Here's my Christmas tree. It's an artificial tree, packed away every year before the 6th January and relegated to the loft for another year until Christmas comes around again. We used to have a real tree but no matter how many times we hoovered the carpet we couldn't get rid of the pine needles so we bought the fake one.
I remember our first Christmas in our own home I was so looking forward to choosing our very own tree and the decorations for it. We didn't have much money so the decorations were mostly home made garlands, some cheap baubles and a little fairy sitting on the top. The Fairy was actually a little doll with a cherub face, gold cardboard skirt and wings and a gold tinsel halo. She was a pretty little thing and enjoyed surveying our home from her vantage point as our family enjoyed the festivities. She saw our children grow up and saw us grow old. As the years went by we collected new baubles and tinsel but the fairy remained the same. Every year she came out of her box still looking just as pretty, never ageing, taking her rightful place on top of the tree.
The year arrived when it was time to change. We bought the new 6ft artificial tree, new lights, expensive baubles and beads, so we needed a figurehead for the top of the tree - we found The Angel. The Angel is a beautiful lady with white feather wings, pretty white and gold dress and an ermine edged cape with a hood. How could you make the poor Fairy redundant after all those years of loyal service I hear you say. Ah well, she was getting on in years and we decided it was time for her to retire, I must say I felt guilty, but the The Angel is doing a wonderful job.
What sort of tree do you have? Are your tree decorations old or new and do any of your decorations have sentimental value?
Remember if you want to enter the Christmas Carols Quiz Part 2 Email your answers to me by Friday 14th December.
we have a very small artificial tree because himself gets upset about killing trees at Christmas. It also has to e small enough to put on a table well out of reach of the animals!
We have a small artificial one. It's always a tropical, albeit rainy X'mas here in Singapore and I put the tree up for the boys. This year though, we're not putting up the tree as we will be celebrating Xmas in the States with GAP's parents and they'll have a real tree.
We have also gotten an artificial tree- about 10 ft. tall- much to my dismay. I only agreed to go artificial one year if my husband promised that we would have a real tree every other year. He tends to break his promises. And now that tree has stood in our home the past 4 years now.
I'll be decorating it tonight and will post photos soon.
And I love my ornagments! I'm a babuble hound.
You know more about my Christmas trees by now than I do! I may buy another small artifical one this year- every other year we host Christmas for the family, and this isn't the year...
We have always had a real tree...used to be Scotch Pine but now we always get a Balsam Fir given to us asnd they are beautiful, full and fragrant. They don't lose many needles.
I have newer but Victorian decs of cranberry,gold,and ivory bows and baubles with just tiny white lights.
I love trees of any kind though. The lights make it!
We got an artificial tree some years ago. I hated throwing away the live trees every year! Our first Christmas we like you could only afford very cheap baubles but I have gradually replaced them year by year with beautiful things that mean a lot. i don't go for themed trees myself.
when i was younger, we always had a real tree. then my son's 1st christmas my parents got an artificial tree (i was single mom living at home). we had that tree for years...then when my ex and i married we decided on an artificial tree because our first daughter was nearing a year old and walking already. you know how inquisitive children get lol first two yrs here, we had a real tree, because steve had always had that w his ex, and for his kid, but last yr we decided on an artificial. the cost of real trees is ridiculous and no cleaning up pine needles, no worrying about if it has enough water, no worrying if the tree is so dry that it's going to catch fire lol now you gave me an idea for a post tonight....
Having both is presumably overkill?
Best wishes
This is my calling card or link"Whittereronautism"until blogger comments get themselves sorted out.
Looks like a great tree! When we got married, my wife's parents gave her all of the ornaments they bought for her to put on our tree. Each year now, we buy an ornament for our daughter and one for our family.
Take care!
Ah yes Flowerpot trees are a magnet for animals!
Oh you'll have a fabulous Christmas in the States I bet Bella, and it saves you putting up the tree! :)
You could always just go out and get a real tree Gewels - surprise him! ;)
You confused me with your stories about your trees Buffalo - don't start again! ((wink))
You are so right about lights making the tree MOI. One of these years I'm going to just dress the tree in lights!
I still have some of the very first baubles we ever had cg, they don't go on the tree but I can't bear to part with them.
Artificial trees are definitely less trouble to look after Ciara and at least the children and animals won't eat them! BTW we received your card this morning thankyou, I hope you received ours. x
Most of my ornaments hold sentimental value, either because of where they came from or what they represent for me.
Your tree is beautiful, my friend, and I truly enjoyed your story.
it is beautiful honey...
smiles, bee
Thank you so much Misty and Bee xx
You have both Maddy? No, not overkill it just means you like Christmas! :)
What a lovely tradition Josh! :)
I finally gave in and went to artifical tree too. I like it so much better than the real. Your tree is very pretty. Stop by and see mine (it is on an older post).
It was hard making the transition from big live tree to big artificial tree to small fiber optic tree but that's what has happened over the years due to space constraints and getting too busy and too old to really enjoy decorating the house anymore. Maybe when I'm older I'll start transitioning back the other way once I have more time!
I love the story of your tree toppers!
Bloody hell that's an enormous fairy. Any bigger and she'll bend the tree !!
George Michael keeps breaking up! I think it's bc I'm listening in a cybercaffe.
Have a look at my Victoria Wood clip if you want a laugh! You've probably seen it b4, it's that classic Lets Do It one from the 1980s
p.s. i forgot to say that your tree is lovely...i like how you have a 'gold' theme...your welcome for the christmas card. i haven't received yours yet, but soon i'm sure :)
ehm ehm, christmas tree for christmas. any gifts for me under the tree lol just kidding :)
AH.....what a beautiful tree. I love the elegant colors.
Oh, Akelamalu...what a beautiful, heart-warming story you share!
I know how you felt about the fairy...I'd of felt the same way!
When I was a kid...my mother had this little "pixie" ornament. And when I wasn't looking, she would secretively move it around the tree branches...telling me that the "pixie" moved on it's own - it was so much damn fun!
Eventually, the "pixie" retired too!
Your tree looks BEAUTIFUL!!!
(and the Angel does too)
Have a wonderful day,
P.S. Hey...maybe your fairy and my pixie are together somewhere in heaven!
Beautiful tree!
We have artificial trees and some of the ornaments were Mom and Dad's, and every year, my Chicklet gets a new ornament. We bought a new star for a new tree this year, but we'll end up with two trees (no doubling up on the presents though!)
Lovely tree....we go out into the woods and cut one down...this year it will grandpa and I cutting and hauling as hubby has surgery tomorrow on his shoulder....one of our trees was about 13 feet tall...it was amazing....I don't think I will that big this year...but I love the wildness and the shape of the trees in the woods. I am hoping that maybe on Sunday we will get it.....
Very nice tree! My tree is also artificial.
I have not been able to go to artificial simply because no one here would let me. But to say the truth, I love the smell of a real tree, so we still buy a real tree.
My decorations date back to 1950. And a few new each year, but i still put on all the old, including everything that the kids made in school, all the ornaments that my Aunt Judy made. She made one each year for me till the year she passed away. I have about 19 ornaments that are the most precious.
I use the same topper each year, but someday I might get a new one, who knows. haha
Your Angel is lovely, you did keep the old ornament though, didn't you, for posterity?
such a cool site...
Beautiful tree, Akela.
This year: Two potted trees to plant in the garden after Christmas.
We've had a small fake one for the past two or three years but we're thinking, and Libby's insisting, on a real one this year. A lot of our ornaments are things the kids made throughout their school years. Our tree is never picture perfect, but then, who says it has to be?
Thanks for dropping by Sondra and for the compliment on my tree. I popped by yours - your tree is beautiful. :)
I found it hard to give up a real tree too Linda and who knows maybe I'll go back to on when MWM's too old to get in the loft to get down the artificial one! :)
She's an angel not a fairy Gleds - can't you tell the difference? ;) I'll be over later - I love Victoria Wood!
Thanks Ciara. I posted your card ages ago, I hope it hasn't got lost! :(
I'll take a look Elween...... errrmmmm.....No sorry! ;)
Cheers Mimi x
What a lovely story about the pixie Ron that must have been so magical for you. I couldn't think of a nicer place for my fairy to be than with your pixie. x
What a lovely idea buying a new ornament every year for your little one, that's a lovely tradition Anndi. I also have a small fibre optic tree in the dining room and one in the hall but I don't decorate those.
A fresh tree from the woods - now I'd love to do that smalltown rn but we don't have any woods and even if we did someone wood probably complain! :(
Thanks Nick, I bet yours looks lovely too. :)
How lovely Nea that you have saved all your ornaments for so long - so sentimental! Our old fairy was passed on to my youngest son to sit on their tree.
Hello Joycdan thanks for dropping by, I'm pleased you like my little blog. :)
Ah thanks Cream and what a lovely idea to plant them in your garden - it will be Christmas all year round!
A tree doesn't have to be perfect Cindy it just has to have character and I'm sure your does. :)
Hi Akelamalu,
That is so sad just getting rid of your fairy just like that, I hope there is a nice retirement home for unwanted fairies to go to. They could all sit round the fire and tell stories, along the line of 'I remember when.....'
Just a thought
Cheers Mark
Now you've gone and done it Mark, you've made me feel guilty! ;)
Ah - I love the putting up of the tree bit of christmas.
I get a real one because I live with a bloke who manages a garden centre.. (discount!)
LOL that's a great reason to have a real tree Topchamp! :)
We have a small artificial one this year filled to bursting with a mixture of old, new and homemade decorations. It would never win a design award but we love it.
I also have a 6' tall artificial tree. I like character ornaments and always look for something unique and different. I don't use a tree topper. Instead I wrap the garland around the top.
It doesn't matter what your tree looks like Jo, as long as you love it! x
You're tree sounds lovely Travis :)
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