
Monday 5 March 2007

Holiday homes................

After reading Queenies blog about her holiday home it got me thinking, again, about where I would like a holiday home or a place to retire to and I know exactly where it would be.......

Juan-les-Pins, on the Côte d'Azur (the picture is a view of the Med there at night).

I truly thought that Jaun-les-Pins was just some lyrics in a song, namely

'When you go on your summer vacation
You go to Juan-les-Pins......'

from "Where do you go to my lovely" by Peter Sarstedt.

I've never been any good at geography!

That was until we stayed in Nice some years ago and hopped on the train and hopped off again at Juan-les-Pins. From the very first I was totally smitten with the place. I can't explain what it is about it, I just feel totally at home there. We only spent a day there and it is probably nothing like I think it will be to live there, but that's my dream. Also its famous for its Jazz Festival in July and I love Jazz.

My knee
Monday 5th March
Didn't get a very good night's sleep last night. My knee seemed a bit more mobile whilst doing my exercises this morning but I have to realise it's going to be a long, slow process - MWM has reminded me "it's only a week today since you had the op remember"!


Queenie said...

Can I come with you???????

Akelamalu said...

Course you can honey, no invitation needed! xx

Queenie said...

Can't wait, suitcase packed, suntan lotion waiting to be applied....