Feed Me
I’m getting fatter, she thought

He keeps feeding us even though we’re not hungry.
He obviously loves us, he looks after us all so well.
Anyway the other girls eat everything he puts in front of them.
They’re all fat.

Gobble, gobble, gobble, how much longer is it to Christmas I wonder? thought the turkey.
Remember if you want to enter the Christmas Carols Quiz Part 2
Email your answers to me by Friday 14th December.
Been awhile since I'm the first one to comment;-)
cute pic of the turkey....
We ate turkey last month! My son that lives 700 miles away comes in for Christmas, and we tend to have all the home cooked specialties he's been craving!
Great 55, gobble gobble.
LOL! Such dark humor, Akelamalu - I love it!
very funny!
smiles, bee
as there are only two of us (3 this year) we never have turkey. Enjoy yours though!
You were quick off the mark there Bella!
Of course you did Buffalo for thanksgiving. I imagine you're really looking forward to Christmas as your son will be there. :)
Thanks Queenie.x
Oh cheers Julia. :)
Happy to have made you laugh Bee xx
We don't have a full turkey Flowerpot, I just buy a Turkey Breast.
I hear that Kangeroo is very popular in Aus - unlikely as that may seem.
This is my calling card or link"Whittereronautism"until blogger comments get themselves sorted out.
I've eaten Kangaroo Maddy, it has the texture of steak but tastes a bit like liver, in my opinion.
Mmmmmmm, turkey! I love the measuring tape image. It really does make you think of a weight obsession. Nice 55! (and thanks for the visit to mine at http://smarmoofus.com/?p=36 )
too funny. poor turkeys, just not a good time of year for them
dark, dark, dark, is good.
But I like white meat better!
I wish we were having turkey. my hubbie wants piglet. sob.
Poor turkey.......now, where's the sage and onion?
It all just seems so cruel! ;-)
Nice fantastic december blog , yes I eat oo much too, You too?
I red on a blog that you lost your (black)dog 10 years ago, how sorry for you, I know so because I have a dog too, I must not think about it though, Its my first dog, I posted some pic's of her on thursday thsi week...
I posted again some Paris Pics in case you are interested, just visit my blog and look:)I wish you a good weekend
Greetings JoAnn:)
Here from snowelf's blog, great 55!!!!!
MMMMMMMMM.......white turkey breast!!!!!!!
Here from snowelf's blog, great 55!!!!!
MMMMMMMMM.......white turkey breast!!!!!!!
I'm pleased you enjoyed it marmoofus, thanks for dropping by. :)
Oh yes poor turkeys, they must dread Christmas Lime, :)Thanks for stopping by. :)
Me too airplanejane, thanks for stopping by. )
I like turkey too Cathy but I could go with a piglet too. Nice to see you. x
You're wicked Pauline >LOL
I know but we have to eat don't we Linda? :(
I'll come take a look at your doggie photos soon JoAnn, I miss mine so much. :(
Hi Little wing, and welcome. I'm pleased you like my effort, thanks for taking the time to read and comment. :)
Thank you so much for your kind words on my blog. You are a marvelous writer, and a very creative and fun person.You My Dear are always welcome at the G-Man's place...xox
HAHAHAHA!!! That is so cute!!
Have a great weekend!!
Why thank you G-man, and of course you are always welcome here. x
Thanks snowelf, I'm please you enjoyed it. I hope you have a good weekend too. :)
Our turkey is already lounging in the freezer...
Poor Turkey!
This Christmas the cat and I are eating ham.
Poor pig!
Somehow over the last few years, our traditional Christmas dinner has become lasagna. So all turkey's are safe from the Cody clan this season.
Ah - poor thing. I'll be eating her or one of her pals...
poor old turkeys
Really funny! You had me wondering.
I haven't got mine yet Cindy, it's next on my 'to do' list. :)
We have Ham too Nick, and pork - poor turkey and pig! :)
Lasagne for Christmas dinner Travis? - that's different but why not!
Don't like to think of them running around though do you Topchamp? :(
I say that every year Lettie, but I still eat them! :(
Thanks Cream, I'm please you enjoyed it. :)
Great 55!!!!
poor old turkeys...we have chicken :)
Cheers Mike :)
Poor old chickens cg :)
On the money again, Akela!
Thankyou Dumdad. x
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