I was reminded recently about something that happened where MWM and I were like - WOW is that Coincidence or Fate? Let me tell you what happened.
Well, as you may know from what I've written previously, I met MWM when I was fourteen and he was fifteen, only a couple of months after his Dad had died. It was a rough time for MWM and his Mum, but life goes on and they got on with theirs.
That summer MWM's Mum and Dad were due to go on a Mediterrranean cruise with some extended family, but of course now his Dad wouldn't be going. His Mum asked MWM if he would like to take his Dad's place on the cruise but MWM didn't want to leave me - we were inseparable - so he said thanks but no thanks and his Mum went with the family.
When MIL came back from the holiday she regailed MWM with tales of all the countries she'd visited and what she'd seen. MWM kept reminding me what he'd given up to stay with me and how that proved how much he loved me. Aaahhh.
In 2002 we were invited to join MWM's mother and stepfather on a Mediterranean Cruise on Thompson's Topaz cruise ship. We had a fabulous holiday calling in at numerous places and the entertainment aboard was very varied and superb . One afternoon MWM and FIL attended a talk given by the Captain. During this talk the Captain happened to mention that the Topaz had had various name changes over the years and was originally called The Empress of Britain - the very same boat that MWM had given up the chance to go on 37 years before! Well he couldn't wait to tell me and his Mum. After all these years he (and I) were doing the cruise on the very boat he'd given up for love.
Mum, of course, was really interested and was telling us how much the boat had changed over the years because obviously it had been refurbished a few times. She also happened to tell the Thompson cruise rep about the coincidence and a couple of days later we got a message to say the Captain was really interested and would we all like to go up to the bridge to discuss it. Of course we jumped at the chance and besides chatting to the Captain about the coincidence he gave us a tour of the bridge and lots of other information about the boat. He really wanted to know about Mum's memories of what the boat looked like back in the 1960's and when she said she had photographs of when the Topaz was The Empress of Britain he asked if she could possibly get copies and send them to him, which she did.
So, what do you think, was it coincidence or fate that decided MWM and I should finally take the cruise together that MWM had given up 37 years before to stay with me?
The Community Blog Award celebrates people who reach out and makes the blogger community a better one.
Not sure if this is breaking any rules but I'm going to do it anyway. As every blogger is a part of the Blogging Community I'd like all of you who comment here to take the award and proudly display it on your own blog - you all deserve it.
great story Ak and congrats on the award - thoroughly deserved!
My vote is definitely for fate. And congrats on the award. It's totally you!
I'd like to think it was fate. I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason.
It had to be fate. It's far too lovely a story for it not to be!
Congrats on the award!
Amazingly coincidental???? The Award idea is excellent. I always share mine with everybody I know and who have become blogging friends. I can never choose just a few...reminds me of being picked (or not) for the netball team! LOL!
I don't think anything is ever "just" coincidence. But, whatever it was, it sure was a neat story.
hmmmmm I don't know, coincidence or fate.....if they only had one cruise ship.....I would say it is definitely fate....
Regardless, whichever it was, it is romantic.....and wonderful.
Ohhh fate.
That's wonderful.
And that's so fab what you're doing with the award.
You are so lovely. :D
Definitely fate....YWM was destined to go on the boat but with the woman he loved..ahhhhh
P.S. Congrats on the award :o)
What's the old word? Kinsmet? Lifes' paths are interesting trails, they tend to make you wonder sometimes "what if?". Go or stay, left or right, yes instead of no, your answer had a bearing on where you are today....
I'm with Ruth:-) And congrats with the award sweetie! You so deserve it :-)
Fate, for sure! What a wonderful story :) And well done on another award honey!
Flowerpot, Correspondent, Orange Blossom, Miss U, Sally, Mrs. Nesbitt, Cindy, Nea, Jo, Ruth, Buffalodickdy, Bella and CG
It would seem that everyone agrees it was FATE! I think so too.
Don't forget to pick up that Community Blogger Award all of you and display it on your sidebar. xx
I'd say fate...either that or with the chances of this happening, you should go buy a lottery ticket!
I buy a lottery ticket every week MOI but I never win! :(
I'm way late weighing in on this one but I wanted to throw my 2 cents worth in anyway ... I think it was definitely fate as I'm not so sure I believe in coincidence. Some things are just meant to happen and I think that is just so cool that you ended up on the very same ship that your MWM was supposed to sail on so many years before. There are so many ships out there and yet you got that very ship - how cool is that??
Those were my thoughts entirely Linda. You'll agree even more when I tell you that MWM and I split up when I was 15 and didn't see each other for 8 YEARS then met up again and have been together ever since!
Its a sign :)
It was meant to be....
LOL I think you're right Marmie x
You have so many lovely stories. It must have been very special to look back and reflect. It sounded like a fun time with family.
Fate for sure! I too love your great stories, and I am catching up!
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