This is my first attempt at 55 Flash Fiction - I hope you like it, let me know what you think.
The last kiss.
Kiss me she said, just one last time.
He kissed her tenderly.
He kissed her tenderly.

I’m too young to die.
You will remember to bring me flowers every week won’t you?

And you won’t forget me ever?

Don’t be silly darling, he said,
The tooth will be out before you know it and then you can come home!
Well done you, great 55.
When I started reading it, I thought "Oh Brother, girlie mush!" Then the turn came and I chuckled! Very good!
What a great little play on words and feelings. I like this.
Thank YOU.
i don't know what it is. is it a meme or something?
smiles, bee
That's brilliant. Having a bit of a phobia about dentists I understand this only too well :o)
Thanks Queenie x
Glad you liked it Buffalo :)
Oh Cheers Dave. :)
No really a Meme Bee. You have to write a story in exactly 55 words which much have at least one character.
Aw thanks for the encouragementRuth x
LOL! That was so funny! I really loved the twist in the end!
Wonderful 55. Welcome to the world of 55ves!
great debut 55
I only ever got round to doing
the one... it's a bit like the
writing prompts I should use,
but since I never know what day
of the week it is!!!!!
have a great weekend
Oh thankyou Mona, that means a lot after having read yours! Thanks for droping by. x
Cheers Ann, I'm flattered. :)
Very well done. I think you will find the hardest thing is finding something to write about. After that, it is pretty easy. I think you are a natural.
well you are lot braver than i am! great 55. it kind of reminded me of new planet. he just had an extraction done lol
Why thankyou barman, how nice of you and thanks for dropping by x
Cheers Ciara I'll take a look at new planet. x
:) I like your 55. Great start, you'll do these well, I can tell.
You're too kind Charles but I thank you. :)
That's great...and for your first time! Very very great! :)
Great debut 55 Akela, well done you!
Thankyou Sophia and Pauline :)
lol, nicely done! terrific first entry!
Thank you kindly Lime :)
I've never heard of or seen these! I wonder who makes them all up? Anyway, this is a neat one!
Glad you like it MOI :)
Any friend of Queenies and Ann, is a friend of mine!! Great 55, please keep playing!!...Galen
haha....I think I get the idea of flash fiction, and I think you did a great job. It was funny too......gave me a chuckle.
Neat sting in the tail. I enjoyed this.
I hate the dentist.
That was a great 55...especially as it had a twist at the end. Well done :)
Welcome G-Man thanks for dropping by. I will try again next week! :)
Glad you had a laugh Nea :)
Thanks dumdad x
Me too Miss U glad you enjoyed the twist. xx
Well this looks like fun!
It is Bankerchick, might you have a go?
First-rate job: romantic, intense, heartrending—and hilarious!
Ohhhhh man can I ever relate to this 55, LOL! But then by now you have already read my 55 and you know why.
Welcome to 55 Flash Fiction Friday!
Nice little twist. I liked it.
ha, you made me feel romantic for a while and suddenly, it ended like this...good job done..ahha :)
Thankyou saintly nick, glad you enjoyed it. :)
LOL great minds think alike eh Susie! I'm hooked now! :)
Thanks Travis x
Exactly the response I was hoping for Elween, glad you enjoyed it. x
Bravo Akelamalu!!!!
Clever and ingenous of you!
This is too cool!
Didn't see that coming. The mark of a great writer. Well done. Keep at it.
Thanks for the applause Ron, you're very kind. x
Why thank you Mimi that's praise indeed coming from one of the best writers in the blogosphere! xx
Glad you had a laugh cg :)
Hee hee.
Typical man.
Quite Jo :)
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