Government Initiative
To conform to the Government’s new initiative, the school curriculum now boasts
Cookery lessons for all students.

It’s essential the students know how to feed themselves.

Basic recipes for good wholesome food will be taught.

1) How To Open A Packet.
2) Safety and How To Use A Microwave Oven.
3) Advanced Toast Preparation.
Friday 55 Flash Fiction is brought to you by susiestheboss.
What a great curriculum! Kudos to the govt. LOL!
Sign me up for these lessons!
I think it';s a good idea, but how it will actually work out is another matter - depends on what they cook!
Sorry I aint been around much, and only flitted around a few blobs, just up to me eyes in solicitors and paperwork and an X that just wont get run over by a bus...... hope to catch up proper over the weekend.....
The senior school where me youngest is at (and me 3 other lads went to) have catering as compulsary and has for the 15 years Ive been involved with the school), they HAVE to take cookery in years 7, 8 and 9, then they can choose to drop it or take it as a GCSE option, thankfully my youngest Jacob (14) has choosen it as an option for the next 2 years :)..... he has always cooked with me and I think he will make a great cook as he learns even more, and as he said, there aint no harm in learning how to cook once ya leave home.....
That lesson is one I need, I can't open packaging without a pair of sissors, I would starve if I lost my kitchen shears.
I do believe that I have taken and excelled at this course - especially the toast making part!
Considering our Government stopped cookery lessons in 1992 when they introduced the national curriculum (big mistake) you could say we've come 'full circle' Tot's Mom! :(
I've seen photographs of your cooking Dumdad you don't need lessons. :)
I think it's a great idea Flowerpot they should never have stopped it. How it will work out is another matter altogether! :(
Sorry to hear you're having problems with your ex Marmie. That sounds like a great school your lads go/went to. Food technology in schools now is mostly 'design a sandwich', design the packaging for a sandwich' 'design a marketing portfolio for a sandwich'!
You're kidding me, right, Bankerchick?
I know that's not true Linda I've read what you cook on your blog! You were telling the truth weren't you? :)
Oh, oh, oh ... I got that microwave thingy down pat. But I think I need the intermediate class on Toast Preperation rather than the Advanced class.
Nice and very nice ending. Always good to leave them smiling.
When I got married (the first time at age 17) I was given a cookbook. It had the directions for making toast. Yes, toast.
I've since mastered that. :)
Now THAT's my kinda lessons!! LOL
Yeah they said they were going to put packet opening and microwave oven operation "back" on the national curriculum again....
(what about Worcester sauce dashing & splashing...??...)
now re Worcester sauce this is what I replied chez moi:~
I had to tell the pronounciation ~::~ haven't you seen the TV ad with that woman from the American deep south calling it "Wor-ssester-SHYRE saaausss!"?!?
... & as for bloody Maries::~ indispensible!
LOL, ain't it the truth! sad but true
Do they have "how to get that pickle jar open"? I need special assistance!
I'd LOVE cooking lessons...especially from Jamie Olliver (sp?). Our schools should offer something of the sort as well.
Nice to meet you!!
Thank goodness my girls get cookiery lessons at school :)
LOL! Excellent 55!!!!!
Yes very important to run that microwave properly!!!!
Good job!
I'll book you in for the lessons Barman ;) Thanks on the 55.
You were a child bride Skittles! Did you work your way through the cookbook?
I bet you can cook Dave!
You like bloody Marys too Gleds?
It is sad, and it is true Lime, unfortunately!
Probably Mr Lance! :) Thanks for stopping by, do call again. :)
Nice to meet you too Pinky and I like Jamie Oliver too!
Do they get cookery or Food Technology lessons CG?
Glad you liked it Little Wing x
What a hoot! What about making tea? Do the British make it in the pot or are they allowed to make it by the cup?!
Depends MOI - if we have company we make it in the pot, tea for 1 or 2 in the cup. I think making a cup of tea would be too difficult to teach in school! ((wink))
lol, very topical and, sadly, all to close to the truth regarding the level of ability I think we expect.
What!!! No rockbuns??? No eggs in cheese sauce??? What is the world coming to?
You certainly made me smile with this one.
I think cooking classes are great....I remember when I took home economics they called one of the first things I learnt to cook was Chili...well after that I was the chili maker in the taught me a mom was a terrible sisters are between the cooking classes and my sisters I have stumbled along....I love to bake...
So, how to open a packet?? Lol:)
hahahaha love it! sad part is some just still don't know how to do this. luckily for me, my son took initiative to learn how to cook (i didn't teach him..if i did, he wouldn't be much of a cook lol) he loves to watch a show called 'good eats' and it's the scientific approach to cooking...very interesting. he's a total foodie. me, i can take it or leave it...most of the time i prefer to leave it lol
Sure, those are some life saving studies for students..... :)
Oh my, that was funny! There's more to making toast than what I know? What's in the advanced topic?
Mr_Lance, a good addition to the course syllabus!
In 7th grade we all had to take Home Economics on the third floor of our school. Always out of eggs, because when the teacher would leave the room, my buddies and I would get them out of the fridge, and bomb people coming up the front steps...:)
Home Ec 2008....
Great job Ake...
Insightful as always!!
Have a great week-end!!
O Oh! How I wish our schools had that kind of lessons!
I am so worried about how my son is going to fed himself once he is out in the college!
this is such a 'wishful' 55 ake. & I love it!
our cookery teacher once sent me to the headmaster for laughing at the simplicity of her lessons.
She was showing us how to make a sup of tea,the day before I had cooked Sunday roast dinner for my family.
oh gosh, domestic science as it was called in my day... my father had a strong stomach, he was the only one who ate my soused herrings... yuck!
I think my children all had cookery lessons, but since my lot are all foodies they all know their way around the kitchen
I can't believe the number of people I know who can't cook... I love my food; I love my own food!
You're right there Toadee!
Of course rockbuns and christmas cake would be beyond the teachers, never mind the pupils Pauline :)
Thankyou Charles :)
One of the first things I cooked in Home Ec class was my school blouse which I inadvertently burnt RN!
I bet Aunt Lucy has taught you how to cook eh Elween?
Both our boys can cook Ciara, the younger is very adventurous with food, he's taught me a trick or two!
I suppose they are in todays world bindhya. Thanks for dropping by. :)
Advanced Toast Prep - softening the butter I suppose Smarmoofus :)
Well you're a good cook now Buffalo! x
Cheers g-man. x
If he's anything like mine Mona he'll be living on beans and beer! :(
Like you I was taught most at home Cathy but some in my class couldn't even boil an egg!
Oh your poor Dad Ann, still I bet your cooking is top notch now!
I took how to open the packet 3 times before I mastered the art. Great post
This is so true it's scary.
Mac & Cheese or Chef Boyardee baby! That's what got me through the lean years.
Great 55 as usual.
I love to cook - but somedays opening a packet and operating the microwave are the best I can do!
unfortunately, i can't cook. becoz she doesnt allow me to touch her utensils....
Hey - if lining up to have the Naked Chef heap food on my plate is part of the course - sign me up.
Oh Dave what are you like? :)
Scary Mimi - definitely!
Are those your specialities Travis? ;)
I've been known to do that too cs when there's just not enough hours in the day! :)
Oh bad Aunty Lucy Elween!
You like Jamie Oliver too Julia? He makes me laugh!
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