Who was your best childhood friend?
Here what David would like you to do if you want to join in:
Please answer today's question on your own blog, any time until next weekend. Please link to this blog (or to this post) just so I can follow the progress of the discussion.
My best childhood friend was called Susan. We were inseperable from the age of four when we went through nursery, primary and junior school together. We frequently went to each other's house for tea and spent all the school holidays together. We lost touch when we went to different Senior schools at the age of eleven. I wish I could meet up with her again to find out how her life has turned out and whether she has any children and grandchildren. I loved Susan so much I called my dolly after her.
This picture is of us in class at around 6 years old.

Now the memory has been stirred I think I may try to find her on Friend's Reunited.
Now just when you thought the awards had all been given out Bella (The (mad) Household of La Bellina Mammina) has graciously awarded me another one! Thank you Bella you make me smile too. x

The You Make Me Smile Award
In the words of the creator:
"The thing that I love most about blogging is that I learn so much about a person just by reading their blog. I have met MANY wonderful people with wonderful stories to tell, and I am grateful every day for each person that I have the pleasure of crossing paths in life with. I wanted to create something special for the top ten people who have inspired me through their blogging; the stories they tell, and the lives that they lead with grace and dignity. I visit their blogs for inspiration and encouragement".
Apparently one has to pass it on to ten people in alphabetical order so here goes.....
Jenny (Blog This!)
Tisha (Crazy Working Mom)
Elween (Diamond Drops Mansion)
Flowerpot (Flowerpot Days)
Empress Bee (Muffin53)
Buffalodickdy (Opinions & Rectums We All Got One)
Pig (Pig In The Kitchen)
Ciara (Ramblings & Whatnot)
Go visit them and let them make you smile too.
Thank You so much Sweety, I am happy I can make you smile!!! If us bloggers could ever meet we would have such a good time getting to know each other and so many laughs! Thank you so much for thinking me for the award! huggs!
What a lovely story about Susan and congrats on your award. you always make ME smile too!
why thank you honey! what a perfectly lovely thing to do!
smiles, bee
I saw this over at David's and thought about doing it but the problem is that I was a military brat and we moved all over the place when I was a kid. My best friends were spread out between Arizona, Florida, New Mexico, New Hampshire, Connecticut, etc. It would make for quite the long post if I could even remember all of those friends!
Well, aren't you just a sweetie?!
Thanks a bunch, doll!
Have a great week.
I have my award up!
i am awarded by Akelamalu! "Ah!!!"...what a great honour. thank you so much and i will definitely post it in my blog! thank you so so much! :)
You were so cute! ;-)
Congrats sweetie!
Hi Akelamalu,
What a poignant post. It's a much smaller world now and I'm sure you'll be able to track her down.
Wow, what a great post that would be!
Will visit much more regularly when I've completed this novel.....
thank you so much Ak - you've made my day!
Another award? Wow! LoL.
Great story about Susan. You really should look her up :)
Great picture and it sounds like it brought back great memories.
Congrats on your award!
.... thinking about childhood friends I am lost for words!....
oh how i wish the photo is a little bigger. it's unclear. :(
Thanks again for an award! Once again, I must tell you I don't know how to post them!Any directions you could share?
Oh we certainly would have a lot to smile about if we all met up Catch :)
Aw thanks CG.
You're so welcome Bee.x
You must have made so many friends Linda travelling about, I bet they all remember you. x
No probs crazy working mom you're welcome. :)
Elween you deserve the award my friend. :)
Aw thanks Bella, what a lovely thing to say.
Thanks David, if I find Susan I'll be sure to post about it.
I'm happy to have made your day Flowerpot xx
I'm seriously considering looking Susan up Miss U , when I get a minute!
Yes it did bring back great memories Correspondent. :)
I hope they are good memories Gledwood?
I'm afraid I can't make the photo any bigger Elween unfortunately. :(
You're welcome Buffalodickdy. If you email me (through my profile) I'll try to help you upload the awards.
Another congratulations, Akelamalu! You make a lot of people smile.
Cute school picture of you and your friend Susan. I hope you can find her again.
Thank you Julia. I will probably start searching when I get a minute :)
Yay. Congrats on the blog bling. :D
Cheers Jo x
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