
Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Lanzarote Part 2..

Up early for breakfast on the first full day of our holiday found us exploring what the hotel had to offer.  Whilst the hotel, from the front, was two stories high the lift traversed four stories because the hotel is built on the side of a cliff.  Here's some photos of the middle of the hotel taken from various floors.

We did some sunbathing around the pool but it was quite breezy which made it cool to sit out, so, after lunch, we found a comfy chair on the terrace and enjoyed the sun without the cool breeze, whilst enjoying coffee and a brandy and reading.

I was just having a quiet snooze (I think it must have been the brandy) when I heard a whooshing only to look up and see a huge hawk landing on the ballustrade!  Minutes later the hawk's handler arrived.

The hawk and it's handler stayed for about 20 minutes demonstrating the hawk's flying.  We presume it had been brought into the hotel to frighten away the pigeons and other birds, which caused a bit of a nuisance.

After a thoroughly relaxing and entertaining day we returned to our room to watch the sunset from our balcony

before getting ready for dinner, which we enjoyed in the Chinese Restaurant.

After enjoying a few drinks and the entertainment on offer in one of the bars we retired to our suite looking forward to Day 3 of our holiday.   

Join me for a trip into Playa Blanca in Lanzarote Part 3.


Anonymous said...

Seem like a very enjoyable and relaxing holiday trip.

and beautiful rare sight of clouds+rays of light. Love it!

la bellina mammina said...

Wow! Gorgeous photos!! Happy New Year Akelamalu... it's been awhile! X

Kirstin said...

Great photos.. and love the hawk :)

Valerie said...

Looks like a great hotel, Pearl. Did you manage to pick up a bit of a tan in the sun? How lovely to see the hawk, I could do with it here to scare off the increasing number of pigeons.

Finding Pam said...

I enjoyed catching up on your trip and learning about the islands.

You look so relaxed and the sunset is awesome.

Thanks for taking me along on this visual trip.

Daryl said...

What were you reading? I tried to make out the title but couldnt .. you two look so relaxed, you're the best advert for retirement !

Japolina said...

was the hawk scary?

Ron said...

WOW! The photos of your hotel are absolutely stunning! Love the decor!

And as I was looking at the photo of you lying in the sun, I couldn't help but think that you were SO in your element, because I know how much you enjoy the sunshine and warm weather.

GLORIOUS shots of the sunset, m'dear!

They're truly AWESOME!

Once again, I thank you for sharing your tour. You are SO GOOD at that!

Have a great Wednesday.....X

katie eggeman said...

It looks to be a lovely hotel. How surprising to have a Hawk land in from of you. Happy Anniversary!

Melanie said...

I am so jealous right now. Looks absolutely breathtaking! So glad you had a great trip!

A Lady's Life said...

Nothing like being able to kick up your feet and enjoy a nice shot of brandy :)
The Hawk is a plus for sure.
They are beautiful birds and I was so happy to be able to have one for a week before we let it go.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh my gosh it's lovely! and the pigeons will be quite bad if anyone ever feeds them. we are very lucky at our condo that no ones seems to so they are not a problem. i have had one once where they were very bad, they would try to nest on the terrace all the time.

smiles, bee

Anonymous said...

Great photos. I've been to the Canaries but never Lanzarote.

Akelamalu said...

It was de engineur, glad you like the photos.

Hey long time no see la bellina Mammina!

Thanks Kirstin. The hawk was beautiful.

We did get a tan Valerie, it was really hot out of the wind.

It was a very relaxing holiday Pam, glad you enjoyed the photos.

I've emailed you about the book Daryl. I can recommend retirement ;)

Not really japolina, it just made me jump because I wasn't expecting it!

Oh I can't tell you how much I enjoyed sitting in the sun Ron. The decor of the hotel was very Art Nouveau.

Yes it was surprising BankerChick. Thankyou. x

It seems a long time ago now Melanie, I wish I was back there! ;)

You had a hawk Lady's Life? How exciting!

There were signs asking people not to feed the birds Bee because of the mess they made - hence the hawk to frighten them off.

We've been to the Canaries too Dumdad but never to Lanzarote. We just need to go to Gran Canaria now.

Shrinky said...

Blimey Ake, you are such a little jet-setter these days, retirement obviously is suiting you well, m'dear (talking of which, you look positively radiant up there)!

Please can I come too, next time?

Travis Cody said...

How cool to see that hawk close up. And the hotel looks lovely. You both seem very relaxed.

Akelamalu said...

We do like to get about Shrinky ;)

It was really cool Trav and we were very relaxed. :)

Commander Zaius said...

Totally awesome pictures!

nitebyrd said...

This sounds like an absolutely fabulous place! You both look very, very happy!

G-Man said...

Great Holiday pics Pearlie Mae!!!

cheshire wife said...

A cool breeze or even a wind seems to be a Canary Island thing. Sometimes welcome, sometimes not.

secret agent woman said...

Just catching up. Looks like a lovely trip.

Akelamalu said...

Thanks BeachM :)

It was a great hotel Nitebyrd and we really enjoyed our stay.

Cheers G-man x

Yes you're right Cheshire Wife, this one was unwelcome because it was a little cold. ;)

It was thanks SAW

Maude Lynn said...

It sounds so relaxing!

Linda said...

It all looks so beautiful and sunny and warm and fun! Wish I were there right now instead of looking out at the snow that's still falling and debating on when I'm going to have to go out and shovel again. Ugh!

Lorraine said...

I went to Lanzarote many many years ago and stayed at Puerto Del Carmen. How it has changed since those days. There was nothing there hardly then and it was so hot, oh so hot. It was well over 40 degrees every day and was unbearable as no one hat air conditioning back then. When on the flight home and nearing London we were told by the Captain it was raining you never heard such a cheer.

Mimi Lenox said...

Ohhhhhh I love it. The hotel is lovely and you both look so happy and joyful. Loved all the pics, especially the sunset one. I once sent you a less-than-perfect-camera shot from a beach balcony on the east coast, remember?
Thanks for sharing yours with us.

How did you manage to get away without me crawling into your suitcase this time? I'd better come around her more often (smile)

Akelamalu said...

It was Mama Zen

I wish I was back there in the sun too Linda!

I wish it had been warmer Lorraine, the breeze was quite cool.

MWM took the sunset photos Mimi, I'm not that good!

CrystalChick said...

Sounds like a fun trip. Delightful photos, love them all!