
Friday 24 May 2013

Friday 55 Flash Fiction #218 Urgent.....

Jumping in the car he sped off.

Time was of the essence, Helen needed him.

He'd always been a careful driver but urgency made him reckless.

Oblivious of the red light, he heard the siren.

"Have you been drinking Sir?  Breathe into the machine please".

He'd forgotten about his liquid lunch, until the policeman spoke.

Friday 55 Flash Fiction is brought to you by G-man (Mr Knowitall). The idea is you write a story in exactly 55 words. If you want to take part pop over and let G-man know when you've posted your 55.


Cloudia said...

such a tight little vignette, dear.
You have a real talent for them!

ALOHA from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
~ > < } } ( ° > <3

Commander Zaius said...

Nicely done! Never tried to drive under the influence but I have seen people get into a rush just like you described. And the cops nailed them to the wall.

anthonynorth said...

Ah, those liquid lunches. nice one.

MorningAJ said...

Oh dear. No excuse, I'm afraid.....
Great 55 words.

Brian Miller said...

but they wont be forgetting it for some time to come i imagine...thats gonna sting...

katie eggeman said...

Oops! A smoothie would have been the better liquid lunch. Very concise and well done.

Anonymous said...

One for the road?

Valerie said...

Oh dear. Now I'm wondering if Helen forgave him :O)

Akelamalu said...

Why thankyou Cloudia x

I have never driven under the influence eithe rBeach but I have seen many that do. Big mistake!

Liquid lunches are fine as long as one doesn't drive after them eh Anthony?

I agree AJ.

Yes indeed Brian.

A smoothie would definitely have been better with hindsight BankerChick. Thanks. x

In this case yes Dumdad ;)

I doubt it Valerie!

Akelamalu said...
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G-Man said...

You mean In Great Britain you guys CAN'T drink a bit then drive?
We do it all the time!!
Loved your Imbibed 55
Thanks for playing, I sure have missed you
Have a Kick Ass Week-End

Maggie May said...

So easy to do but not if you don't drink at all when you drive!
Maggie x

Nuts in May

Ron said...

"He'd forgotten about his liquid lunch, until the policeman spoke."


Awesome one, m'dear! As usual!

Have a lovely weekend!


Maude Lynn said...


Akelamalu said...

Only within a certain limit G-man, then you get nicked and quite rightly. ;)

Easy yes but wrong eh Maggie?

Cheers Ron x

Yep Mama Zen ;)

Secret Agent Woman said...

Oops! But he had that coming.

Maria said...

You have a real talent for this, Akelemalu!

Flowerpot said...

excellent, as ever, Ak!

Daryl said...

cleverly done

i dont drink, i am a bore, i am always the designated driver or walker depending on how we got there ;)

Gledwood said...


Do you watch that thing called Road Wars on Pick TV. It's not about roads per se, it's about the police.

They're always busting innocent people for being over the limit!

(I mean innocent as in "otherwise innocent and not murderers"... (except you could construe drink-driving as negligent to the point of near-murder... know what I mean...?)

Dianne said...

can't forget your liquid lunch no matter who needs you
well done

Gledwood said...

Hey you're old enough to remember how things used to be and I'm only 41 but there were at least 2 occasions, in my teens, when family members either did or allowed me to be driven in cars where the driver was patently drunk ~ I mean drunk enough to be straying over the whtie line in the middle of the road. The second time the driver could barely drive straight at all. What I mean is, people really did NOT take drunk driving anything like as seriously as it is taken today... know what I mean..?

Was it you I started getting into an online discussion with about LOWERING the drinkdrive limit in this country..?

I really don't think it should be lowered. ALL that would achieve would be to criminalize a lot of otherwise innocent and totally unintentional citizens. Far as I know being mildly intoxicated and within the current limit is NOT dangerous... I heard that one drink (either 1 or 2 alcoholic units, I can't specifically remember) actually IMPROVED reaction times etc in drivers. And I've heard that more than once! Of course nowadays something as politically incorrect as that is swept as quietly under the rug as possible but it wouldn't surprise me at all if that is STILL true...

(But you know how it is, scientific or not: SEEK AND YE SHALL FIND. Whatever result they're after, a brainy enough scientist can achieve it!!)

Anyway I hope you're OK. I was just dropping in to say hi basically. I was a bit of a bag of nerves last week. Or a basket case. Depending how you wanna see it... Feeling FAR FAR BETTER today! +++ I'm off the nasty H stuff and I'm totally intending that this time it should be FOR GOOD ;-)

tony said...

It's Enough To Drive You To Drink !:)

Vanessa Victoria Kilmer said...

Aw, the poor guy. Good story.

Flash 55 - prick lee

G-Man said...

Are you on Holiday?

Other Mary said...

Dang, I hate it when that happens.

Flowerpot said...

award for you over at my place Ak!