I love dancing. I have always loved dancing. In fact I was still dancing when my knee was really bad apart from the last three months before I had my operation. I got up and danced whilst I was still using one crutch - abandoning my crutch and hanging on to MWM's neck instead!
I was a bit of a performer when I was a child, always dancing around and singing and I always wanted to be a ballet dancer after seeing it on the telly and reading about it in Bunty. We weren't exactly poor but there certainly wasn't enough money for dancing lessons but Aunty Peggy knew of my desire and offered to pay for dancing lessons every Saturday morning for me at Madame Peach's Dancing Academy, so off we went to enrol. The Academy was in fact an empty shop which Madame had kitted out with a barre and a mirrored wall.
Madame Peach looked like an elderly lady to me. She was probably about 30 ish but I was about ten at the time so she looked ancient to me. She stood there with her 'Queen Anne' legs her 'ball and claw' feet encased in black tap shoes, flowery dress swirling round her knees. She looked at me and said
"She'll have to do tap first to get rid of some of that weight"!
My dreams were shattered. I didn't want to do tap I wanted to be a ballerina. I wasn't that big, it was just 'puppy fat' my Mum and Dad told me and I'd never really been bothered about my weight before, but that one remark triggered a belief that I was huge that has lasted to this day! I really didn't want to bother now but Aunty decided Tap was better than nothing. I would start the following Saturday after Aunty had purchased my Tap shoes and dancing outfit.
We had to go into Manchester Town Centre for the tap shoes whilst a friend of Aunty's made my short circular skirt. I wanted to try on the ballet shoes, the points, but Aunty said no. I resigned myself to tap shoes but if I had to have them they had to be RED! I tried them on and walked across the linoleum floor. Tap, tap, tap, tap, TAP - I loved them - pillar box red with bright red ribbon to tie in a bow. I was hooked, I couldn't wait for Saturday to try them out.
When I arrived at Madame Peach's the following Saturday I was introduced to the other girls. One in particular captured my attention - a tall willowy, dreamy looking girl called DARLING! Yes you heard right - DARLING. What sort of name is that? It was romantic and unusual - I latched on. Of course Darling did ballet as well as tap, as I knew she would with a name like that - straight out of Bunty.
Dancing lessons lasted two hours and I enjoyed every single minute, including the warm-up. About 20 of us, at different ages, all learning the steps - Shuffle hop step, shuffle hop step. The sound of all those tap shoes clattering was music to my ears. Not only did we have exams to earn medals but we put on shows too. Aunty was really good and always got her dressmaker to make any outfit I needed - I loved dressing up and I loved the medals I earned for tap dancing too.
By the time I got to 13 years old my family were moving house, and it was too far to travel to Madame Peach's Academy, besides which I was getting interested in pop music, so I gave up the Saturday mornings with Madame Peach, I didn't give up dancing though, by that time I was going to school discos and the youth club and dancing to the Beatles. Years later MWM and I took up Line Dancing - stomping feet again - I even had steel tips put on my line dancing boots! Of course the gammy knee put paid to that but not until I'd mastered the majority of the dances. Who knows maybe I'll take it up again now my knee is mended.
I'm not tagging anyone but if you have a story to tell about Dance then do join in and let me know so I can come over and read it.
Isn't it amazing that one crappy comment can stay with us a lifetime?
Wow. Steel toed line dancing boots. You are a wild thang.
I like your slide show - it's nice to see you.
I am pleased that you love & loved to dance. I went to dance as a kid - don't remember liking it much but I think I was rubbish at it. I DO remember the teacher though - she was old. She used to teach gymnastics too - I liked this much more. And she is still going! She drives a robin reliant and I saw her when I was back home last. She must be really ancient now - probably shouldn't be driving really.
dancing is wonderful and very important for us all, particularly as children I think. I'll get thinking about dance stories...
Madame Peach sounds like a right character, it's a wonder she didn't put you off dancing for life.
My sisters and I spent many Saturday mornings suffering/ learning ballroom and latin american dance, I'll have to come up with some memories for you.
With names like Madam Peach and Darling this already had the great beginning for a fantastic story. You filled in the blanks perfectly.
I dance about as well as I sing. (Not well.) Maybe I could take some lessons from you. :)
Darling? Her name was Darling?
Perfect, wasn't it?
I had no idea you were a performer. Might there be a video somewhere? I think tap would be difficult to learn. You'll be tripping the light fantastic again in no time.
I'll place this link in my story today. Thanks for letting me know!
Great memories. Great story, Akelamula.
Great meme. Great story too!
I agree with RC. People think they can say what they like to kids sometimes and it doesn't matter, but it sooo does.
I love the name Madam Peach though, and Darling.
Miss E is at school with a little girl called 'Heavenly'.
Poor kid.
I'll vouch for that part about hearing something like that when you're a kid and it sticking with you for the rest of your life- when I was ten, my stepmother told me I could not sing. It has taken me most of my life to even open my mouth to sing anywhere where there are other people. And I have always loved to sing- but unkind words from just one person convinced me that I don't want anyone to hear me. So, I make a lot of jokes about crows and canaries...
What a wonderful story. I love the names, too!
I really think you should get this on video for us :)
oh i love dancing too! and i love watching people dance. i learnt waltz and tango before with my uncle for free. i even learnt jewish dance! it's good but now i can't find the time to practice. :(
Excellent post hun, go dance the night away x x x
Boys reach a certain age where they really like girls, but don't know how to approach them. Whenever I know a kid is reaching this age I give him one piece of advice: If you dance, they will come to you...
I used to dance with Lara Croft once a month.
Well she LOOKED just like Lara Croft...
Had a real snooty attitude, hotpants, two devil-horn plaits...
I never asked her to dance, just pushed through the crowds at the club and danced with her. And she did all that looking down stuff. You know, like models do.
Now my dancing days are over.
In fact, to extend a metaphor... yes of course I fell slap on my face ... you-know-what-I'm-talking-about...
As the saying goes: if at first you don't succeed...
Yes just one word can last a lifetime correspondent. :(
All dance teachers must be ancient topchamp! :)
I think dance is important too flowerpot - shame MWM has two left feet! I'll look forward to reading your dance story.
Oh yes Madame Peach was peachy Pauline. Get thinking on the dance stories.
I don't think I could teach you any tap now skittles, maybe a couple of line dances though eh?
Video of me tap dancing Mimi? I'm talking the year dot here, video's hadn't been invented!
Thanks Mike, where've you been I missed you?
I thought Darling was bad Jo but Heavenly - the poor child will be scarred for life!
Yes Cindy a child's memory is a very long one, especially when it comes to disparaging remarks!
Laney I've just explained, videos weren't invented when I was a child - I'm old, Methuselah was my twin brother! :)
How refreshing to find a 'young' man who can do proper dances instead of just headbanging and such. Well done Elween :)
Thanks Shaz, I'll dust off my dancing shoes. :)
You are so right Buffalodickdy a man who can dance grabs my attention every time! Can you dance then? ;)
I never got to have dance lessons; I was never deemed "girly" enough...like the comment you had that too has stayed with me. We've been learning about the "labels" we get given in Sociology...explains a lot! Line dancing always looks fun and I think I'd enjoy it...hope you get back to it soon now you're recovered.
Fancy being called Darling! I love to go to the ballet but i never went to dance class; I was the pony-mad type of little girl!
Labels are so bad Ruth, they can really mess you up. The good thing about line dancing is you don't need a partner - you dance alone but in a group if you know what I mean. I would go on my own if I had to. Find a class and give it a whirl it's great fun.
I've never been to the ballet but there's time yet CG :)
I've placed your peace globe in my post today. I hope you like it. I love your globe!
Wanna Play Catch?
In my next life I want to be the Aussie version of Fred Astaire. I CANNOT dance!!
Many thanks for your message!
I had a weird day today... I don't know... I never plan these things... they just happen. Why do they seem to happen to me more than anybody else? I can't tell.
I don't know sometimes, I really don't know!!
What about clog dancing? Lancashire's famous for that, I believe.
And for the more violent, there is that weirdly named martial art form called "purring" where two guys in clogs kick shite out of each other. Ouch! Not good for the knees.
what a wonderful story....red dancing shows...oh I am jealous...reminds me of Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz....and going to Manchester....that was around the area my mom grew up....I still have all my cousins over there....I have cousin's in Hyton, West Derby Merseyside,Whitby, Aughton,Southport, Carisle...all over...any of those places ring a bell for you? I am really hoping that hubby and I will be able to make it to England in the Spring as my last surviving Aunty will be 85 in the summer and I would just love to see her again.....cheers and thank you again for sharing such a wonderful story....
It's funny isn't it? A teacher told me that I was fat as a child, and I believed it, and still do, even though for the first six years of my life I was so thin everyone was worried about me. Then the same teacher - wrong job clearly - told me that I couldn't sing. Still believe that too. And we still all believe that education is a good thing?!!?!?
What a lovely post! I was entranced, from the mention of Bunty (I loved Bunty) through Madame Peach to the red shoes.
I even felt a bit sad when you had to leave Madame Peach behind!
Bunty! ah, those were the days.
great story Akelu.
I think Dumdad made that purring thing up.
Gleds you must have been posting the same time as I was replying! Your dancing days are definitely not over honey, just wait until you're well. x
Ah thanks Mimi, I'll be over to yours shortly. x
MWM can only dance with in a clinch with me David, so I can lead! :)
Clog dancing I've heard of Dumdad but not purring. Are you sure you didn't make it up. Of course Morris Dancing is popular 'oop north' as well but I've never done that either.
Of course I recognise all those place names Smalltown RN, in fact we visited Whitby just recently and were in Southport earlier on in the summer. If you get to England I hope we can arrange to meet up. :)
Some teachers have a lot to answer for don't they Sally?
I was sad to leave Madame Peach Pig, but the boys in the youth club more than made up for my disappointment! ;) You were a Bunty fan too!
And you were a Bunty fan Lettie I've never met anyone else who read it. :) I think you're right about Dumdad making the 'purring' thing up! ;)
That was awfully unkind of her. I love dance of all kinds. I fulfilled my physical education requirement in college by aking fencing (which is a dance-like sport, in my opinion) and five dance classes.
What a lovely story except for Miss Peach's comment. It is a wonder you were able to enjoy dancing after that. I was always a chubby kid and I took ballet lessons as well as both the girls. They even danced in a recital and grandma made them matching tutu's which they would dance around the house in.
Yes I thought she was unkind too cs.
You must have been so proud of your girls bankerchick. :)
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