You will know by now that my Dad had his hip replacement operation on Wednesday. He's doing really well and actually walked the length of the ward yesterday (using a frame)! The physiotherapists are really pleased with how hard he's working to get mobile. Dad said the pain isn't too bad, certainly not as bad as before the operation so that's good. He's very optimistic which is great.
I was thinking recently "I've not been given any awards for a while, nobody loves me" when low and behold
Misty Dawn at 'My Dogs Keep Me Sane' has given me TWO!

Are they cute or what??? Thank you Misty, I'm honoured.
There doesn't seem to be any rules about passing them on so if you visit me please take one/both for yourself as I think of you all as friends.
Don't forget if you want to join in the fun of the Christmas Carols Quiz you have until Friday to email your answers to me. Scroll down for the post.
Amazing your Dad hasn't got more discomfort! It usually takes longer for the pain to subside, doesn't it?
Sooooooo glad your dad is doing so well so soon........ hugs to him and you, cos you so deserve the awards :)
Ive already sent in me Quiz answers.... Im expecting a cheque for 10 grand in the post lol
My Dad's a TOUGH man Buffalo, he's probably in more pain than he lets on!
Thanks Marmie, your cheque's in the post ((wink))x
Like I said on the phone father like daughter, you two are really brave.
I have an award from Mike one you sent me an age ago, but my blog won't make room for them do you know what I'm doing wrong I keep trying? Feeling a little better today, sorry for moaning yesterday!
Queenie thanks babe, and don't you apologise for anything, I'm glad you're feeling better today. I'll ring you later and see if us techie no hopers can sort out the problem with the award. xx
i have heard so many say they were able to do the post op stuff because the pain of it was so much less than the pain before the surgery. so glad he is done!!!
smiles, bee
So glad to hear that your father is doing so well with his surgery and recovery. Excellent that he's walking around already! Pretty amazing what modern medicine can do, isn't it?
Isn't Misty Dawn just the nicest person? You are very deserving of those awards and more! I just haven't passed on the ones that I've gotten lately as, to be honest, I just hate to play favorites with my blog friends but to pass it on to everyone seems a bit much, too. I guess I'm just not very good at this award stuff, am I??
You and your father amaze me. He is so fiesty and so are you. Will be thinking of the two of you on Wednesday, sending good thoughts and well wishes.
Have a great Sunday.
That's it exactly Bee, he said the pain is nowhere near as bad as before the operation and he's raring to go! :)
Modern medicine is truly amazing Linda, I still can't believe I'm walking round on a metal knee! I know what you mean about the awards, I do try to follow any rules on passing them on but it's very difficult.
Yes my Dad is a real fighter, I'm so proud of him Mimi. Thanks for your good wishes honey. xx
so glad to hear your dad is doing well!! that's just fantastic!! :-)
and those wrinkly pups are so cute!!
It's so good to hear about your dad's determination! I will continue to keep him in my prayers.
I'm glad you like the awards, and I'm so glad I found your blog and your friendship :-)
Glad to hear your dad is doing well. Sounds like in a very short time he will be back dancing the jig and running marathons :)
Congrats on the awards!
Thanks Elena Jane, they are cute aren't they?
Thanks Misty, I'm glad you found me too! :)
Cheers Mike, he is very determined, hopefully it won't be long before he's jigging about!
congrats on your awards-you deserve them. and since ya offerin, i'll take em lol
wow! walked the whole ward. your dad is a feisty one, isn't he? i have a feeling he will recover quickly with all his determination. glad he's getting better and his pains are less :)
Your dad will soon be down the club, strutting his stuff, Akela.
Thanks Ciara and please do help yourself to the awards my friend. x
Dad was even better today Cream, raring to go but the nurse told him off for doing too much! :)
I am so glad your father is doing well! I know people much younger who have had all sorts of problems. I hope he continues in this vain!!! Sending healing vibes!
Have got all but the last carol and am stumped!
I'm glad your Dad's surgery went well and that he is doing okay.
Speaking of awards (these two are beautiful) there is one posted on my Writing Nook blog. Please drop by and pick up a copy.
Good news about your dad. I suspect that one of those is in my future, along with a knee replacement as well.
I'm so pleased to hear your Dad is doing well. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a speedy recovery.
Pretty soon, you'll need a 3 column template, lol. x
Yes Dad seems to be doing really well, fingers crossed MOI. I got your entry for the quiz thanks.
Why thanks Mary I'll be along shortly. :)
I can recommend knee replacements Travis - it changed my life!
Thanks Miss U. Don't be blinding me with science I can barely cope with two columns! :(
Hope your Dad is better ....
Dad's going great guns David thanks. x
Glad your dad’s doing OK; my mom has had 2 knee replacements and I know how important the post-surgery rehab is.
Congratulations on the doggy awards.
I'm so pleased your dad is doing ok. You're such a lovely person; you deserve every award going!
Two knee replacements? Your Mum must have been going through hell before she had them done Nick, I know what I was like needing just one!
Aw thanks cg what a lovely thing to say. x
I'm glad your dad's recovery is going well. My brother-in-law had a hip and knee replaced a while back. Truly amazing what modern medicine can do these days :)
Very cute "buddy" awards. Thanks for sharing them so generously.
Hugs and blessings,
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