
Saturday, 4 August 2007

New Hair Colour....

I decided to have my hair colour changed yesterday, what do you think? Be honest. It doesn't look too red on the picture but it looks really fiery red to me!

Anyway it's too late now, it's done. MWM likes it, if I don't get used to it I can always have some more blonde highlights put in until it grows out can't I?

I also did a bit of shopping and bought these...

An absolute bargain from T.K. Maxx. The skirt was £10.00 with a RRP of £69.00, and the top was £5.00 with a RRP of £39.99. The skirt is lovely and floaty and the top is linen - it says dry clean for the top but I never take any notice of the washing instructions so I'll just put it on a delicate wash - if it disintegrates it doesn't really matter for 5 quid does it?

Luckily I have shoes and a bag which match so no need for a trip to the shoe shop - the credit card has just breathed a sigh of relief!


RUTH said...

It looks great in the photograph! Lovely colour. What great bargains you've picked up...must admit I always gently wash "dry clean only" clothes.
p.s. Oh I do love this Savage Garden song..........

Shaz said...

Your hair looks great, match it with that outfit & all you need is a venue for a night out!

I never take notice of dry clean only either!

Cream said...

I do not know the first thing about colours or hair but I like what I see.
(I can see TK Maxx out of my office window.)

Kim's Life said...

LOve the new hair color. I need mine done soooo bad.

Kim's Life said...

LOve the new hair color. I need mine done soooo bad.

Akelamalu said...

Oh thanks Ruth, glad you like the music. :)

Flowerpot said...

hair looks great - so do the clothes. sounds like a good shopping trip!

Akelamalu said...

I intend wearing the outfit tonight - I never have been able to save new clothes I have to wear them right away shaz. Glad I'm not on my own with ignoring the 'dry clean only' labels!

Akelamalu said...

Thank you cream - a man's opinion is very important.

Your office is right near a TK Maxx? It's lucky I don't work for you I'd never be in the office!!! :)

Akelamalu said...

Thanks Kim - make that appointment now it will make you feel so much better!

Akelamalu said...

I had a great day yesterday flowerpot! :)

Unknown said...

Your hair looks great and you've had a successful bargain hunt too.Now you just need to go out and celebrate.

Akelamalu said...

Thanks Pauline, celebrate it is then!

Elaine Denning said...

OOh, I love it!

I hate going into Tk takes forever to get through it all! (But then I am the world's worst shopper.)

Hope you have a great night!

Akelamalu said...

Thanks miss u, I'm getting a bit more used to it now. It seems to look redder to me than anyone else!

I love TK Maxx, but then I've always loved 'rooting'! :)

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

lovely! my hair got that same red when i first had it done, they need to go lighter if you want to be blonde. not that i color mine of course, ha ha ha ha ha

smiles, bee

Akelamalu said...

My natural colour is blonde, I've just gone red for a change Bee. :)

Tammy said...

I like your hair! Looks like you keep it short like me...I've thought about having mine done but the expense changed my mind...
Cute, get dolled up and go out on the town dahling!!

josie2shoes said...

I love the new haircolor, Ake! It's really very pretty! Go and do the "Face Behind the Blog" challenge on my blog - so we can see your WHOLE face, silly girl! :-) Love the new clothes too - very bright and summery!

Linda said...

I think the new haircolor is lovely but then again, as a redhead of course I'm going to say that! I don't think it's fiery red at all, I really like it!!

Great buy on the new clothes, too. Don't you just love a good sale?!?

Thank you so much for putting Amanda's store link on your page - that was so sweet of you!

Dan said...

I think your hair looks terrific! I LOVE fiery, by the way. :)

the rotten correspondent said...

I think your hair looks great. I always go more red in the fall and more blond-ey in the summer. Hair is like paint - so much fun and if you don't like it you change it.

Neoma said...

Personally I LIKE red hair, my hair was auburn most of my life until I got married again at 40 and it went gray in two years. I blame my husband, haha..

I think it is pretty....and it looks very natural to me. I don't dye mine, and it makes me look 10 years older to have gray, but I just don't have the energy for fussing with my looks. So I just take my Senior discount, and smile...haha

Neoma said...

PS, like the outfit also, think it will look great with the new hair color.

Anonymous said...

Evening Akelamalu~


For 12 years I was a stylist and "hair color" was my specialty. I can't tell you how many women I BEGGED to allow me to make them a "redhead."

Besides, brunette...RED is my favorite color. However not everyone can carry it off (like you).

I give it "two thumbs up."

And I also love your eye glasses. I'm such an "eyeglass person." I think their SEXY!

The outfits are beautiful...I bet they go GREAT with your new hair color.

Does'nt CHANGE make you feel so GOOD????

Take care my friend...and have a wonderful Sunday!

Be well,

Jenny! said...

I like it...i have beenthinking about a color change for myself!

Diana Joy said...

Love the hair!!!!!!
I miss ya lady!
It's nice catching up on your life today!
Thanks for sharing:)
Diana Joy

Poetess said...

Just found your blog. What a lovely vibrant blog it is too.


Akelamalu said...

I keep trying to grow my hair long T*mmy but then I get sick of it and have it cut off. It's much easier to manage short. :)

Akelamalu said...

Thanks Josie. Face behind the blog? I'll take a look, but you can see me on my sidebar already, in a slideshow. :)

Akelamalu said...

I've always wanted red hair Linda, just never had the courage to go for it until now. At my age it's "do it now before it's too late" type of thing. I hope Amanda does well with her venture. :)

Akelamalu said...

Why thank you Dan. MWM keeps calling me "RED" and telling me how great it looks! I think I'll keep it this way. :)

Akelamalu said...

rotten correspondent you are right hair is like paint and lots of fun!

Akelamalu said...

Nea get your hair done honey it'll give you such a boost. x

Akelamalu said...

You were a colourist Ron? Well I'll take your word for it that my hair looks good as you know what you're talking about. As for my 'specs', I only wear them for reading and taking photos but I quite like them too. :)

Akelamalu said...

Go on Jenny, go for it! :)

Akelamalu said...

Where've you been Diana Joy I've missed you too. x

Akelamalu said...

Welcome poetess and thank you. I hope you'll call in again. :)

la bellina mammina said...

Love the color - will go well with your new, iffy outfit!;-)

HAR said...

Beautiful color! I love it. I like it blonde too.

CS said...

It looks good in the photo - not fiery red. We have T.J. Maxx here.

Akelamalu said...

Thanks Bella, I must say I've had lots of positive comments about the hair and the outfit!

Akelamalu said...

I like it blonde Har I just fancied a change and I've always loved red hair.

Akelamalu said...

Is TJ Maxx the same as TK Maxx cs?

Barb said...

I LOVE the hair color! What a nice pick me up!

crpitt said...

The hair is lovely! but i win on Red hair :)

Anonymous said...

I do like it! :)

Akelamalu said...

Thanks Skittles :)

Akelamalu said...

You certainly do Red I mean Claire! ;)

Akelamalu said...

Thank you Crazy Working Mom - I'm getting used to it now. :)