
Friday 2 May 2008

Friday 55 Flash Fiction # 25 Suspicion


He’s acting strange, he’s up to something, June thought
That telephone call, they hung up when I answered…..

He’s bought a new shirt and there’s money missing from the account…..

I bet it’s that trollop from the pub, I’ll watch her on Saturday when we go in.

The pub’s busy tonight…….


Happy Birthday June!

Friday 55 Flash Fiction is brought to you by G-man (Mr Knowitall). The object of the game is to write a story using exactly 55 words. If you want to take part pop over and let G-man know when you've posted your 55.


Pam said...

bravo! another job well done, ake. i really do love your 55s. xo

Mine is up as well.

G-Man said...

I just LOVE the word trollop!!
Great 55!! You always play so very well my dear, have a Super Week-End!!!

buffalodick said...

Nice twist! I only seem to get in trouble when I try do the right thing....

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

awww, i'm always so glad when there is a happy ending...

smiles, bee

James Goodman said...

lol, excellent twist to a great 55, Akelamalu. :D

I have mine posted as well...

Akelamalu said...

Thanks Ciara, I loved yours too. :)

I love the word trollop too g-man so descriptive isn't it? :)

LOL poor Buff xx

I prefer happy endings too Bee :)

Cheers James, I'll be over shortly to read yours.

Cha Cha said...

Wow, the birthday theme just works in so many ways, LOVE IT.

And the trollop from the hot.

Can she come to my birthday party?

Shrinky said...

Okay, I'm confused, I think I'll need to track back a bit to find out what all this is about.. tho' it was fun to read on it's own (grin)

smarmoofus said...

Oh, oops! *giggles* This is great. Talk about feeling sheepish for the suspicion.


Dianne said...

your 55s are so delicious

I find myself scrolling down slowly, wondering what the surprise ending will be

today the surprise was a surprise!

you're so good at this.

Laura Jane Williams said...

Personally, I am very glad that that one had a happy ending!

Mona said...

LOL! That is s good one!

I wish there was a remedy for the disease called 'suspicion; !

jillie said...

What a catchy 55!!! It had my curiosity going!

Thanks for stopping by ;o)) and have a GREAT wknd!

Donnetta said...

Neat, neat ending! This one was fun!

Ron said...

Just stopped by for my Friday 55 Flash Fix!


Another clever creation!

I don't know how you do it?!?!

And of KNOW how I feel about surprise parties!!!!

Enjoy your weekend, dear lady!

Travis Cody said...

Another nice twist...and a warning not to jump to conclusions!

bindhiya said...

I love those surprises :))

Have a great weekend!

Sweetie, please post the award...
♥ & ((hugs))

Odat said...

Great one, again!!!!
I finally got back to doing this..

Akelamalu said...

LOL If I knew who the trollop was I'd give you her number Strumpet! :)

I've put an explanation of what 55 fiction is now Shrinky thanks for prompting me. You have to write a story in exactly 55 words.

Oh yes Smarmoofus you would feel rotten for thinking the worse wouldn't you? ;)

You're very kind Dianne, I'm so glad you enjoy them. x

I like happy endings too GIMx

Suspicion can be a terrible thing Mona without a doubt.

Thanks for dropping by Jillie, I'm glad you enjoyed your visit. :)

Cheers Donnetta x

LOL I thought of you when I wrote it Ron it would be your (and mine) worst nightmare wouldn't it?

Definitely shouldn't jump to conclusions Trav, dangerous thing to do. ;)

Thankyou Bindi, I will be posting my award on my next post I promise. xx

I'm so glad you got back to it Odat, I've missed yours. x

Jo Beaufoix said...

Hee hee, surprise.

Akelamalu said...

I'm glad you liked it Jo x