
Friday, 24 September 2010

Friday 55 Flash Fiction #134 The Spoils..

The terrified driver watched powerlessly as they drove off with his truck.

In the garage they unloaded the boxes of 'Marlboro' cigarettes.

"We'll make a packet from this lot" said the boss gloatingly.

"Er, I don't think so boss, look at this" said one of the highjackers.

"the boxes are full of cardboard advertisements, sorry!"

Friday 55 Flash Fiction is brought to you by G-man (Mr Knowitall). The idea is you write a story in exactly 55 words. If you want to take part pop over and let G-man know when you've posted your 55.


A Daft Scots Lass said...

Nice one! :-)

MorningAJ said...

It's a shame that all cigarette packets aren't like that! It would have saved me a fortune before I finally had enough willpower to stop by myself.

Valerie said...

As it should be...grins

mrsnesbitt said...

being brought up surrounded by smokers I never wanted to smoke - I once aged 8 took part in a "dare" but fortunately the wrong end was lit and the small fire put me off for life! lol!

Great build up - as ever!

Denise x

Shrinky said...

Serves 'em right, too!

Anonymous said...

LOL couldn't happen to nicer people. Love it and well done. :) Happy Friday. :)

tony said...

all Done With Smoke&Mirrors !Nice One Ake!

Dianne said...

oh no! you can't smoke cardboard!! ;)

Brian Miller said...

haha. serves them right...nice 55.

Dumdad said...

Nice one again!

anthonynorth said...

Well and truly stumped, they were :-)

Akelamalu said...

Cheers Scots Lass :)

You and me both Morning AJ!

Definitely Valerie ;)

My parents smoked too Mrs. N. and I succumbed too, but thankfully I gave up 12 years ago.

Quite right Shrinky

I agree Thom :)

LOL possibly Tony

No you can't Dianne - shame for them. ;)

Yes it does Brian :)

Thanks Dumdad :)

Indeed they were Anthony

snowelf said...

haha! Suckers!!!
Crime never pays. And in this case, it really doesn't pay! :)

Happy weekend!


secret agent woman said...

Instant Karma!

Linda said...

Very instant karma!

Monkey Man said...

Karma's a bitch sometimes. Nice 55.

Spiky Zora Jones said...

akelamalu: hehehe. ha...and again it turns out that CRIME does not pay. hehehe. :0)

have a gab weekend babe. xxx

G-Man said...

Pearlie Mae...
You crack me up!
Loved your 55 My Friend
Thanks for always making me smile.
Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End...G

Anonymous said...

Flash fiction means 500 words to me. It takes a mean bit of skill to encapsulate a story into 55. I must try it out.

Nice to see you again, Akelemalu!

Akelamalu said...

You're so right, crime doesn't pay certainly in this case snowelf :)

Karma, Karma, Karma, you got it SAW, Linda and Monkeyman!

No it doesn't Spiky LOL

I'm always happy to make you smile G-man ;)

Oh yes, do give it a go greatttt

hope said...

That'll teach 'em!

Gledwood said...


Gledwood said...

Hey doncha remember the good old days of fag-advertising..? JPS "short, black and sides"... Silk Cut (cutting purple silk)... and my favourite: Benson and Hedges, all the letters running out of a golden tap.
I always thought the appeal of B&H was to the poorer classes. That glamorous packet was pretty much the only gold they owned...

Charlene Amsden said...

Serves them right!

John (@bookdreamer) said...

oops My 140 Hope your week goes well

Akelamalu said...

Hopefully Hope!

You could be right about the gold packet Gleds

Indeed it does Quilly ;)

Thanks John