
Sunday 13 January 2008

Are your manners better than this chimp's?.....

Brighton College has introduced a compulsory etiquette course for its pupils covering such topics as when to remove one's jacket at dinner, which fork to use when and how to waltz.

But how's your grasp of modern manners?

They have done an online test here , have a go, it's interesting, and let me know how you scored.

Here's the first question

1.Which is the most polite way to drink a cappuccino? Should you skim the froth off with a spoon, or avoid completely the use of the spoon?

a)Drink through the froth
b)Use the spoon

Thankfully my score entitles me to use a knife and fork and didn't restrict me to a finger buffet, so I do have some manners.


Dumdad (The Other Side Of Paris) has passed this award on to me

Isn't that kind? Thanks Dumdad.

I have been instructed to: “Give the award to up to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel so happy about being part of the blogging community! Let them know by posting a comment on their blog so that they can pass it on.”

As every single blogger who reads my drivel and comments here 'MAKES MY DAY' I can't choose between you, so the first ten people who comment please take the award with my thanks for keep coming back.


As you know my New Year's Resolution was to lose weight and get fit. You may/may not have noticed the new button I've added to my sidebar, just below my profile - this is where I will be tracking my weight loss - if anyone is interested.


buffalodick said...

I got seven out of 10! Not as bad as I feared!

MarmiteToasty said...

Me, well, I blow the froth off me coffee onto whoever is sitting opposite me LMFAO.......

Manners of a pig I av ;)

YOU SO DESERVE THE AWARD you also make my day.... ok ok enuff with the mush, Ive a well ard reputation to uphold ;)

Going over to take the test to prove Im a pig LOL


Lo Kelween said...

am i the third to comment? oh yes, i am collecting my award now!!!! :)

well, i will take the test later, quite busy right now, sounds fun :)

RUTH said...

It's a knife and fork for me too. Saves all that silver cleaning so that's good. Loved the last question about the dog...LOL
Congrats on your award and on the 3lb loss!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

congratulations on the three pounds! it is hard, i sure know...

smiles, bee

Linda said...

I managed to score a respectable 7 out of 10. I obviously have never been a to a formal dinner as that was where I seemed to have my problems. A fish fork indeed! Whoever heard of such a thing!

Oh, by the way, I found those three pounds you lost if you'd ever like to have them back! ;-)

CG said...

LOL, I scored 7 out of ten, I got my fish fork wrong too!

Flowerpot said...

well done on the weight loss Ak - keep going!

Pam said...

good job on weight loss, ake...i, too, am trying to declutter the body as i say.

wow, i've always knew you had manners and it's ok for you to come to my finger food buffet :)

Pam said...

p.s. i'm gonna take the test n report bk in a bit lol

Akelamalu said...

You've been brought up right then Buffalo! :)

LOL you're a one Marmie! I hope you took the award too.

Yes please take the award Elween you do 'make my day' :)

I liked the one about the dog too Ruth. I'm really trying with the diet so thanks. x

Thanks Bee, it's not easy for sure!

I knew you had manners Linda. You can chuck the 3lbs in the trash thanks. x

You need to eat more fish CG LOL

Thanks Flowerpot, I've made a good start in just a week so it will spur me on. :)

Oh good luck on the body declutter Ciara we should compare notes. x

You can all take the award as you are in the first 10 to comment and you all sooo deserve it. xx

david mcmahon said...

I'll try and ape the monkey's manners!!

Little Wing said...

I got 9 out of ten!!!!
Fun little quiz!
Good luck with the weight loss, it really isn't easy!

Pam said...

7 out of 10 here...would've been 8 out of 10 if i hadn't read one question wrong...and fish fork? does anyone really use a fish fork? lol

Travis Cody said...

I got 7 out of 10.

Misty DawnS said...

I certainly surprised myself with a score of 9 out of 10!!!

Anonymous said...

I certainly hope I have better manners than the chimp. But looking at the first question, I'm already lost. Oh dear!

Smalltown RN said...

Well 6/ mum would be so disappointed in me....good luck with the weight loss....I had noticed your littled widget on the sidebar...nice...I will think of you when I go for my run tomorrow...

Elaine Denning said...

I got 7 out of ten.

I'm trying to lose a few pounds too. Good luck with yours!

Anonymous said...

ok after the test...i only score 4 out of 10,argh,

Heather said...

knives and forks for me! heheh

Akelamalu said...

LOL I'm sure your manners are impeccable David! You can take the award too you're the 10th person to comment and you do make my day! :)

Oh you must be royalty Little Wing to get 9/10. It's not easy losing weight but I'm really trying. x

You mean you don't have fish forks Ciara? ((wink))

Well you're in good company Travis :)

9/10? Are you related to Little Wing Misty? ((wink))

I'm sure you have Tot's mom. :)

I won't tell anyone about your score RN. Thanks for the encouragement on the weight loss. x

7/10 seems to be the norm MissU good luck on your diet too. xx

Just the finger buffet for you then Elween xx

Join the club Heather :)

Cindy said...

Guess it's monkey see, monkey do for me. Fish fork?

Dayngr said...

Surfed over and had a great time going back in time with "Bread" and "Dr Hook". Great selections. Nice blog!

Anonymous said...

I'd be sacked if I didn't get ten out of ten.
But I didn't because I's the Bossman, Akela.

Joy0z said...

Hi..I'm back!as always,I got interesting reading here.Ciao!vote me again please...:)

CS said...

First, congratulations! (See how good my manners are?)

Secondly, that was an odd quiz. I have never had a cappucino and am not entirely sure what Ascot is (aside from the pouffy tie men affected in the '70's). The primary purpose of etiquette is putting others at their ease. It is NOT maintaining outdated rules and looking down on others who aren't sure that you start with the outermost utensil. I actually did know that one, but so what? And which glass is most likely to contain water? Why, I'm guessing it's the one with the colorless liquid! In my book, good manners involve things like responding to invitations, thanking others, helping others out, not calling attention to others' flub-ups. The rest is fluff.

Joy0z said...

I'm back..just wanna greet Have a nice day! please care to vote one more time.:)

Akelamalu said...

You don't need a fish fork with a finger buffet Cindy ((wink))

Thanks for taking the time to comment dayngr, glad you like the music. :)

Ah bossman only needs to delegate Cream! LOL

Hi Joy nice to see you back.

You've never had a cappuccino cs? You're missing something special! Ascot is a British Racecourse - very posh cos the Queen goes there! As to the rest it was just a bit of fun - absolutely nothing to do with real manners.

Ron said...

Congratulations on yet another much deserved award, my friend!!!

I think you need to start another blog JUST for the awards!!!

Hey...I'll take the manners test...but if I fail...I'll BURP!

Akelamalu said...

LOL thanks Ron I bet you pass with flying colours! :)

Mother of Invention said...

Good start on weight loss! I'm stuck with 9 llbs to lose and can't budge it!

Akelamalu said...

Thanks Moi. You've reached the plateau eh? It's a bummer aint it! Keep going you'll get there I'm sure. x

Neoma said...

I congratulate you.....losing weight is a hard thing to do as we get older. I know that I could lose some also. But it isn't likely to happen, haha

Akelamalu said...

Thanks Nea, I am determined so hopefully it will work. :)