
Monday, 13 September 2010

Microfiction Monday # 19

Susan at Stony River hosts this fun theme each Monday, so do pop over and read the others who have signed Mr. Linky. The rules are thus:

Every Monday Susan will post a picture for the subject of your story. Microfiction means the shortest of short stories. Think Aesop's fables, comic strips, or even jokes: complete stories that can be told in under a minute. For this game, the limit is a tweetable 140 characters or fewer, including punctuation and spaces.

Here's today's picture and my contribution.

Doris, I think I stood in some dog poo getting here.

Can I borrow your black gloves to clean my shoes when Dad’s finished taking the photo?


Charlene Amsden said...

Ewwww! Yuk!

Shrinky said...

Now you come to mention it, she does rather look to have a bad smell up her nose, doesn't she? (giggle)

Deborah said...

eeew ...hehe

anthonynorth said...

I hope she got a suitable reply :-)

jabblog said...

That rings true! I can only imagine Doris' response . . .

Valerie said...

What, and ruin the black gloves...
Gosh that picture takes me back, the clothes, the hats, and yes, the gloves.

Ellie Garratt said...

Yuck! LOL. Too funny!

p.s. I’m running a competition this week and holding a blogfest in November. If you get time, pop along and have a look.

Akelamalu said...

I know Quilly sorry :(

That's what I thought Shrinky :)

Aw sorry Deborah, did I gross you out?

We can only imagine Doris's reply Anthony ;)

I think maybe the reply was two words Jabblog ;)

There was a time when a lady wouldn't have been seen dead without her gloves Valerie ;)

I'm happy it made you smile Ellie :)

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i love this photo!!! and of course your writing!

smiles, bee

MorningAJ said...

Oh gross! Why do "poo" jokes make me laugh? Excellent tale.

Dumdad said...

Poo jokes never fail...

Anonymous said...

LOL...too funny but clever thinking on her part :) Well done my friend :)

Ron said...


Knowing my sense of humor, you know how much I thoroughly enjoyed this!

You are soooo clever, m'dear!

Thanks for the great Monday morning laugh!


BeccA's Buzz said...

Dog poo, nice.... LOL

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Standing in Dog Poo, How dignified Ladies were back then. I laughed at this. Nice

Peggy said...

The front lawn can be a battlefield full of land mines.
Good story Akela.

Akelamalu said...

Thanks Bee :)

I don't know Morning AJ, but they always make me laugh too!

You're right Dumdad ;)

Cheers Thom x

I know you love toilet humour Ron, glad you enjoyed this.

Terrible isn't it Becca? ;)

Standing in dog poo mortified ladies back then Bill. ;)

Yes it can Peggy and it's all down to those stray dogs. ;)

Casdok said...

Oh you do make me laugh!!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Doris complied with her sister's strange request? LOL.
Good one this week. Cheers!

clean and crazy said...

hey that's what sisters are for!! who else could you make such a request too?!?

Pat said...

Yours was the 29th MFM entry I read and I laughed the most at it...really funny! Thanks for the laugh. This week's was particularly full of funny captions.

Diane said...

hahahahaha!!! :O)

hope said...

Now that sounds like something a brother would say!

KB said...

LOL! Maybe that explains the smell I referred to in my MM. Love it.

Akelamalu said...

I'm pleased about that Casdok :)

I doubt it Sylviamorice LOL

I can't see her complying though can you Clean&Crazy? LOL

You're right Hope this weeks have been particularly funny. Glad you enjoyed this.

Nice to hear you laughing Diane :)

Yes it does Hope ;)

Having just read your KB, I think you may be right!

You liked it Trav - thankyou. x

Flowerpot said...

smelly too!

Susan at Stony River said...

Somebody's about to get beaten with a handbag -- LOL! I liked this, maybe too much!