
Monday, 12 November 2012

Succinctly Yours - A Microfiction Meme #66

Grandma at Grandma's Goulash provides a picture and a word prompt for this Microfiction Meme and the rules are use the photo as inspiration for a story of 140 characters OR 140 words.

Want more challenge? Use the word of the week in your story. This part is optional.

This week's word is AMPHIBIAN here's the picture and my offering, using the picture and word of the week  in 140 characters, including spaces and punctuation
s the picture and my offering, using the picture and word of the week  in 140 characters, including spaces and punctuation.

People thought he'd dropped something but he was practicing his frog impersonation

 in readiness for when the amphibians take over the world.


Valerie said...

Great micro, Pearl. Let's hope frogs don't invade in the near future!

Jenny Woolf said...

Witty! :)

Daryl said...

its raining toads ... no, its not ... how fun and how clever

MorningAJ said...

Ribbit! I'm practising too.

Akelamalu said...

It's a scary thought Valerie! ;)

Thanks Jenny :)

Oh God forbid that should happen Daryl!

Good idea AJ LOL

anthonynorth said...

Now that's serious collaboration :-)
Nice one.

Ron said...

" in readiness for when the amphibians take over the world."


You ROCK, m'dear! GREAT one as usual!

Clever, clever, clever!

Happy Monday.....X

Commander Zaius said...

Amphibians taking over the world?!

I'm still not ready for the zombie apocalypse.

Great writing!

Secret Agent Woman said...

Next, he needs to practice that in the water!

Jim said...

LOL ~~ He has something there, Pearl. Perhaps we all should be in readiness for the invasion?

Lorraine said...

David Icke springs to mind with this one :)

Akelamalu said...

Thanks Anthony :)

Cheers Ron x

I don't which would be worse Beach!

Ah yes, that would be a good idea SAW!

Maybe Jim! ;)

It could be him Lorraine! ;)

Dianne said...

this is one of my favorites
and that's saying a lot since I love all you write
I'm gonna chuckle all day

Pat said...

He certainly does look like he's in a frog position. He might even be voted Supreme Ruler of the new frog-saturated world. Good one!

Akelamalu said...

Aw thankyou Dianne you're very kind. xx

I think he is hoping for supreme position in the new Amphibigovernment Pat LOL

Grandma's Goulash said...

Good one! He looks as if he'll be more than ready!