
Friday 7 May 2010

Friday 55 Flash Fiction # 117 Holding it together.....

I have to hold it all together, she thought.

They're all depending on me.

If I let go they'll fall apart.

They think I'm too weak, so I need to be strong and firm.

I have all the papers needed right here, altogether, ready for the meeting.

It's an important job being a paper clip!

Friday 55 Flash Fiction is brought to you by G-man (Mr Knowitall). The idea is you write a story in exactly 55 words. If you want to take part pop over and let G-man know when you've posted your 55.


anthonynorth said...

It's vital to hold the paperwork together :-)
Enjoyed that.

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Unexpected and cleva!

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO!!! Oh Akelamalu you are a riot you know that. I so didn't even think of this. Well done. Genius I say :) Have a great Friday.


järnebrand said...

Oh, how clever. Paper clips are really good at keeping it together... Kinda envy them. :)
Great 55! Well done! Love/ Jo.

Dumdad said...

Good one!

Anonymous said...

LOL - Loved that... Very clever!

Flowerpot said...

very clever Ak -had me going!

Hootin Anni said...

So darned clever this is!!! I guess the clip is a 'she' since it has many curves? Right?


Have a great weekend! [and as always, scroll down a bit to find my 55]

Akelamalu said...

Glad you enjoyed it Anthony :)

Welcome Gillian and thankyou. :)

You're too kind Thom, thanks hon.x

I wish I could keep it together as well as a paper clip jarnebrand LOL

Cheers Dumdad

Pleased you liked it Eternally Distracted :)

You didn't guess then Flowerpot? ;)

Oh definitely female Hootin' Anni, which is why everything is so organised! ;)

MarmiteToasty said...

Brilliant yet again lol


Anonymous said...

Great "twist" and yes, important job for the clip.

I'm up (with a few extra words):

Friday Flash 55 ~ Butterfly Kisses

Brian Miller said...

yeah it is, but watch out...staple is trying to steal your job. smiles. nice fun 55.

mine is up!

Sheri said...

ah, how very clever of from the view of a paper clip! i absolutely love your humor, such a good 55!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

you know that's really true! good job honey!

smiles, bee

clean and crazy said...

i never thought being a paper clip was so important!! great 55!!

Mona said...

Ake, you always put a big smile on my face! Thanks! (hugs)

Anonymous said...

Brilliant, put a smile on my face on this gloomy Friday.

CJ xx

secret agent woman said...

Ha ha. I guess the poor paper clip has to stay one step ahead of the staple.

Ivy and Haley said...

Unexpected ending. Thanks for the laugh!

Unknown said...

I think I bomb out this week...oh please don't laugh...
Happy Friday!
Happy Mother's Day!

Monkey Man said...

I love endings like this. Makes me smile. My 55 is HERE .

Valerie said...

Well, I didn't expect that. I love your unexpected endings.....

Akelamalu said...

Aw thanks Marmie x

I'm glad you enjoyed the twist Chef Kar :)

Oh she's watching the staple Brian! ;)

Why thankyou Sheri I'm happy you enjoyed it.

Yes it is true Bee :)

Neither did I until I thought about it Clean&Crazy. ;)

Well I'm happy to make you smile Mona x

Happy to make you smile any day Crystal Jigsaw :)

Yes it does SAW ;)

I'm pleased the twist worked for you Ivy & Haley :)

Thanks Shakira :)

My pleasure Monkey Man :)

I enjoy writing a twist ending Valerie and I'm so glad you enjoy them. :)

Spiky Zora Jones said...

akelamalu: have the most wonderful wit. I totally love it and I love these 55 flash fiction fridays with you.

paper clip...hehehe.

have afab weekend honey. xxx

buffalodick said...

Good one! I'm a staple man myself...

Gledwood said...

Can you get paperclips for the personality? I need something to hold myself together ;-)

Maude Lynn said...

This totally caught me by surprise!

Ron said...


OMG...that is so funny!!!!

You ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS get me in the end!!!


Have a great weekend, m'dear!


Charlene Amsden said...

LOL! You are the Queen of twist endings. This one is wonderful and I never saw it coming.

Travis Cody said...


Now let me ask you...are you thinking about gathering your Flash Fiction into a book? You're really good at it.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

your 55 rocks!
I see you stay strong in your words...

M. Reka said...

Wrapped up really beautifully, very clever! Enjoyed reading it :)
Short Poems

Shrinky said...

Haaaaaaaaa, excellent (clapping my hands)! You are so clever - smile.

Cloudia said...

Always so enjoyable, Dear.

Glad to be back, Missed Ya!

Aloha from Hawaii

Comfort Spiral

hope said...

Wow, until the very last minute I thought you were describing my southern girl guilt. ;)

Unknown said...

Happy Mother's Day,my friend!
You look BEAUTIFUL, then and NOW!
You are such a wonderful friend and MOTHER!
May this Mother's Day be one of the best with more to come in years!

Akelamalu said...

Why thankyou Spiky x

I prefer staples too Buff

LOL good idea Gleds :)

Great Mama Zen that was the result I wanted. :)

Ah I'm so pleased you liked it Ron

Thankyou so much Quilly :)

I thought maybe if I get to about 500 I might Trav, thankyou. x

Cheers Jingle

Welcome Marinela and thankyou. :)

Oh cheers Shrinky I'm glad you liked it.

Glad you're back Cloudia and thanks hon. x

You didn't second guess the ending then Hope, that's good :)

Why thankyou Shakira and happy mother's day to you too.

Evalinn said...

Lol, that´s great! Hope you´ve had a good weekend. :-)

Maggie May said...

I was beginning to empathise with that person and realise thats how I feel....... and then it turned out to be a blimmen paper clip!!!!!!!!! LOL!

Nuts in May

Akelamalu said...

Thanks Evalinn and yes I have had a good weekend, I hope you have too. :)

LOL I'm glad it gave you a laugh Maggie x

tony said...

Nice One Ake! X

A Lady's Life said...

happy Mothers Day Akelamalu!

Akelamalu said...

Cheers Tony :)

The same to you Lady's Life :)

Daryl said...

Made me laugh! And it is indeed an important job.

Lulda Casadaga said...

Too the way your mind works! Keep it together for this week will ya please!! :D

Misty DawnS said...

I truly love and enjoy your talents! Reading your writings always make me smile at your talent.

You truly need to put all of these together in a book.