People living in harmony and peace
The whole world over
Should not be just a dream
The whole world over
Should not be just a dream
Each and every one of us
Can do our bit
And be a part of making it come true
All of us have a voice
We need to make heard
About what we want for our world
Constitutions have been changed
By the voice of the people
So the possibility is real
Everyone join together and
Shout out
We want World Peace
Why not join in THE BLOGBLAST FOR PEACE, go get your Peace Globe from Mimi just click on the button below and you will find all the instructions to get one.

I like it! Mine wil be up when we hit the 4th at midnight.
Peace to you also, my friend!
Peace to you and yours!
Thanks for sharing this with us, Akelamalu!
I will definately click over and check it out!
Peace, baby!
you did a lovely job of this post my friend! have a wonderful day...
smiles, bee
if only, lu.
Peace to you and yours
Beautiful globe and thoughts
very creative using the letters of PEACE
My Peace Post
Great to see you on board and wonderful poem.
Mine is up too :-)
I love your Peace Globe and your poem. Very inspiring.
Wonderful post! Wishing you and yours peace today and always!
Peace :-)
May we all find peace and harmony.
Dona Nobis Pacem
Peace begins within!
"I was once asked why I don't participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I'll be there."
~Mother Teresa~
Peace would be nice... I don't think this world has ever seen it since mankind arrived...
Love to you, Akelamalu - Peace on this beautiful day.
"Words...If you get the right ones, in the right order, you can nudge the world a little."
Tom Stoppard
Let us all say together: PEACE
I love your poem. Have a peaceful day and let love rule!
Great post. Dona Nobis Pacem.
I've never been here before. What a cool butterfly! i love it! Great entry to commemorate another blog blast for peace.
Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it. Ps. 34:14
Wishing you, me, all of us, peace.
I follow your philosophy all the way ;)
We can make it happen; look at all the good things that our blogs started today.
Peace upon everyone.
Peace to you and to all the people of the world!
Well said today! Isn’t this a wonderful idea … blogging for peace!!! I’ve published different ‘peace globes’ and and ‘blog blasts’ on each of my sites today and am trying to visit as many participants as I’m able this morning.
Hugs and blessings,
I love your poem, how you spelled out peace.
Let there be peace. :)
flying over,,,thanks for the tip!
That was fab. And I'm all caught up at last. The boozy weekend sounded fab. The jelly baby friday fiction was great as were the worzzles, and I laughed at the ATM one too though I promise I don't do that. Well, not all the time...
Beautiful prayer.
great peace globe, ake! peace to you and yours, too :) i love your Peace piece (ha ha).
~~Shouting out...WE WANT WORLD PEACE NOW!~~
Well done! You know, I thought I had come here this morning and then I say your name at Raven's Nest and realized I had gotten side-tracked. I love the creative way you did this. Peace.
What a lovely peace post:)
I'm shouting!
Akelamalu my friend,
This is going in the peace globe poem file. LOVELY.
Peace to you and yours. Feeling the groovy peaceful vibe here today. It's awesome.
Peace! Thanks for adding to the power of the movement.
Beautiful addition to an amazing day.
Well done! This day is unbelievable! Peace to you and your family…
la paz del senor
Peace to you - I loved your post ...
you dropped in on me and didn't leave a comment?????? I thought I heard someone creeping around downstairs!!!! :-)
Beautifully said! Happy Peace Day!
Peace and kindness to you! Thanks for your lovely poem!
Brain Foggles
well done Ak - and peace to you too.
My mother was of the opinion that if we treated everyone as we treated a stranger standing in our living room that war would be a thing of the past and prejudices laid in the trash heap. I have a tendency to think she was right, so I treat everyone I meet as if I were going to invite them home for a meal or a talk...it works for me.
Lovely Globe Akela-
Maluhia to you and yours.
I love your globe and poem. Thanks for visiting mine, or trying to! Here is the correct link: http://www.consciousmom.net/politics/dona-nobis-pacem
I like the peace poem and wish you all the peace in the world!
Lovely poem with your peace post, Akelamalu.
I'm listening to one of my all-time favorite songs, "Sugar Pie Honey Bunch" at the moment, and for that I thank you!!!
I love Motown. ;-)
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Fantastic post, Akalamalu! Happy Peace Day! :D
Lovely peace globe. May all our dreams of peace come true.
A beautiful post. Peace and love to you and yours, peace and hope for our world.
Beautiful peace globe and message.
This is lovely, thank you. And thank you for the visit.
I like your globe ans well as what you have written.I think that I'll add you to my blogroll,on my wordpress site.
Thank you for visiting my blog. Peace to you and yours.
Great post!
Peace to you and yours.
Thanks for visit mine.
Fabulous! I don't know how I missed this and your next post. The heat here must be cooking my brain more than I thought.
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