I spotted this at Misty's blog and thought as I already have a Christmas Tree up, and I've posted the first Christmas Carols Quiz, I'd join in, and if you have your speakers on you'll know by now that I've got Christmas songs playing - what do you mean you don't like them??
All you have to do is decorate your blog with something Christmassy, click on the button and sign the Mr Linky at Stacey and Maries Deck the Blogs site so they know you're joining in. If you live in the US or Canada you'll be in with a chance of winning some fab prizes too, but wherever you live you can make your blog Christmassy and see others do the same. So, go on, join in the fun!
Also Mary at Mary's Writing Nook is giving anyone who wants it this lovely button for their blog.
If you want one pop over to Mary's blog and email her for the html code.
I'm off to look for some more Christmassy things to put on my blog - I love bling and glitz.

Don't forget you have until Friday to email me your answers to the quiz if you want to join in.
I'll be adding Christmas stuff soon.. Not quite yet, though. :)
Thanks for joining in. I love all the old family pictures.
Oh, I love your decorations. Very festive!
I'm muddling my way through the Christmas song competition. Yikes!
Skittles you're back! Hope you're feeling better, even if you don't feel festive yet! :)
Thanks Marie, I love Christmas so I didn't take a lot of persuading!
Thanks Correspondent. You've got plenty of time for the quiz yet. :)
The Deck-the-blogs Christmas comp is surely open only to U.S. and Canadian bloggers or have I misread it?
I love your decorations! They're awesome! Beautiful blog, my friend.
i love the countdown tree you have!
smiles, bee
Oh I don't know dumdad, I'll go back and read it properly, but if it is I'm not bothered I like the decorations anyway! :)
Thanks Misty x
Aww...it looks lovely in here today!
I have my blog all decorated for Christmas and have added the button to my sidebar and went over and put my name in Mr. Linky. Thanks for letting us know about this great uncontest.
Be sure to stop by my blog and pick up a copy of the "Spirit of Christmas" award that I'm handing out to all of my friends. It is for everyone that is kind to others. Any of your readers are also welcome to a copy.
You've just reminded me that our mad season starts next week. And then I'll be dreaming of Bernard Matthews for 3 weeks...
And I'll have a Christmas surprise soon, too!!!
Bee you snuck in there when I wasn't looking! I 'borrowed' the tree from someone else so if you want one help yourself. x
Glad you like it Miss U, are you decorating this year?
Thanks Mary I've added your button to this post to let other know and put it in my sidebar. x
They're not in short supply then Cream?
Oooh I can't wait David, I love surprises! :)
I love your music and your blog is awesome. GLad your dad is doing well. Thanks for the info on blog Christmas decorations. I will try them!
Hi neva, thanks for dropping by. I'll pop by to see your decs soon. :)
You don't mean that Dan, you love it really! x
I suppose it is that time of the year, although I think I’ll at laeast await the first Sunday of Advent. Perhaps I’ll begin by changing my profile photo back to Alex and I in front of our Christmas tree.
That's a very festive post indeed!
I look forward to seeing that picture Nick:)
Glad you like it cg x
I put up my 4ft. "Happy Holidays" lighted decoration outside on the house. Anything else besides food, will be done by somebody else!
Lovely, I'm hanging on a bit longer till I light up!!!!!!
Hey, sweetie - just what i needed to drag me out of my novel for a bit...ahhh, luverly! I do love Christmas :-)
I'm waiting a bit to put up Christmassy stuff too (apart from not blogging, I always wait until after my daughter's birthday, as she started getting upset we were celebrating Christmas before her birthday was over - made it less special, she said!)
Anyway, just dropping by to say hello, and I haven't disappeared of the face of the Earth - yet! Only a few more days until the end of Nanowrimo, so I should be able to emerge sometime after next weekend (give us a coupla days to recover, eh? :-) )
C U soon!
Ho Ho Ho!
Your blog looks so festive and fun!
It looks wonderful!
Hey listen, when you have a minute, please stop over at Vent to receive some early Christmas presents!
It's a surprise...shhh!
oh u r getting into the spirit of Christmas....now as for those Christmas songs...I've got 7 so far...but I want to get them all....so friday you say.....I'm in...
Well at least you'll have done your 'bit' Buffalo :)
It's the first of December on Saturday Queenie, not much time left!
It's so good to hear from you Annelisa I was getting worried!
Christmas Presents?? I'm on my way Ron!
Thanks Smalltown RN, glad you like it. Yes you've got until Friday to get the quiz answers in. :)
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