
Friday 11 November 2011

Friday 55 Flash Fiction #179 Remembrance..

It was a long time ago,

his memory wasn’t what it once was.

He couldn't remember the name of the comrade
who had fallen at his side on the battlefield in WWII.

He would always honour his memory though,

by buying a poppy

and wearing it with pride

On 11th November, Remembrance Day.

Will you?

Friday 55 Flash Fiction is brought to you by G-man (Mr Knowitall). The idea is you write a story in exactly 55 words. If you want to take part pop over and let G-man know when you've posted your 55.


Cloudia said...

Nicely done my ally and sister!

Aloha from Honolulu

Comfort Spiral

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Jenny Woolf said...

This is a good bit of flash fiction, what flash fiction should be, thought provoking and we make up our own "background story" to flesh your words out.

Commander Zaius said...

Great stuff!

Going to have a quiet Veterans day myself.

Valerie said...

An apt reminder, Pearl.

Melanie said...

What a wonderful post!!

Dianne said...

well done

Brian Miller said...

this is a beautiful post of rememberance...great 55...

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

yes i will, always!

hugs, bee

G-Man said...

God bless all Veterans...
Loved your VD 55 Ake...:P:P
Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End

anthonynorth said...

Excellent, timely words.

Akelamalu said...

Thankyou Cloudia x

Glad you liked it Jenny and welcome. :)

Do your own thing Beach, thanks hon.

I'm sure you didn't need reminding Valerie

Why thankyou Melanie :)

Thanks Dianne x

Cheers Brian

Thankyou Daryl x

I knew you would Bee x

I'm pleased you liked it G-man x

Thankyou kindly Anthony :)

Ron said...

LOVELY post, m'dear!

And PERFECT Flash 55 for this day!

Bless all our Veterans!

Thank you for sharing!

Have a wonderful weekend....X

katie eggeman said...

Sweet post, I will remember. Mr Bankerchick always comes home with a poppy.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

a remarkable 55.

Bubba said...

I timely reminder in 55 words.

Akelamalu said...

Thankyou Ron, glad you liked it.

Good old Mr. Bankerchick and you hon. x

Why thankyou Cello Strings and welcome.

Thanks Eric :)

Gledwood said...

I'M AFRAID I was fast asleep when the Silence was called but I was there in spirit (and at least I was being quiet!)

Akelamalu said...

Good for you Gleds :)

tony said...

I Will!!

Maude Lynn said...


A Lady's Life said...

Poppies are a great way to remember soldiers as a sign of gratitude respect and bravery.

Linda said...

Nicely done as always and perfect for the day.