
Sunday 3 March 2013


In my last post I told you how I had just discovered a Christmas gift from my lovely neighbour and friend, Bernadette.    She telephoned me last Saturday to ask if I could pop over (her house is right opposite mine) for a few minutes, which I did, only to find her half in and half out of bed and unable to get herself into bed properly because of her health issues.    I helped her back into bed and made sure she had everything she needed and showed her my newly manicured nails, thanking her once again for the gift voucher.

The following day we went out and didn't get back until 7 ish,  We had only been home about an hour when Bernadette's daughter called to tell us her Mum had been taken into hospital, as she really wasn't very well, and asked if we would take care of her house (close the blinds at night and open them in the morning) whilst she was in hospital.   Imagine our shock the following morning when I found a note pushed through our letterbox saying Bernadette had passed away in the early hours.

Bernadette was a very strong woman who had been living on borrowed time for the last five years.  In fact 5 years ago, after a three week stay in hospital, she was sent home and given two weeks to live, that will give you some indication of just how strong she was.

Tuesday will find us paying our last respects to Bernadette at her funeral,

We will miss you Bernadette. RIP. xxxx


katie eggeman said...

How sad, she certainly must have had a strong will, to beat the odds for such a long time. I am sure you will miss her. Good neighbors are such a rarity now days.

Winifred said...

That's so sad. Sounds like she was a lovely lady, you'll miss her a lot.

Anupama K. Mazumder said...

May her soul rest in peace. Convey our condolences to her daughter and rest of the family.

Ron said...

Oh my, I am so sorry to hear this news, Pearl. Your lovely friend Bernadette sounded like such a special soul.

You and her family and friends will be in my thoughts and prayers on Tuesday.

X you, m'dear....

((((((( You )))))))

RIP Bernadette..x

Valerie said...

Oh Pearl, when you said you were going to a funeral on Tuesday I couldn't have guessed it was your friend who had passed away. She left kind thoughts and memories as well as a gift voucher. May she rest in peace. You will be in my thoughts on Tuesday.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

so sorry honey...

hugs, bee

Maggie May said...

That is very sad. I'm glad that she did get to see your nails. She did well to defy all the odds.
Maggie x

Nuts in May

Akelamalu said...

Bernadette was a very strong woman BankerChick and a good friend. You are right good neighbours are hard to find.

She was one of a kind Winnifred

Thankyou, I will Anupama x

She was indeed special Ron, thankyou m'deario. xx

Akelamalu said...

She has left us with some great memories Valerie :)

Thanks Beexx

I'm glad she got to see my nails Maggie and I had the chance to tell her how much I enjoyed her gift to me. She did really well to last so long with what was wrong with her.

MorningAJ said...

I'm so sorry. There's nothing I can say.

Finding Pam said...

I am sorry for the loss of your friend. It's wonderful that she did see your manicure. I know she is at rest in heaven.

Japolina said...

So sorry for your loss. :(

Travis Cody said...

Oh my. I'm so sorry.

Cloudia said...

Joining you,
Good neighbor, in saluting your dear Bernadette. Hugs & aloha Sis

Secret Agent Woman said...

I'm sorry about your friend, that really is sad.

Pippa said...

I am so sorry. She sounds like a lovely person. How blessed you are to have had her in your life.

Jenny Woolf said...

What a wonderful sounding lady and I am glad you got to have the gift voucher before she died.

Daryl said...

oh that is sad, i hope she passed peacefully in her sleep .. may she rest in peace .. i am so glad you found her gift, used it and were able to let her know ... hugs to you my friend

CrystalChick said...

So sorry to hear this sad news. I'm sure you'll miss her quite a lot. She must have really wanted those 5 years to hang on against the odds. May she now rest in peace.

Shrinky said...

Oh Sweetie, I am so very sorry. Isn't it an odd coincidence you actually wrote your last post about that gift she gave to you at Christmas? It is awful to lose a friend, but it must also be a small comfort that you were able to help her on that last time round. (Hugs)

Akelamalu said...

Thanks AJ x

I was thankful she got to see her last gift to me Pam

Thankyou Japolina, Travis & Tony xxx

Thankyou Cloudia, SAW and Pippa xxx

I am pleased I found the gift voucher before she passed away, she was a little upset that I may have lost it Jenny

She did pass peacefully, thank goodness Daryl and thankfully she was quite lucid the last time I saw her to show her the manicure.

Yes she certainly clung on for those five years, definitely not ready to go CrystalChick, she was a very strong woman for her age.

You know that thought crossed my mind too Shrinky because when I wrote it Bernadette didn't seem too poorly really.

Lorraine said...

How terribly sad Pearl. I am so sorry to hear this. What a brave strong woman. Strength and love to you all for Tuesday xxx

snowelf said...

Oh heart totally goes out to you and your friend's family. It is so sad. I hope you are able to find comfort in your good memories of her. huge hugs and much love to you Akelamalu.


Commander Zaius said...

She was obviously a rare and special lady.

Sorry, I would have commented earlier but this post slipped by me.

Unknown said...

How sad. Lovely Neighbours are a blessing. I hope you are not too sad, I still miss our lovely neighbour.

Anonymous said...

Goodness, life is so incredibly short and very, very precious. God bless.

CJ x

Akelamalu said...

She was indeed a very brave, strong woman Lorraine, thankyou. x

Thankyou Snow xx

She was Beach, and no apology needed m'deario. xx

Nice neighbours seem rare these days Carol, she will be greatly missed.

You're so right CJ x

Mimi Lenox said...

I am so very sorry to hear this, Akelamalu my friend. You were a good friend to her. She was fortunate to have you in her life and you were blessed by her presence on her.
She sounds like a strong and wonderful person.


Akelamalu said...

She was a very strong woman Mimi and a good friend. x