
Friday, 21 May 2010

Friday 55 Flash Fiction # 119 Green Fingers.....

Brenda had always loved gardening.

She loved it even more now she had her greenhouse.

She had all sorts growing in there -

Tomatoes, cucumber, courgettes, fruit and flowers of every variety.

Imagine her surprise when the police arrived

and siezed the plants she was looking after for the nice young man who lived next door!

Friday 55 Flash Fiction is brought to you by G-man (Mr Knowitall). The idea is you write a story in exactly 55 words. If you want to take part pop over and let G-man know when you've posted your 55.


Anonymous said...

OMG Weed! LOL I bet she loved the aroma. I can't stand it but it looks pretty. Too funny. Excellent 55 my friend :)

Elaine Denning said...

I had one of those, once. Hehehe!

A Daft Scots Lass said...

lol. kewl 55.

Have a great weekend.

Charlene Amsden said...

Yep. In high school the same thing happened to my friend Mary's mother when she thoughtfully put her eldest son's plants out in the yard to get some son.

Shrinky said...

Hey, I'm developing a nervous twich, here - just trotting off now to check out what the eldest is REALLY growing at the back corner of our greenhouse..

Valerie said...

Excellent 55. I love the twisted endings. Can't comment on the weed though, I've never come across it.

Maggie May said...

Ha ha! A lot of that goes on in our city!!!!!!!
Good 55!
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oops! busted! ha ha ha

smiles, bee

Ron said...

OMG....this was FLAWLESS!

You are soooo clever!!!!


This post immediately reminded me of the movie "Saving Grace." Did you ever see it? It's wonderful!

Thanks for the great Friday morning laugh, m'dear!

Have a great weekend...X

Daryl said...

Reminds me of a real life incident ... great twist!

Brian Miller said...

teehee...i may know something about that...smiles.

nice 55. mine is up!

anthonynorth said...

I can imagine this happening a lot. Really have to weed out suspicious neighbours :-)

Linda said...

Oops! The poor thing!

Great twist at the end as always, m'dear!

Anonymous said...

LOL. Good one. You really got me with the last line.

Akelamalu said...

It is such a pretty plant isn't it Thom - I've tried it a couple of times but it's not something I want to get hooked on. ;)

Really Laney, are they easy to grow? ;)

Thanks Gillian :)

Oh I bet her son copped it when he got home Quilly LOL

Hehe I hope you don't get a shock Shrinky! LOL

You've never tried a joint Valerie? You might enjoy it. ;)

Just a few weeks ago the police raided a house in our little town and found a whole Cannabis farm Maggie! :0

Yep Busted Bee LOL

I haven't seen that film Ron, I think I'd enjoy it! Glad you enjoyed my 55 honey. x

Ah you know someone it happened to Daryl, or was it you????

You've done it too Brian???

You never know what's going on in your neighbours house do you Anthony? ;)

She was so unsuspecting Linda!

Ah thanks Alice :)

buffalodick said...

Smoke, Brenda, smoke fast...

G-Man said...

You mean the Aubergines..:P
Excellent 55 Ake..
I somehow felt very close to this story..hehehe
Thanks for playing, thanks for visiting, and have a Kick Ass Week-End...G

PattiKen said...

Oh, that rascal! Very good twist!

Cloudia said...

Such wonderful plants. . . .

Aloha from Hawaii

Comfort Spiral

Travis Cody said...


secret agent woman said...

My brother did this - grew pot in my stepmother's greenhouse.

Akelamalu said...

Great advice but too late Buff! LOL

Of course G-man, what else? ;)

Definitely a naughty neighbour Pattiken ;)

Indeed Cloudia :)

Yes - Ooops Trav

Oh my SAW, I hope your stepmother didn't get into trouble?

Anonymous said...

I would've said I was surprised too!! ;0)

Anonymous said...

What an ending! Nice twist, another brilliant piece from you.

Betty said...

LOL. Made me smile :)

MarmiteToasty said...

hahahahaha my brother grew a pot plant unbeknown to him out of a seed from his parrot LOL..... he only knew when the police came to his house about a break in to his car LOL.... they did laff about it though....


San said...

Your Flash Fiction always has a nice plot twist. This one is no exception.

Susan at Stony River said...

Oh no!! LOL