Christmas Cheer
“I thought I’d make mince pies and Christmas cake” said Mother

“You know I don’t like all that stuff” Father complained “It’s stodgy and I need to lose weight."

"I’ll have fruit instead.”

“Don’t be such an old misery, it’s traditional at this time of year ,

Anyway, you’re Father Christmas, you’re supposed to enjoy it.”

Good one, you got me with this one!
Good one babe, fun isn't it?
That got me!
Anyone who starts or stays on a diet during December isn't human...
Cute 55!
A very festive 55! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas my you and yours all the very best!!!
Thanks Little Wing :)
Yes it is Queenie. x
Ho, Ho, Ho Dumddad. :)
I agree Buffalo, I'm starting my diet on 2nd Jan (again!) :)
Merry Christmas to you too Pauline x
And the same to you smalltown rn, hope you have a wonderful time. x
a fantastic seasonal 55... I love the way you've transformed your blog... very cheering
hope you and yours all have a wonderful wonderful Christmas
lotsa luv ann xxxxx
That was great!!!!!
Lovely to see you back Ann, I've just read your happy news! :)
Thanks Sophia, I'm glad you liked it. :)
O the obligations of being Father Christmas! He must eat BECAUSE he is Santa poor thing! LOL! :)
Great 55 Akelamalu!
You're getting better every week!
i love how you've been having all the christmas themes. you've been doing well since you started 55's. queenie keeps telling me i should try it, but i'm too intimidated lol
Can you imagine a 'thin' Santa Mona? It just wouldn't be right would it? :(
I'm happy you liked it. :)
Why thank you Miss U, I take that as a real compliment from someone who can write! :0
Oh I'm glad you've enjoyed them Ciara, I have to say I really enjoy doing them and it's become quite an addiction! You should try it really I think you'd be really good. x
Akela you are so good at these. And Santa needs a little bit of padding to keep him warm and give him a soft landing when he comes down that chimney. :D
Aww, that was sweet! I did not expect the Santa ending!
Ooooh... I have my headphones on. Great music! I'm starting to get into the spirit, I think. I think my Christmas spirit is due to you! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee! I will wrap all these gifts I've been collecting the last few weeks today. *keeps your page open to keep the feeling going*
(Thanks for the visit and the lovely compliment!)
I love This 55!!!
I love Mince Pie!!!
Great Job!!
Have a happy Holiday!!
I think that I identify with Father this year.
Nice job of writing.
so, if I get a red suit I can eat!?!?!?!
Cheers Jo, and you're right Santa definitely needs padding! :)
You liked the twist - great! Glad you like the music, get those presents wrapped now whilst you're in the mood smarmoofus :)
Happy Holiday to you too g-man and thanks. x
Me too Nick! Glad you liked my 55.
Yep airplanejayne! :)
:) just smiling, as I always do over here......
missed you........oxo
I knew Santa was coming, but I didn't see him coming there.
Good to see you Marmie - I miss you too. xx
Fooled ya Charles! LOL
I want to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May the Light of Christmas shine in your hearts and your home.
HA! Santa eating fruit? No way!
Joyous Yule!
Merry Christmas my friend! Thanks for being out there in 2007. I have very much enjoyed our interactions! Hugs.
I wish you really could eat like that year-round and have it be okay. Bring on the CHristmas cookies!
hope you have a great christmas, lamalu.
Thankyou Mary, and the same to you.x
You're right Travis LOL :)
I've enjoyed it too Dan, and I'm looking forward to more in 2008! :)
Oh, so do I cs but I'd look like a barage baloon, come to think of it I'm not far short! :(
I hope you do too Lettie x
Have yourself a wonderful Christmas Akela.
I'll try my hardest Cream ;)
Hope your Christmas is wonderful too. xx
Are they Marks and Spencer mince pies with the stars on ... look like it!
ps i agree with u about the mixed wards... only foreigners disagreed!
Too funny!!! Merry Christmas....
Heh heh heh...Merry Christmas to you and yours. :)
that's quite an interesting one! :)
merry Christmas to and a happy New Year to you :)
I don't know who's mince pies they are Gleds, just got the image of google! :)
Merry Christmas to you too dabooklady, thanks for stopping by. :)
HO HO HO, Merry Christmas to you too Crazy Working Mom x
I hope you have a Merry Christmas too Elween x
I love Christmas cakes and cookies but all year round! Fruit just doesn't cut it for me! My worst time is now since I'm diabetic...I still have treats and then have to take a lot more insulin!
Thanks for your visits! I still have no new computer so am on much less.
Have the Merriest Christmas ever!
Oh it's a shame you have to watch the cookie intake MOI, but as long as you manage some!
I hope Santa brings you a new computer.
Merry Christmas to you to. :)
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