
Monday, 5 July 2010

Microfiction Monday #10

Susan at Stony River hosts this fun theme each Monday, so do pop over and read the others who have signed Mr. Linky. The rules are thus:

Every Monday Susan will post a picture for the subject of your story. Microfiction means the shortest of short stories. Think Aesop's fables, comic strips, or even jokes: complete stories that can be told in under a minute. For this game, the limit is a tweetable 140 characters or fewer, including punctuation and spaces.

Here's today's picture and my contribution.

“Look at that view, it’s spectacular” said Josie . “It’s so exciting, are you texting your Mum?”

“Yeah, how do you spell vertigo?” asked Amy


mrsnesbitt said...

Oh hilarious! I must give it a go one week - right now I am macro mondaying!

anthonynorth said...

Oh dear, time to get the lift :-)
Enjoyed that.

Ellie Garratt said...

Vertigo - I know that feeling! Really enjoyed this one.

Have a wonderful week x

Julia Phillips Smith said...

LOL - at least she's heard of the word, even if she can't spell it. There's hope for the young ones yet.

Unknown said...

Good job. I had darker thoughts when I viewed the pic.

Peggy said...

I feel her pain. I get a little vertigo myself on occasion.
Loved your take!

Flowerpot said...

for a vertigo sufferer I loved this!

MorningAJ said...

Amy has my sympathy. I'm surrounded by people who think vertigo gets better with practice!
Great take on the photo.

Valerie said...

I wondered what was coming ... and you didn't disappoint.

Grumpy Old Ken said...

Crikey, I'm 70 and I never stop learning. the beauty of blogging!

Pat said...

Mine has vetigo in it, too. We think alike.

Very clever take on this week's MM!

Ron said...


Great one, Akelamalu!

You always amaze me at how you can think of such clever scenario's to each weekly picture!

Have a great day, m'dear!


Akelamalu said...

OH yes, do join in Mrs N, especially now you do 55s. :)

Glad you enjoyed it Anthony :)

Thanks Ellie. Having suffered from vertigo myself I know the feeling too. :(

LOL yes you're right Julia

It could have gone either way Nick but I chose the lighter side. :)

Me too Peggy :0

Glad you liked it Flowerpot :)

I know it doesn't Morning AJ

So happy you weren't disappointed Valerie :)

Yes there's always something new in Blogland Ken :)

Ah, you know what they say about great minds Pat! LOL

Cheers Ron so pleased you enjoyed it. xx

aims said...


Anonymous said...

LOL...too funny. Very well done my friend. We were just up there and it's a beautiful site :) Have a great week ahead :)

buffalodick said...

I fell off a picnic table bench on the 4th- vertigo I guess.... :)

Gledwood said...


Gledwood said...

or better still:


Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Not a good place to be if one is scared of heights. I wonder if Amy ever saw the Movie.

secret agent woman said...

As long as there is a barrier between me and the drop, I don't mind it!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

yes, vertigo!

smiles, bee

Charlene Amsden said...

I have beren there and done that! I was 11 and eating an ice cream when I walked out on that deck and got horribly sick. They helped me leave. :(

Anonymous said...

I'm sure her mom loved to hear from her regardless of the message! Great take on the photo this week!

Donnetta said...

Hello, "A:" I like that! I may have to give it a try. Sounds like fun. Hope you have been doing well. We've been moving for the last 3 months and still not completely settled in. Whew. D

Akelamalu said...

Ah it made you smile Aims :)

Did you take photos Thom?? Show me, show me.

Vertigo Buff or vino collapso?? LOL

You're smiling Gleds? :)

Maybe she was remembering the movie Bill ;)

I can cope with being high up as long as I'm inside SAW but outside I'm terrified!

You too Bee?

Oh what a shame Quilly :(

I think you're right sylviamorice :)

Great to see you back Donnetta and do have a go at this next Monday, I know you'll do it well. :)

Smalltown RN said...

ah the simplicity of the young....surrounded by such beauty and yet the here and now of technology grabs them....well done!

katie eggeman said...

I must say I saw this same picture everywhere I went this past weekend. Youngsters are missing what is all around them.

Gledwood said...

Fish oil? No but I get through cans and cans of sardines... why do you ask? Have you been reading my German blog???

ps are you having trouble with your comments whereby it e.g. tells you you have 2, then you click and have about 5 more, answer them, look again then see ones by other people that appeared before your answer but after the lastt comments and it looks like you're rudely ignoring them..?

Gledwood said...

Fish oil? No but I get through cans and cans of sardines... why do you ask? Have you been reading my German blog???

ps are you having trouble with your comments whereby it e.g. tells you you have 2, then you click and have about 5 more, answer them, look again then see ones by other people that appeared before your answer but after the lastt comments and it looks like you're rudely ignoring them..?

Gledwood said...

Fish oil? No but I get through cans and cans of sardines... why do you ask? Have you been reading my German blog???

ps are you having trouble with your comments whereby it e.g. tells you you have 2, then you click and have about 5 more, answer them, look again then see ones by other people that appeared before your answer but after the lastt comments and it looks like you're rudely ignoring them..?

Akelamalu said...

Yes you're so right RN, they only seem interested in technology these days don't they?

As I just said to RN, they do indeed Bankerchick :(

Apparently fish oil is very good for the brain and you seem to be doing a lot of thinking lately Gleds! ;) Sardines would do the same job methinks. :) I think everyone is having that problem with comments at the moment. BTW do you know you posted your comment 3 times?

Deb said...

Hmm...odd. I am positive I left a comment yesterday ~ the heat must be getting to me! My husband and I went to the top of the Space Needle in Seattle ~ and he experienced major vertigo ~ thankfully I did not ! Clever writing once again, my dear blogging friend !

Spiky Zora Jones said...

akelamalu: ah ha...hahahaha. I love it.

I love your humor. : )

Maggie May said...

That just about sums up the younger people. LOL!
(Always texting & not noticing the views (not usually the vertigo!)
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Travis Cody said...

I never knew I had trouble with heights until I stood on the observation deck of the Empire State building. Yikes!

Gledwood said...

I've written a pop song!
Please come and tell what you think...!


Linda said...

I spell it "D-i-z-z-y"!

Great story as always!

Akelamalu said...

Blogger probably ate it Deb :) Thanks hon. x

Thankyou muchly Spiky x

You're right Maggie :)

What a place to find out Trav! :0

I will Gleds :)

Haha good one Linda :)

ninotaziz said...

Breathless - just so like teenagers...