Mimi (Mimi Writes) invited all Peace Globe Bloggers to post a Peace Globe today - Here's mine

Julia (A Piece of My Mind) awarded me this Spirit of Christmas award. According to Santa's Community Blog, where this originated, "this award is for those who talk about and show the spirit of Christmas in their blogs.
This is what she said about me and she's not wrong I am a Christmas freak!
Akelamalu posted her childhood Christmas memories on November 19th. Already in Christmas mode like a true Christmas Freak. Just have a look at her sidebar decorations if you don't believe me. She also held two Christmas Carol Quizzes which I missed because of everything going on with my gram. But being the stop-and-smell-the-roses person, I fret not over it. I just enjoyed seeing the answers and realized I would have been stumped!
Now I am supposed to pass it on to five other bloggers now but it's difficult to choose, so, I award it to whichever of the first five people who comment on this post have some sort of Christmas decoration on their blog.

have a wonderful christmas ak with your family!
Have a wonderful and peaceful Christmas my friend.....all the best to you and your family.
Beautiful! :)
Harry is a keeper.
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Love your Christmassy site and especially the tree which I can't make work on my site!!!
Have a lovely Christmas and an even better 2008
Congratulations and Merry christmas!!!
I wish you a good and merry Christmas with your Partner, friends or family, and I showed some Christmas "decoration & wishes'... you have already visited my blog,
thanks for being sunch a good blogvisiter,
Christmas greetings from JoAnn
Merry Christmas to you and yours, Akelamalu! Thanks for being such a sweet blogger this past year! Hugs.
Rats! Missed it by 2- as far as the Christmas spirit award.
Oh well, I know I have it....and, you can tell by my blog too.
Can't do the sidebard thing as well as you though.
thanks for visiting and
HAPPY CHRISTMAS! (as you say across the pond)
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
May you be blessed with Peace and Joy.
It's been fun meeting you in the blogosphere and long may it continue.
Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année!
Akelamalu- Happy Christmas!!! Enjoy the holidaze!
nice one
happy christmas, akelamalu! happy christmas to your family, too. :) god bless!
merry christmas!
smiles, bee
Merry Christmas to you and your's.
Merry Christmas my friend.
It is a beautiful globe indeed.
I hope Santa brings you everything you wished for and then some!
Mele Kalikimaka, to my favorite Hawaiian and her family. I finally put up a tree on one of my posts, up to today I was a Bah Humbug groupie!
Hello Love,
Have a fab Christmas! See you after the festivities - will look forward to the updates.
Wishing you a peaceful, joyous Christmas. I love your peace globe.
HAPPY CRIMBO (((((ake)))))) I consider finding a precious gift the day I tumbled through the door of your blob...... may your crimbo be filled with love and family and special friends..... love and cherish all that is in front of you...... fank you for everything and for being YOU......
much love from my mob to yours :)
Congratulations on your well-deserved Christmas Blogging Spirit Award. It's clear to everyone just how much you enjoy this holiday! I hope your Christmas celebrations are filled with joy and fellowship and 2008 brings peace and good will to all.
Hugs and blessings,
Well deserved indeed. Compliments of the season from me and mine to you and yours.
This is my calling card or link"Whittereronautism"which takes you straight to my new blog.
Merry Christmas my dear friend!!!!
(((BIG HUG))) from your little friend in Colorado!!!!
Thanks so much for stopping by!!!!
Diana Joy
May you have a Joyous & Merry Christmas, Akelamalu!
May peace and plenty be the first to lift the latch on your door, and happiness be guided to your home by the candle of Christmas. (A Celtic Blessing)
Merry Christmas! Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!
Hey howzit going? I hope you're having a great one!
I'm at Mother Hubbard's house. It's about 2.30 on Xmas Day afternoon. Everyone else is down the pub so I'm sneakin' on the computer while I have the chance. We aren't having dinner for a couple of hours and I have actually drunk less today than on some "normal" days haha!
All the best!
Merry Christmas!! I hope you enjoyed your holiday!!
much love,
--snow and the chilis :)
Flowerpot, Smalltown rn, Crazy working mom,Rosneath, cg, JoAnn, Dan, Gewels, Anndi, dumdad, Palm Springs Savant, kmf, acey, Bee, Charles, Mimi, Bankerchick, Topchamp, Carver, Marmie, Storyteller, Maddy, Diana Joy, Nick, Buffalo, Gleds,Snowelf & CS - thank you all for your good wishes.
It's been my absolute pleasure getting to know each and every one of you. x
Hey! Just stopping by to say hope everything about Christmas was merry for you and your family and friends. Love to you from me.
Thanks Julia and the same to you. x
Merry Christmas Akela, and Harry is so cute. Hope he had a fab day.
Hope you had a wonderful holiday!
Harry and all the little Akelamalus had a fab day Jo, thanks honey. x
I did Travis, I hope you did too. :0
Belated holiday wishes to you and your family, too, akela.
I hope it was everything you wanted it to be. And more.
Aw thanks Correspondent, it was. x
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