Here is Wikepedia’s explanation of ESP:
Extra-Sensory Perception (ESP) is defined as ability to acquire information by paranormal means independent of any known physical senses or deduction from previous experience. The term was coined by Duke University researcher J. B. Rhine to denote psychic abilities such as telepathy, precognition and clairvoyance. ESP is also sometimes casually referred to as a sixth sense. The term implies sources of information currently unexplained by science.
I think most people have ESP but do not use it. I believe it is a basic human knowledge which has been forgotten through lack of use, but it can be brought back to the surface again if one takes the time to concentrate and train oneself. In my opinion ESP explains how Mothers know instinctively if there is something wrong with their child, even if they are not in the same room; knowing who the caller is at the end of the phone as soon as it rings, knowing what a person is going to say before they say it. I have experienced all these things and more.
I have had precognitive dreams. I dreamt of my Grandmother’s death, not unusual you might think given that she was in her eighties at the time, but in my dream I was told that my Grandmother would die to make way for my son to be born, I saw him with a mop of jet black hair and I was saying “he can’t have black hair we’re both blonde”. At the time I hadn’t even got a boyfriend let alone any intentions of starting a family! However, six months later my Grandmother passed away and twelve months after that I found myself with an unplanned pregnancy. When my son was born he had a mop of black hair and I found myself saying “He can’t have black hair, we’re both blonde!”
When watching ‘who done it’ films or books I know who did it quite quickly. There used to be a programme on television where they would show a crime scenario and the contestants had to watch it then pick the villain out of a line up. I would often miss the crime scenario but just watch the line-up and pick the villain out purely by instinct. MWM used to say “How do you do that?” – he couldn’t even pick them out after seeing the scenario!
I am a great believer in our spirit living on after we die, I have had much personal evidence of this, which cannot be explained away. One instance that clearly sticks in my mind happened a few years ago when, on Christmas Eve, I lost my gold watch which had belonged to my mother who had died some years previously. I was heartbroken as you might imagine. I retraced my steps looking for the watch as soon as I realised it was missing and again the next day, in daylight, but to no avail. I kept apologising to Mum for losing it and begging her to let me find it. A week later on Mum’s birthday (2nd January) I opened the coat cupboard and there, on the floor, in full view, was the watch! There is absolutely no way it could have been there for a week in would have been trodden on. MWM suggested that it had been caught in the sleeve of the coat I had worn but I pointed out that I had worn the coat at least twice during the week the watch had been missing and I had checked the coat anyway.
My introduction to Reiki was, I believe, engineered by my friends in spirit. I came across Reiki whilst surfing the web for information about something totally unrelated. What I read fuelled my imagination and I read as much as I could on the subject. I decided I wanted to learn Reiki but needed to find a teacher. Whilst telling my friend, (whom I have known and worked with for 17 years), about what I’d read she stunned me by telling me her daughter-in-law was a Reiki teacher! This fact had never been mentioned in conversation before. There is a saying in Reiki circles – “When the time is right the teacher will appear” – exactly what had happened!
Things like this happen to me quite frequently, so I tend not to remember all instances when it happens. It unnerves MWM sometimes, he says I’m a witch – but in the nicest possible way of course. I just wish I could come up with the winning Lottery numbers!
Hi Akelamalu,
Just checking in to see how things are...but i bet you knew that before i did it, I'm completely with MWM on this....
Cheers Mark
Woops pressed the button twice
I was expecting you Mark! ;)
Well, you certainly strike me as a very sensitive and empathic person. Me, I NEVER know who done it!
Wow...what a GREAT post!
Totally agree with you...we all have it...yet I think we second guess it.
I also believe that certain people (such as yourself) may have a stronger connection to the "knowing" because they're naturally more open.
Reiki most definately opens up the door wider!
Thanks for such a cool post...and for sharing your experiences Akelamalu!
Have an awesome day!
P.S. So tell me...who's going to be America's next president??? tee-hee!
ake-i don't know, could be just me, but i think we SCORPIOS have that extra intuition, ya know? lol sometimes i don't want to have the 'intuition' so i probably block it out a lot. but i will tell you about one experience.
i was dating this guy, just right before i got together w my ex. well, one night i kept having a feeling like someone was outside. i kept looking outside about every 5 to 10 minutes, but saw no one. the sense that someone was out there was very strong. then i felt like my phone was going to ring about 9p or just a bit after...i think it was just a bit after 9p. guess who was on the phone? yep, the bf i was seeing. he called me from the 7-11(convenient store) around the corner, told me he had been outside my house in his car for awhile and didn't know if he should just come up and knock (i was a single parent at home w my parents lol). so he said he thought he would call me from the 7-11. for some strange reason i had that kind of connection to him even though i knew for sure it would never be a long term thing w us.
Mick used to call me Winnie the Witch sometimes because I seemed to know when people were going to knock on the door or phone. Great post :o)
I agree with Ciara - it's a Scorpio thing! Things are very in-tune between myself and my husband, another Scorpio. He reads my mind and I can tell you, that's a relief, not an annoyance.
I had several identical missing-jewelry episodes connected to departed relatives, Akelamalu. I read it immediately as "what seems to be lost to you, will be returned to you."
You know I'm with you and ciara. Maybe the scorpio female is more tuned than the male , and thats why mwm dosn't always get it but we know he's had his moments don't we?????
We always called it Mother's instinct, but I guess we all posess a bit of ESP. Although not sure I really believe in ESP. I do know that I sensed when my Grandmother's time was near, so I went to visit, she passed away within that week. But she was 99.
You know, it's strange what you said about the watch. This weekend my sister and I had an almost identical incident.
We've known for a long time her house is inhabited by a ghost, she recksons a young man, but I dont know. We've had all sorts of things happen - lights going on and off (no, not flashing or flickering!), heavy footsteps (not the returning of floorboards), icy patches and one evening we spent an hour in his inimitable company.
Anyhow, this last weekend my sister had lost her purse. We searched the house, just as you had with the watch. I was the slower, less frantic search (being as it wasn't my purse, and someone had to check everywhere properly, who wasn't in a panic! :-) ). We checked upstairs and down, turned the car upside, looked in the unlikeliest places. She phoned the last couple of stores she'd been to, and was about to give up and cancel her cards.
Returning to the living room to fetch the phone, she called me in, "Come here, look at this!" I went, and looked. There, sitting right on top of a book she'd picked up and checked under, right on top of a table in the middle of the room, sat the purse...like it had always been there. Except it hadn't.
Being the polite people we are, we thanked the ghost (who we knicknamed Casper for being so friendly :-) )!!
This is not the first incident to happen to either of us either...many things happened like this over the years, both in her house and in other places. There was no way both of us could have missed that purse the other day - especially if she picked the book it was sitting on up!!
Anyhow, I'm convinced! :-)
oh, and my sisters are Aries and Gemini and I'm Capricorn, and we all have it! :-D
Wow - that is such a powerful post, told with such passion and power.
Thank you once again for taking part and for sharing these incredible experiences with us.
I believe intuition or ESP is unconscious deductive reasoning! My scientific/physics appoach to life will not easily be overcome!
Sometimes I have flashes of insight, however, I don't think I am open enough to it. Plus I don't even guess most things right. I am too much a skeptic!
I posted my answer to the question!
I quite often get thngs right - and quite often don't. Not sure what that says!
What about this time.....
Thanks CG, and next time you want to know 'who done it' you can ask me! ((wink))
You are definitely right about Reiki opening you up more Ron. America's next president - Hilary Clinton! Don't know whether that's good news or bad. :)
I agree Ciara lots of SCorpios are very attuned, except MWM, mind you he's an early Scorpio, I'm late. That's a good example of being tuned in you gave there. :)
I'm sure Mick meant it in the nicest possible way Ruth, did he get spooked by it?
Ah Julia you're a Scorpio married to one just like me! Spirits seem to like jewellery don't you think?
We're not only tuned in to all things spiritual we're tuned into each other aren't we Queenie, which is why we are such good friends? MWM and Math just don't get it do they?
That was definitely an example of ESP Nea.
Sometimes you just can't believe your own eyes can you Annelisa. Things like that happen to me all the time but the watch stuck in my mind because I was so grateful to have it back.
Thankyou David and thanks for posing the question. x
You need proof absolute eh Buffalo, ask and you shall receive. :)
Ah Bankerchick scepticism does cause somewhat of a blockage, open up you may be surprised. x
I'll be right over to read it Mike.
That says sometimes you are and sometimes you're not Flowerpot ((wink))
I saw you coming Mark but I was in the middle of posting that last reply! ((wink))
I could tell you a few stories! I'm a definite believer and have experienced a few things myself. My Mum is a bit more open to it than me (or, should I say, a bit more trained) and has encountered all kinds of stuff. I'm really fascinated by it all and would love to delve a bit deeper into the dark side....
Tell us more Miss U, do a post about it do! :)
Let us know if you come up with the Lottery numbers - maybe you could predict the French ones! I could do with some dosh.
If only dumdad, if only! :0
I'm always quite envious of people who have esp.etc. Although I often know what Kev is about to say and vice-versa I think that's just knowing someone really well (in our case). I have had very strong 'feeling' type experiences a few times and have heard things once but nothing more. Sometimes I think I want to,too much and that's why it doesn't happen. Does that make any sense?!!
Your posts are always so interesting and you do so many....how do you do it!!!?:)
Oh yeah, I forgot to say....once when I was younger and living at home, I woke up with an awful feeling there had been a terrible plane crash with many killed. That day there were reports of one on the news which kind of freaked me out a bit! But maybe that was just coincidence?
I don't really think I have ESP - just a lot of deja vu incidents which really don't do much good at all.
Quite fascinating about your mum's watch and how it showed back up like that. Sometimes I think things wait to be found until they're good and ready to be found for whatever reason.
And there's nothing wrong with being a witch, thankfully we stopped killing them many years ago!
I totally agree. I think that especially where family are involved, we have some levels of ESP. I've experienced it myself. Maybe it's just a strong bond. Who knows?! But, whatever you want to call it, I find it pretty amazing.
Spooky Tales of the Unexpected...
But seriously, I do believe in ESP and I'm not a Scorpio. Hah!
Headless Chicken you have the power you just need to open up and accept it. :) I'm glad you enjoy my posts but I don't do as many as I used to since I went back to work! :)
I have lots of deja vu as well Linda, even to being able to predict how a conversation will go! As you say it's luck for me they don't still burn witches! :)
I find it amazing too Crazy Working Mom! x
You don't have to be a Scorpio to have ESP Cream, but it helps ((wink)) Only joking, but I do think some star signs are more prone to it than others. :)
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