight lol
I gave up.. but glad to hear Dad's doing well. Good thoughts are being sent his way, if the currents cooperate they should be there within the hour...
Thanks Marmie and I got your entry. :)
Aw thankyou anndi, that's really sweet of you. You have until next Friday for the quiz if you want to rack your brains and enter. :)
So glad to hear your father is doing well. I'm sure it's a big relief for you.
Christmas Carols?...I think I got 2 correct. Yikes! that's awful
hurray for dad's surgery at long last. hope he's doing well and on the way to a full recovery :-)
will give the carols a whirl....
Oh yes it is a big relief Gewels, just need to get him fit enough to go home now! :)
Ah thanks Elena Jane x
Here I thought I had done quite well... until I started reading these comments of people who were working on 'the last one'! Crap!! I only got 7 out of 10.
You've still got time Misty :)
Okay, I've done it. The answers will be in tomorrow's post.
Mama Bear
I love your Blog and am late to the party (having just discovered you today) but have all but #8 figured out. (I’m working on it as I type and play with my own list of 10 more if anyone cares to play further).
Here are a few for YOU from me :)
1. T A S I T A
2. W C I T W L T R
3. A F T R O G
4. J T T W T L H C
5. I C U A M C
6. O C A Y F
7. T F N T A D C
8. W T K O O A
9. I T B M F W M M
10. G C M R
Now ... if I could just figure out how to find your email address.
Hugs and blessings,
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