
Monday, 3 May 2010

Microfiction Monday #1

Susan at Stony River hosts this fun theme each Monday, so do pop over and read the others who have signed Mr. Linky.   The rules are thus:

Every Monday Susan will post a picture for the subject of your story.   Microfiction means the shortest of short stories. Think Aesop's fables, comic strips, or even jokes: complete stories that can be told in under a minute. For this game, the limit is a tweetable 140 characters or fewer, including punctuation and spaces.

Here's today's picture and my contribution.

“Hey Bob what do you think of your new uniform?”

“Not bad, Sir. I like the helmet, shoes and the cloak but trousers would be less draughty!


tony said...

You Would Feel Some Nasty Breezes in That up on Hadrians Wall!

secret agent woman said...

And back then they were always going commando.

Peggy said...


Pants would be good for my two soldiers too. Don't know how the Scots do it with their kilts!
Very very good, my new friend!
Keep them coming, you have a natural knack fo this.

Akelamalu said...

I bet they did Tony! LOL

Makes it even chillier SAW!

Welcome Peggy, glad you enjoyed it. :)

SouthLakesMom said...

It's a DRESS uniform...get it? Ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

Those uniforms leave plenty of room for individualization.

Anonymous said...

The poor guy on the left not only has to wear a skirt but tights too!!

Unknown said...

Those drafts can be distracting during battle, you know? :)

Anonymous said...

I wonder if trousers were not practical or maybe not invented yet.
good rendition.

anthonynorth said...

I'm sure trousers would have civilised the Romans :-)
Nicely done.

Akelamalu said...

Very clever South Lakes Mom! LOL

Indeed they do first50 :)

And patterned tights at that Eternally Distracted! :0

Cold knees can be a real distraction Janel ;)

Mmmm I wonder who did invent trousers gregj?

Trouser could have prevented the fall of the Roman empire eh?Anthony? ;)

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Nice on a hot day, but on a damp rainy day - not so much.

Fun microfiction, Akelamalu!

Unknown said...

Welcome to MM, Akemalu!
Cool Microfiction!
Mine is here
Happy Monday!

Sylvia K said...

Yes, indeed, welcome to the fun, Akemalu! And what a great take on the pic for the day! I love it! Fun way to start my day with a laugh! Have a great week!


Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

I see many of you talking about the outfit, which is cool...

Happy Monday!
Very enjoyable MM.

mine is up.

A Lady's Life said...

lol I can't help but think of Nick Nolte who had an operation to lift up his balls, which he said were sagging. He needed tight balls for his photo shoots lol Things people obsess about hahahahaha.

Pat said...

Lol. The soldier on the left either has lots of tats on his legs or he's wearing leggings...hmmm...different for the 2nd century AD.

John (@bookdreamer) said...

You never want it draughty! The link in Mr Linky was wrong but right in Susan's comments box. You should have been directed to My Monday's Twitter.

buffalodick said...

Cute format, and good job with your response!!

Larry said...

Just don't trust those soldiers they'll kill the king. So glad you stopped by and visited I appreciated your comment and look forward to the next comment. Thanks larry.

Ron said...


LOVED your tweetable 140 characters!


I just saw this on someone else's blog last Monday. It looks like FUN!!!!

Can't wait to see what you come up with each week!

You GO, m'dear!


Evalinn said...

Very clever! :-)

Michael G-G said...

Welcome to MM. Loved your take on the picture' leading to thoughts of a brisk wind blowing.

Have a great week.

Daryl said...

Clever and fun ... you are so facile with words!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you are playing my friend. This is wonderful. Excellent take on the photo. :)

Akelamalu said...

Glad you enjoyed it Julia :)

Thanks Shakira :)

I'm pleased you like it Sylvia :)

I enjoyed my first attempt Jingle :)

Crikey I didn't know that about Nick Nolte Lady's Life! :0

I think they're patterned tights Pat LOL

I wondered why I couldn't find it John!

It's a bit of fun Buff, glad you enjoyed my effort.

Oh yes, those soldiers didn't praise Caesar Larry!

Are you thinking of joining in Ron? Glad you liked it hon. x

Thanks Evalinn :)

I'm pleased you liked my first attempt MichaelG

Akelamalu said...

Cheers Daryl x

I enjoyed the challenge Thom, I'll be there next week. :)

Rajlakshmi said...

lolzzz nice take :D

Suz said...

Boy these guys got you thinking!
good fun!

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Very Nicely done on your First Visit. Yep, Trousers would probably be better. Unless they are part of the Scots Highlanders.

juliana said...

so that's why trousers were invented!
i loved your take, and welcome to the club!

Charlene Amsden said...

SouthLakesMom's comment is so good there's nothing else left to be said. LOL!

Travis Cody said...

HA! You are truly masterful at short short fiction.

Linda said...

Well, one man's draught is another man's air-conditioning!

Excellent job as always!

tilden talks... said...

i am a first timer too! good luck to you.

Akelamalu said...

Thankyou Rajlakshmi :)

They sure did Suz :)

Cheers Bill :)

I guess so Juliana ;)

Yes that was a great comment Quilly LOL

You're very kind Trav, I thank you. x

Depends on the weather though Linda LOL

Thanks Tilden talks :)

Susan at Stony River said...

Men with nice legs have a civic duty to show them off as much as possible.

(Says me)


hope said...

How did guys every fight dressed like that?

Or is that what caused the fights? ;)

Akelamalu said...

I agree Susan ;)

I think that's when the fight started Hope LOL

TBM said...

Hahahahah! ;-)

Spiky Zora Jones said... least he doesn't have to wear heels. :)

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

Meme participation award
Happy Sunday!