
Friday, 31 August 2007

Nursery Rhyme Quiz Part 1 ....

Fancy a bit of fun?

Try your hand at working out what Nursery Rhymes the following initials stand for. You can get the kids and grandkids to help you.

Example: B.B.B.S.H.Y.A.W. - Baa Baa Black Sheep Have You Any Wool - get the gist?

Email (through my profile) your answers to me in the next week, then next week I'll post the answers and the winner(s).

All those who get any right can claim this badge for their blog.

Josh at the Gabbatha very kindly made it for me, isn't he clever!

  1. O.K.C.W.A.M.O.S.

  2. J.S.C.E.N.F.

  3. O.T.B.M.S.

  4. L.J.H.S.I.A.C.

  5. T.O.A.T.P.C.W.T.S.

  6. T.M.T.M.T.B.A.F.P.

  7. L.P.F.S.A.T.C.

  8. R.A.C.H.T.B.C.

  9. J.A.J.W.U.T.H.

  10. P.A.C.P.A.C.B.M.

Good Luck.


I've just noticed this is my 200th post and according to my counter this blog has had 23,818 visitors!

We're off on another jaunt early tomorrow morning and won't be back until late Sunday - so I'll see you Monday.

Thursday, 30 August 2007

Remembering a special person....

Today I am remembering a very special person - our grandson Reece. It would have been his 17th birthday today. I am taking some flowers to the grave that he shares with Sophie, our granddaughter, in the little church on the hill. He passed just before his sixth birthday and endured so much pain during his short life, but he taught us so much and will always be remembered, loved and missed.

The Red Admiral Butterfly has much significance in remembering Reece. At the end of the service for his funeral, in the little church on the hill, as the last notes and words of "Wind Beneath My Wings" rose to the eaves, a Red Admiral butterfly swirled and danced over the tiny white coffin, soaring ever upward until it disappeared. Our little grandson's last gift to us - his goodbye.

God Bless Reece, we love and miss you.

Wednesday, 29 August 2007

Not A Scare In The World....

Is the title of David's (Authorblog) post containing this weeks question. You remember last week's question was "What would you like to say to the girlfriend or boyfriend that first dumped you?"

Here's how it works:

David says - Every weekend, I'm going to ask you one simple question. Answer the question on your own blog, any time until Friday. Please link to this blog (or to this post) just so I can follow the progress of the notion.

And the question is:Do you believe in ghosts?

My Answer:

Yes, I most definitely do. I haven't actually seen a ghost but I have seen evidence that they are around. Many times I have put things down in the kitchen, turned to do something else only to find the item missing when I turn back around. When this happens I usually say "Right, I'm going out of the room and I want the 'whatever' back where I left it when I return" - lo and behold it's back where I left it when I return. You may think it's just my imagination but MWM has been there when it's happened. I have to say though it hasn't happened since we had the kitchen remodelled two years ago, so perhaps the ghost got thrown out with the old cupboards!

If you want to join in just follow the link to David's blog and let him know you're participating.



Just to let you know that on September 27th, 1,000s of bloggers around the world in BlogCatalog's Blogging for a Great Cause Challenge.This Blogging Challenge will be: Bloggers Against Abuse September 27th, 2007The Outcome we are after is to be part of the largest group of bloggers to ever blog about an important cause, all on the same day.

So how do you participate?

On Sept. 27th, blog about putting an end to some sort of Abuse (you decide what kind of abuse to blog about).

You can see more details here.

Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Scattergories Meme....

Miss Bee was tagged with this meme recently and thought it looked fun so I pinched it, as she hadn't tagged me. I told her I was pinching it, I don't think she minds.

RULES: Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following...they have to be real places, names, things...nothing madeup! Try to use different answers if the person in front of you had the same 1st initial. You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question.

It's not as easy as you might think and I have added a bit of a twist, I've found a link for each word I've used - you can too if you like, it makes it a bit harder but more fun.

What is your name?Akelamalu

4 letter word: Aura

City: Aberdeen

Boy Name: Adrian

Girl Name: Anne

Alcoholic Drink: Asti Spumante

Something you wear: Astrakan Coat

Celebrity: Anneka Rice

Food: Angel cake

Something found in a bathroom: Antiperspirant

Reason for Being late: Ambled along

Cartoon Character: Asterix

Something You Shout: 'Allo 'Allo!

I don't do much tagging but I will this time so my victims choices for this are

Buffalodickdy (Opinions and Rectums)

Of course you don't have to join in if you don't want to but go on, I dare you, for a bit of fun!


I just found out that Shaz (Us Danes & Our Family) gave me this

I have to say I love your blog too Shaz, there's always so much to read and I love the videos and tales about the Great Danes! I am duly honoured.
As the badge can only be passed on to one person at a time and I have so many blogs I love to read, I put all my blogroll in a hat and drew out just one

This is Jenny's blog and it is one of the funniest blogs ever. Be warned though Jenny uses some colourful language!

Monday, 27 August 2007

Eight Things.....

Leanne (Crow's Feet Anonymous) tagged me to write 8 Things You Shouldn't Say.

I've chosen 8 things you shouldn't say to a woman - MEN take heed!

  1. Your bum looks big in that.
  2. That colour doesn't suit you.
  3. I saw your husband out with a YOUNG woman.
  4. Your hair looks a mess.
  5. You need some deodorant.
  6. Are you wearing that for a bet?
  7. You've got Bingo Wings.
  8. Are your ankles swollen or are they just fat?

I'm not going to tag anyone just go ahead and give it a whirl if you like.

Sunday, 26 August 2007

Nice Matters........

My lovely blogging friend Bella (the mad) Household of La Bellina Mammina) has given me this lovely award. I know you're thinking 'bloody hell not another one!" but I don't care, I love 'em!!

This is what The Nice Matters Award is given for

"This award is for those bloggers who are nice people; good blog friends and those who inspire good feelings and inspiration. Also for those who are a positive influence on our blogging world. Once you've been awarded please pass it on to 7 others who you feel are deserving of this award."

Here goes:

Queenie (Queenie's Random Ramblings) is my very best friend in all the world so of course she must be nice.

Annelisa (Words That Flow) is one of the nicest people I have met since I started blogging. She's not been around much lately as she is mourning her friend, but she'll be back I'm sure.

Smalltown RN (A place I call home) a recent discovery of mine, has a lovely blog, is a bit of an action woman and is a thoroughly nice person.

Pig in the Kitchen is a great writer and shares some of her fabulous recipes - how nice is that?

Mike (Mike's Homefront) has a great blog, writes music but most importantly is a nice family man.

Sarge Charlie is a thoroughly nice man who loves Miss Bee and is sooooo romantic about her - very important.

Gewels (Imagined Life) has some beautiful photographs on her blog as well as interesting posts. She is a true jewel, inspiring and a nice person to boot!

The award is a bit pink for the boys but I'm sure you're both 'man' enough to wear it!


And a little something to brighten your day.....

A biker was riding along a California beach when suddenly the skyclouded above his head and, in a booming voice, the Lord said,

"Because you have tried to be faithful to me in all ways, I will grant you one wish."

The biker pulled over and said,

"Build a bridge to Hawaii so I can ride over anytime I want." The Lord said,

"Your request ismaterialistic, think of the enormous challenges for that kind of undertaking. The supports required to reach the bottom of the Pacific! The concrete and steel it would take! It will nearly exhaust several natural resources. Ican do it, but it is hard for me to justify your desire for worldly things. Take a little more time and think of something that would honour and glorify me."

The biker thought about it for a long time. Finally he said,

"Lord, I wish that I could understand my wife. I want to know how she feels inside, what she's thinking when she gives me the silent treatment, why she cries, what she means when she says nothing's wrong, and how I can make a woman truly happy."

The Lord replied,

"You want two lanes or four on that bridge?"

Saturday, 25 August 2007

A walk in the country......

Yesterday MWM and I decided to go for a walk to what used to be our local pub. I say used to be, because it's a 1 1/4 mile walk so I haven't been able to do it for some time!

Anyway, as yesterday was such a lovely day we decided to walk there for lunch and walk back. It took us about 25 minutes and we are very lucky in that we are literally minutes away from some beautiful countryside. I took some photos on the way so you can see why we wanted to walk.

It was only 11.55 a.m. when we arrived at The Gardeners, so we sat on the bench outside for five minutes then went through to the Beer Garden when then opened. I had Broccoli Cheese Bake with crispy fat chips and some salad and MWM had a Cheese Baguette and Salad and we washed it down with a lovely cool lager whilst sitting enjoying the sun. Most pubs now have a seating area outside especially for smokers. I don't smoke any more but felt sorry for the smokers when I saw that not only do they have to sit outside but they're told what they can and can't do!

We stayed about an hour then set off back - it's uphill on the way back - I'd forgotton - I was knackered!

Have a great weekend!

Friday, 24 August 2007

A Birthday Celebration....

is happening today at Skittles place - it's her 1st Blogversary!

There's a big party going on, with loads of guests and I'm taking and

and and

There will be and a with plenty of

and so drop in and say to Skittles

and don't forget to take a

You're sure to have a

Here's my present to you Skittles, a virtual ticket

to anywhere in the enjoy!


Thursday, 23 August 2007

Hollingworth Lake...

We took Kai up to Hollingworth Lake on Tuesday to feed the ducks. It's a beautiful place and only a 25 minute drive from where we live. The lake covers an area of 130 acres and the path around it originally measured two-and-a-half miles, beneath the cold waters was the old hamlet of Hollingworth.

The lake is still used for recreational purposes, and is classed as a national trust due to a nearby wildlife sanctuary. The lake was man-made in 1801 to supply water to the Rochdale Canal.

The lake boasts many watersports such as sailing, canoeing, swimming, rafting, rowing and fishing. Visitors can also take trips across the lake on the launch 'The Lady Alice'. The scenic walk around the lake is two and a half miles long and passes by a nature reserve with a bird hide. The lake is teeming with wildlife and is often used as a means of adventure activities for children, whereby they can catch various pond life. During the day Hollingwoth lake is a walkers paradise offering walks in all directions. A popular walk for families is around the lake itself, this is around two-and-a-half miles. If walking isn't your thing then you can just sit back and take in the breath taking views across the lake whilst enjoying a refreshing soft drink. Yes I said soft drink, though you can get alcohol there of course!

The Lake is a popular destination during the summer, especially at weekends as there are a couple of restaurant/pubs and cafes to provide sustenance. Lots of people take their own picnics and sit on the picnic benches or the beach, when the water level is low, however the lake is full at the moment due to all the rain and there isn't much beach. The weather alternated between boiling hot and a chilly wind but we fed the ducks and geese and had some ice-cream, (Kai had a lolly and half of Grandad's ice-cream), and plenty of fresh air. I took a few photographs because the views are beautiful, I hope you enjoy them.

Oh and do me a favour please and pop over to say HAPPY BLOGVERSARY to Ruth (Me, My Life, My Garden), it's been a very rocky 12 months for her but she's kept her blog going, and she's such a lovely lady. Thanks.

Wednesday, 22 August 2007

Creative - Me?.......

Lookeehere I've been given another award.

This one is from the very lovely and talented Rotten Correspondent - you notice I've struck out the rotten bit, that's because she's not! This is what she said about me

...because she has the most fabulous multi-media site I've seen. And also because I love pretty much everything she does on her blog.

How kind is that?

Anyway I have to pay the award forward as you do with all awards, so I hope the following folk will accept the award and pay it forward to keep the linky-love going.

Mimi Writes who's whole blog is a creative masterpiece.

Mark (The Green Fingered Photographer) takes some fantastic wildlife photos and will also let you use some of his pictures to use as banners on your blog, see here.

1 Million Love Messages - how much more thoughtful can you get than creating a blog that promotes love? Go and leave your message to a loved one today, it's easy.

Ruth (Me, My Life, My Garden) has created a beautiful, colourful blog, packed full of interesting gardening information and gorgeous pictures of her garden and the surrounding countryside where she lives.

The Experiment which was Mike's idea. It is, however, a story created by many writers who can all take the Creative Blogger Award and display it on their blogs.



Ruth at Me, My Life, My Garden did a post about a post that David at Authorblog did recently, and it sounded fun so I thought I'd join in. Here's what David said......

Dump And Dumper

Here's some weekend fun for us to share. Every weekend, starting today, I'm going to ask you one simple question. Answer the question on your own blog, any time until Friday. Please link to this blog (or to this post) just so I can follow the progress of the notion.

And the question is:

What would you like to say to the girlfriend or boyfriend who first dumped you?

"Told you I'd get you back!" (I'm married to him!)

If you want to join in click here and let David know so that he can follow progress.


Also Mimi found this piece of fun, so I pinched it - give it a try. This is my Peculiar Aristocratic Title:

My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Baroness Akelamalu the Lush of Lardle Midhoop
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title

I have to admit the LUSH part is not far short of mark!!

Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Layer Meme......

I pinched this from Mimi's because I thought it was fun.


Name: Akelamalu

Birth Date: November 18, 1900 and something
Current Status: Married

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Naturally Blonde but now dyed Reddish

Layer 2

My Heritage: British through and through

My Fear: Dying before I get old

My weaknesses: Shoes, shoes, shoes oh and bags, bags and bags

My Perfect Pizza: Cheese, with a bit more cheese on top.


My thoughts first waking up : I hope it's Saturday or Sunday and I don't have to go to work.

My bedtime : 10.30 p.m. weekdays/ Very late at weekends.

My most missed memory: Memories are there to be tapped into all the time so I don't miss any.


Pepsi or coke : Coke
Single or group dates : Married so I don't date any more.

Adidas or Nike : I don't do trainers.

Tea or Nestea : Tea

Chocolate or Vanilla : Chocolate

Cappuccino or Coffee : Cappuccino


Smoke : Not now

Curse : Only when I'm mad.

Take a shower : Preferably

Have a crush : Jon Bon Jovi

Think you’ve been in love :I know I've been in love

Go to school : Only during Term time

Want to get married : I am and I'd do it again.

Believe in yourself : Of course

Think you’re a health freak : Not at all

Drank alcohol : I saw the add "Drink Canada Dry" and I wanted to give it a whirl, but MWM didn't want to emigrate.

Gone to the mall : Me, shopping??? Do I really need to answer that?

Been on stage : Yes.
Eaten sushi : Yes

Dyed your hair : As I did a post about it recently I guess I'll have to say yes!


Played a stripping game : Only with MWM ((wink, wink))

Changed who you were to fit in : No, if folk don't like me the way I am that's their hard luck!


Get married: There already


Best eye colour : Brown
Best hair colour : Dark
Short hair or long hair : Long, short, bald - doesn't matter to me.


A minute ago : Logging on

Hour ago : Sleeping

Month ago : Getting used to walking without crutches

Year ago : Being referred to a surgeon for my knee replacement surgery


I love : MWM

I feel : Blessed

I hate : My boss

I hide : My nails

I miss : My Mum
I need : To retire from work

Anyone else feel free to grab the meme. Please let me know when you are finished. Now raise your right hand and repeat after me: I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me blog.

Monday, 20 August 2007


Flowerpot has graciously bestowed this award on me. I'm busy moving all the other awards along the mantleshelf to make room! (you know this is tongue in cheek don't you?)

In truth I can't believe that me/my blog is that popular! Anyway I'm honoured that anyone would think I'm worthy of an award of any kind so I say thank you Flowerpot and I accept the honour with open arms.

I have to nominate five other people who are:-

Bella (the mad) Household of La Bellina Mammina who always has a kind word.

Dave who's words of wisdom make you think about life instead of just living it.

Talj (Talj's Balcony Paradise) such a thoughtful person who is raising money for charity.

Ron (Foot Notes) gives so much thoughtful and useful information on Reflexology and Aromatherapy.

MissUnderstood (A Sideways Look At Womanhood) who recently had to write and deliver a Eulogy for a friend. Go read it but have a box of tissues ready.

I hope you will all acccept the award in the spirit it is given and pay it forward to some other Thoughtful Bloggers.


And just to make you groan smile.........

Count Dracula is on the pull in Glasgow. He spends the night drinking Bloody Mary's in various clubs and biting on unsuspecting women's necks.

He's heading for home, along Argyle Street sometime before dawn.

Suddenly he's hit on the back of the head. He looks round and sees nothing. He looks down and sees a small sausage roll. Mmmm, he thinks.
What's going on here?

A few yards further on and........BANG. Smacked on the back of the head again! He whirls round as quick as he can - nothing. Again he looks down and there's a small triangular sandwich lying on the ground. How odd!

A few more yards further along the street and........crash. Smacked on the back of the head yet again! He whirls round as quick as he can - nothing. He's getting really angry now. Again he looks down and there's a cocktail sausage lying on the ground. He stands and peers into the darkness of the night. Nothing.

He walks a few yards further along again when he gets a tap on the shoulder. With a swirl of his cape and a cloud of mist he turns as fast as he can. He feels a sharp pain in his heart. He falls to the ground clutching his chest, which is punctured by a small cocktail stick laden with a chunk of cheese and a pickled onion.

On the ground dying, he looks up and sees a young female. With his dying breath he gasps, "Who the hell are you?"

Wait for it...

Are you ready?...

Brace yourself...

This'll make your day...

... "BUFFET, the vampire slayer."

Sunday, 19 August 2007

London... Day 3....

We were up bright and early on day three to catch the bus, just around the corner, to Hampton Court. It only cost £2 each for a 45 minute journey - what a bargain!

I had already booked our entrance tickets online here for Hampton Court, as it worked out cheaper than even using the voucher for 2nd adult half price. We just had to produce the confirmation email to get our tickets, which included all the tours round the Palace, tapes/headset for the audio tour, entrance to the Maze and the gardens.

We walked up the drive to the entrance to the Palace and both had a real sense of déjà vu. The Palace is magnificent, you enter the gate into Base Court which is surrounded by apartments which were intended for the guests of Cardinal Wolsey, who owned the Palace before Henry VIII. The welcome tour starts here with one of the guides dressed in traditional Tudor costume imparting information about how the Palace evolved from Wolsey's time to its present appearance. The entrance to Clock Court was closed off whilst we were there because the clock and its tower is being renovated. The magnificent Astronomical Clock face was propped up on the ground in Clock Court. The clock interestingly shows the sun revolving around the earth. The clock was installed in 1540 - before the discoveries of Galileo and Copernicus changed the way we view the universe. The clock shows the hour,month, day, number of days since the beginning of the year and phases of the moon as well as time of high tide at London Bridge .

We joined the tour through Henry VIII's state apartments but unfortunately photography wasn't allowed inside the Palace apart from the kitchens, though we were naughty and did manage to get one of the crest outside the Chapel Royal, where Henry's son Prince Edward was Christened and the boy's mother Jane Seymour was buried.

We also got this one of the King's Staircase.

We walked through the Haunted Gallery where Catherine Howard, Henry's fifth wife, is supposed to have run after escaping from her rooms begging the King for mercy after she was arrested for adultery and sentenced to death. MWM swears someone touched him whilst we were standing in the gallery though there was no-one near him at the time!

All the rooms, as you might expect, are fabulous. Though a lot of the original chambers have disappeared over the years as the Palace has been altered, some of the original tapestries and the ornate ceilings and panneling have survived and it is awesome to think one could be standing possibly on the same spot as Kings, Queens and famous courtiers once stood.

The original kitchens are still there and are reconstructed to look as they would have been during Henry VIII's time and are accessed through various courtyards. Fish Court was the centre of operation as each of the doors led to a different office of kitchens i.e. the pastry house, the flesh larder and fish larder (see slides).

The gardens at Hampton Court are huge, over 60 acres, so obviously we couldn't see them all but we did take a few photographs as we walked to the Maze (see slides). MWM took the lead through the Maze but got us to two dead ends, so I took over and found the centre of the Maze with no wrong turns. I'm sure I've been there before in a previous life!

We had to decide whether to leave at 2 p.m. and go back by bus and maybe manage an hour in Kew Gardens, or travel by ferry up the Thames to Kew which took 1 1/2 hours leaving at 3 p.m. Well I always say a holiday isn't a holiday without a boat trip so that's what we did. There are some beautiful houses along the Thames, all with their own boats, and where there are no houses the riverbank is beautiful and lush almost like a jungle. We saw lots of herons, wild geese, swans and ducks on the river and really enjoyed watching all the activity on the riverbank. It was really interesting going through Teddington Lock which took about ten minutes. We took some photos as we sailed along (see slides).

We got off the ferry at Kew and had to walk through Kew Gardens to get back to our accommodation, so we called in at the Rose and Crown for a quick drink and watched some cricket on Kew Green. We then decided to go a different way back to explore and found The Railway pub on the other side of the station, which we hadn't noticed previously. Naturally we had to sample some of their beer but whilst we were there the heavens opened and the rain was lashing down! We had been really lucky with the weather since we arrived in London, because whenever we were outside the sun was shining and when we were inside it rained! We decided to stay in the Railway and have something to eat and a couple more drinks then go home. Guess what? By the time we were going home some 3 hours later the rain had stopped, so once again we were lucky!

Our train home the next day was at 11.35 a.m. from Euston so there wasn't any time to do any more sightseeing, unfortunately. We had a lovely relaxing journey home to Manchester where our youngest son picked us up.
We had a wonderful time and are both exhausted with all the sightseeing. We will go back to London, perhaps next summer, to see Kew Gardens and the Museums which we didn't have time to see

See London Day 1 and 2

Saturday, 18 August 2007

London - Day 2 ......

We were up bright and early and waiting at the National Archives when they opened the doors at 10.00 a.m. We checked the records we had reserved were booked out to us then ordered the others we needed (they take about 30 minutes to arrive). We had to check 10 years of records but one year was missing and guess what, 'Sod's Law' that must be the year we need because we couldn't find what we wanted in the other nine years! Doesn't it make you want to spit!!!! Still we enjoyed the research and at least we have eliminated those nine years.

We left the NA and scurried to Kew Station to catch the tube to Tower Hill. We were really impressed with London Transport as far as efficiency and pricing goes - it leaves Greater Manchester Transport sadly lacking! We got to Tower Hill at lunchtime so decided to have something to eat before tackling the Tower itself.

I had secured a coupon which, on showing our train tickets, entitled one adult to pay half price which was quite a saving as it cost £16.00 each to get into the Tower. You can see by MWM's smile he enjoyed the saving!

I've put together a slide show of some of the things we saw such as:

Traitor's Gate - it was eerie to see where Anne Boleyn would have entered the Tower and the actual steps she would have climbed from the boat to her imprisonment and eventual execution.

The Scaffold Site - where Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard (Henry VIII's wives), and others were executed. (click on photo to enlarge for details)

We saw the Tower Ravens. Legend has it that Charles II was told that if the ravens left the Tower, the kingdom and the fortress would fall, so apparently the ravens wings are clipped now to prevent them leaving. (Click on photo to enlarge)

The White Tower houses displays from the Royal Armouries' collection and of course we went into the Jewel House to see the Crown Jewels but you are not allowed to take photographs but you can see official photographs here. They truly are magnificent, but I was amazed at how tiny Queen Victoria's crown is!

The Bloody Tower is where the 'Little Princes' were suppopsesd to have been murdered, (read about the mystery of The Princes in the Tower), we also took photographs of a 'prison cell', which is quite luxurious, and instruments of torture (Scavengers Daughter, The Rack and The Manacles) in the Wakefield Tower.

As we left the Tower MWM took this shot of Tower Bridge - isn't it magnificent?

We jumped on the tube to Tottenham Court Road to pick our tickets up at the Dominion Theatre, so we wouldn't have to queue when we arrived there for the show and, as we had a little time to spare, we went to the British Museum. Unfortunately by this time I was feeling exhausted and a bit faint, it was really warm, so we didn't get a chance to look round I had to sit outside in the air until I recovered enough to get a taxi over to Covent Garden where we had booked at meal at Porter's Restaurant. I did manage to get a photograph of the outside of the Museum and one inside of the roof - you can see two (work) men walking across the roof! (see the next slide show).

Before we went for our meal we sat in the Punch & Judy pub in Covent Garden Market watching the street entertainers (see slides). Apparently the first Punch & Judy puppet show was performed here in 1662 witnessed by Samuel Pepys.

Our meal at Porters was excellent - they specialise in traditional English dishes at reasonable prices, we had booked the meal and the show as a special deal for £37.50, the meal consisting of two courses either starter and main course, or main course and a sweet, you can order extra dishes of course which you pay for along with any drinks you have.

After our meal we jumped in a cab back to the theatre and were really suprised to seen how many people there were going into the theatre for a Tuesday! We had really good seats in the stalls with a great view. Guess who was sitting just two rows behind me - Cheryl Baker who used to be with the group Buck's Fizz who won the Eurovision Song Contest in 1981 - you can see them in action here.

The show (We Will Rock You) was absolutely FANTASTIC, but then we are both big QUEEN fans, everyone was on their feet singing and clapping, the atmosphere was ELECTRIC!! You can listen here to some of the music from the show and see details of the story. We have already decided if the show comes to Manchester we will definitely be booking to see it!

We were tired when we came out of the theatre but absolutely BUZZING, we couldn't help but sing the songs we'd just heard on the tube home, I'm sure the other passengers must have thought we were totally MAD but we didn't care! Then to bed to rest - another busy day tomorrow!

Read Day 1 and Tune in for Day 3 - Hampton Court.