What was the best Christmas present you ever received?
If you would like to join in here’s what David would like you to do:
Please answer today's question on your own blog, any time until next weekend. Just link to this blog (or to this post) so I can follow the progress of the discussion.
Well this is an easy one to answer for me.
MWM and I celebrated our Silver Wedding Anniversary in December 1999 which coincided with the Millenium, so to celebrate in style we decided to combine Christmas presents and spend Christmas 1999 in Sri Lanka and New Year's Eve in the Maldives.
We arrived in Sri Lanka two days before Christmas so had time to get settled before the festivities started.

We had a lovely room on the ground floor just a short walk from the bar. Here's MWM just on his way back with a drink for us as I take it easy on the patio!

I also got to ride an elephant on the beach but unfortunately I can't find the photograph. Here's one of the beach though!
Here's me sitting on the bench you can see in the last picture. All the white in the bottom of the photograph is the sand! I've used a cut down version of this photograph for my blog banner.
New Year's Eve was a big party night as you can imagine and close to midnight we were invited to follow the band down to the jetty where fireworks had been arranged
Click on photos to enlarge
photographs copyright 2007

We had a lovely room on the ground floor just a short walk from the bar. Here's MWM just on his way back with a drink for us as I take it easy on the patio!
Father Christmas did the rounds on Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day the staff staged a Nativity play close to the pool.
It was a bit strange watching a Nativity play in the sunshine but we didn't complain!
We visited the elephant orphanage,
there was a new born there, you can just see it hiding underneath its mother.
And we followed them all down to the river for their daily bath.

I also got to ride an elephant on the beach but unfortunately I can't find the photograph. Here's one of the beach though!
Then it was time to fly to the Maldives. We stayed at a small island called Olivheli View. The islands are disappearing at a fast rate so it's probably not even there now!
Here's what he was looking at - me looking at the fish!
Here's me sitting on the bench you can see in the last picture. All the white in the bottom of the photograph is the sand! I've used a cut down version of this photograph for my blog banner.

They had set up two messages in fireworkds saying Goodbye 1999 and Happy New Millenium.
Before we knew it the time had come for us to journey home. All the time we were in the Maldives I scoured the horizon looking for Dolphins, but for all the tropical fish we saw whilst we were there, I never saw one dolphin. Well, not until we were on the speedboat heading for the airport at Male, when a school of dolphins swam alongside our boat for the 30 minute journey! My dream came true! It was a truly memorable holiday, one fit for the Millenium.
i want to take a nap on that lounge chair by the ocean! wow, how lovely!
smiles, bee
That sounds fabulous - if I was capable of writing in green, I would.
Best wishes
Please try my duplicate "loads like a dream" blog over "here."
That's what I did every day I was there Bee! :)
It was fabulous Maddy. I'm sorry I can't visit your blog, everytime I try it closes my computer down! :(
How wonderful! I bet you both had an amazing time.
Would you do it again? Not the same holiday of course, but go away for Christmas? Did it still feel like Christmas? I've often wondered what it would be like.
Wow -- that was some trip! I enjoyed living it vicariously through your fascinating post here. I'll consider the question, but I'm not sure I have a memorable Christmas to share.
Hugs and blessings,
I remember a certain photo being sent to me in England in the freeeeeezing cold, thanks for the reminder!!
It was a wise choice, sun/Elvis!!!!!
Wow! What a fabulous christmas present. My answer would pale in comparison.
Where is this holiday's holiday?
It was strange being away for Christmas Miss U, very different but nice. I think I could be persuaded to do it again, MWM would go like a shot. Did I tell you I call him Victor Meldrew or Scrooge?
I'm pleased you enjoyed the post Storyteller. :)
I just wanted you to see where we were Queenie ;)
It was a fabulous Christmas Present but it being our silver wedding anniversary made it special Gewels. This holiday's holiday is Kerb End, at home in other words!
What a wonderful Christmas present that trip must have been. It looks beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing.
Best Xmas prez I ever had?...
don't mean to sound like a miserable old grouch but probably
Lurvve the George Michael though
Oh how wonderfully romantic and fun...good for you for making your 25th somehting to remember and Christmas as well...I am going to have to dig deep for that one...but yes I think I would like to play along....I will post something tomorrow and let you know that it is up....
lovely silver wedding, akelamalu!
i guess i have missed the quiz..:(
anyway i finished my exam and is bakc now! miss your posts. :)
I've been to Sri Lanka on business. We didn't get to any beaches, but we did spend a weekend in the mountains and toured several tea plantations.
I couldn't say what my best ever Christmas present was, but last year my Lady gave me a pretty good one. She had a drawing of my grandmother's framed for me.
I went to Sri Lanka on business once (doesnt that sound grand!) and it ws the most incredible place I've ever visited.
I had to go look up Victor Meldrew, as it was the second reference I had seen about him. That was a show that I have not seen on Masterpiece theater here in the states. I love his licence plate P 155 ole.
Wow...looks like a wonderful dream vacation, Akelamalu!!! You always go to the most unique places.
My dream vacation??? You quessed it...anywhere theirs tons snow, a fireplace, and some hot chocolate with little marshmallows!
I'm a sick man...I know!
It was amazing Mary!
Shame you don't like Christmas Gleds, but at least you like my music! :)
I look forward to reading about your best Christmas present Smalltown RN. :0
Nice to see you back Elween. x
What a sweet present from your lady Travis :)
We thought so too Flowerpot :)
If ever you get to watch 'One Foot In The Grave' (Victor Meldrew) you really must Bankerchick it is the funniest thing ever!
It wouldn't do for us all to be the same though would it Ron? We'd never be holiday buddies though I like it HOT, HOT, HOT!
wow, a dream vacation! i wish santa will give me 1, too. hehe. those are pretty pics, akelamalu!
It certainly was Acey. :)
i love your racing reindeer up at the top!
I do too Lettie :)
Thankyou casdok and thanks for dropping by. :)
This sounds like the best gift to yourselves EVER.
If I didn't like you so very much my envy would be eating me alive!
It was a very special holiday celebrating our silver wedding anniversary, Christmas and the Millenium, three things which won't happen again, well except Christmas of course. :)
Love your new banner, Akelamalu! And your Christmas graphics on your sidebar are fantastic. The stocking is my favorite one.
That was a great post! I loved my virtual trip alongside you. It must have been such a special time. And that picture of you in the lounger on the beach is really, really good.
Note to self: Take more pictures of memorable moments.... That was quite a present you got! I'm sure the Nativity scene in the sun was more like the real one than the "The Three Wise Men In Snow Parkas" we see around here!
What an awesome post! It is obvious that you have a fabulous time - I am so happy for you that you had the chance to enjoy this! Wonderful.
Thanks Julia, the sunlounger photo is MWM's pride and joy (he likes to think he's a photographer). I'm quite pleased with my banner too.
That nativity scene was something special buffalo, it brought tears to my eyes but then it does wherever it is performed.
We certainly won't ever forget it Misty that's for sure! x
I really enjoyed your photos and hearing all about your holiday. that photo of you at the waters edge is so very glamourous! What wonderful memories!!
Sure looked like you had an awful lot of fun! That was some anniversary celebration. Hope the 50th is twice as wonderful when it rolls around!
What a great gift - and the photos are beautiful Akela!
That is probably the ONLY glamorous photograph of me ever cg!
If we're still here to celebrate our 50th that will definiely be a humdinger Cindy!
It was wasn't it Bella, glad you enjoyed the photos. x
Wow what a great present, don't think I could ever top that one....
Ah but you don't have to Nea, it's all about your bestest pressie.:)
Wow! Well that sure beats my Betsy-Wetsy doll! (And Thumbelina!)My thoughts go back to my childhood with simple presents like my stuffed pin pug pjama bag!
I wish I still had Floppy! I am forever looking for pj bags but they haven't made them in years. If I had $$$, I'd produce them.
And you'd probably make a fortune MOI! :)
What a wonderful way to celebrate your special anniversary!
It was Skittles x
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