And look what Dumdad (The Other Side Of Paris) gave me....

A Dummy
Here's what Dumdad said...
Why celebrate my 99th blogpost rather than the usual 100th?Well, just because.Ninety-nine is a cool number. It’s also my children’s favourite ice-cream.To celebrate this momentous occasion I am handing out a special award to some fellow bloggers who have made this blogging lark so much fun. These awards are not of the pass-on variety. It’s yours and yours only.
EVERYTHING AND NOTHING: Akelamalu proclaims her blog is “everything and nothing.” She’s half-right – it’s got everything and more besides. It’s packed full of wit and wisdom and good clean fun.
I had a dummy until I was five but Mum took it off me - she said I was too old. Now I've got another one and I can't pass this on because it's just for me, mine, all mine, you can't have it.
Thankyou Dumdad. xx
Oh he's adorable. The Happiest of birthdays wished for him. Congrats on your award.....:o)
Thanks Ruth xx
A very happy birthday to your grandson! Best wishes for many, many more!
Congrats on your lovely award and isn't it nice that it's one just for you? You earned it, you show it with pride!
a very happy birthday to the little fellow and well done on yoru award!
Having a grandson must be, eh, grand! I'll have to wait a while for that pleasure as my son is 13 and daughter 9.
Thankyou Linda you're too kind. x
Flowerpot Cheers. x
Grandchildren are literally GRAND Dumdad, when you get some you'll love it! xx
congrats on your dummy! and happiest birthday to the adorable happy harry! xoxo
Well, both my sons have broken up with their girlfriends- no little Harrys for us yet! Great looking grandson you have there! My wife and I have gotten to that age where little kids are cute again...
look at that pair of beautiful blue eyes! i don't know why, but he gave me a winter feel ( a photographer's instinct! ) :)
happy birthday harry!
what a sweetie.
3 years old.
and i bet he feels very big.
Gosh how hes grown since I last saw him, Give him a hug and kiss from me.
Cheers ciara x
Grandchildren are great and you can hand them back when you're worn out Buffalo!
Hi eyes gave you a winter feel Elween? I suppose they are icy blue though!
Oh yes he's very 'grown up' now Lettuce
Will do Queenie
A very happy (belated) birthday to the little man!And congrats on your award!
Oh thanks cg x
He's adorable. I'll be a granny in January- then I'll have tons of photos to post.
3 is a GREAT age. Challenging, but fun.
And, um, what's a dummy? Am I missing something?
He's such a cutie! :)
Happy Birthday to that sweet little guy.
Oh what fantastic news Gewels I bet you can hardly wait! A dummy in this instance is the Award Dumdad gave me, the dummy I had until I was 5 was the thing you give to kids to pacify them. I needed a lot of pacifying!
Thanks Crazy Working Mom I'll pass on your good wishes. x
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