Yes they turned up.
It was pouring down whilst they were working and they did try to hose the house down when they'd finished, but there was brick dust stuck to everything, including them. Anyway, about two hours after they'd gone the sun came out and MWM got the hosepipe out again and cleaned everything up.
Now we just have to clear the loft ready to have it insulated too. I'm glad I'm laid up so I can't do it, though youngest son is coming this evening to give MWM some help with it. I bet they find remnants of the Ark up there. I wonder if we'll need a skip?
Onto a totally unrelated subject, I found this blog recently - Bathrooms of the World . I don't know why but it fascinated me. Take a look, you'll want to totally transform your bathroom when you see some of the photographs. There again, there are some that are just holes in the floor! If you have ever taken a photograph of a toilet anywhere in the world you can email it to this blog and have it included. Thinks - I must make sure I have my camera with me when I'm suffering from Delhi Belly on holiday!

MWM has just bought a new gadget. Youngest son calls him Inspector Gadget! I think it's a video come DVD recorder thingy, but it also allows him to copy old video tapes onto DVD. So for the past two days he's been copying the video from 1981 of us on the Generation Game and a feature film he made of one of our holidays onto DVD. It's kept him quiet and happy! If you want a copy of either of our highly prized DVDs, at a very nominal charge + postage, just let me know.
My knee
Wednesday 9th May 2007
A bit stronger today.
Ok you have me hooked on the Bathroom Blog.
Mmmm,I think I've seen the G.G video, or was that a past life?
No,no, just had a flash-back, yes definitely see it.
If you start taking a camera to the loo with you, your going on your own!!!!
Very interesting bathroom thingy!!
IM gonna check out the bathroom blog. SOunds interesting. Sometimes I hate having anything done to the house b/c of the mess it makes, we want to get new carpet in the bedrooms but cant stand the thoughts of moving all the stuff! LoL
Compelling viewing isn't it?!
Yes you have seen it but now you can have your very own copy!!! :)
You know you want one!
Different aint it?
I hate the mess and upheaval of changing things in the house - which is why we don't do it very often. :(
i had no idea anyone but me took photos of bathrooms! i just went there and emailed a few! hope your knee is better honey!
smiles, bee
Oooh I'll look out for you photos on bathrooms now! Knee's not too bad thanks.
Never have I enjoyed toilet humour so much! ;0)
Will have to go and spend a penny there;)
You know what looks great!
I hope you don't find any dead bodies or scary stuff in the loft! :D
I love toilet humour too!
They're in the midst of clearing out the loft as I type. MWM is not pleased because he's just found a parasol for the garden and we bought a new one last Wedneday!! Ooops.
Interesting bathroom stuff and I'm impressed now I know you are famous! The Generation Game?! Well!
Glad to hear the knee is getting stronger! :o)
Hey, Akelemalu! Really glad you got your walls done - I know it'll make a difference (cooler in the summer, and warmer in the winter). I never got my attic done at the same time, even though they offered, because I've got so much clutter up there, and I wouldn't have a clue what to do with it all! :-)
I'll have to check out the toilet humour another day... the laptop's already crashed once here, and I'm sending this before it does it again!
(Down, but not beaten :-S )
I'm so glad our cursor's got fixed ;)
I used to have a crush on Brucie.
Sad, I know, lol.
oh you should be thankful coz i'd to go through three weeks of "vibration" when our neighbour were renovating their house! :)
My TV appearance wasn't that impressive!
I know what you mean about clutter!!
I wish you could get your computer sorted. Sending good vibes!
early bird
Me too, I missed my butterfly when it disappeared.:(
miss u
Really? I liked Jim Davidson when he did GG, I like 'em cheeky!
Don't think I could stand weeks of it, thank goodness I don't have to. :)
what's with the smiley urinal in amsterdam?? Weird!
la bellina mammina
Mmmmm I thought that too!
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