
Saturday, 22 September 2007


You may remember my post about my Dad having written his Mother's biography a while back, and how I had tried in vain to get it published, and in desperation I set up a webpage and published it online. Cream and Miss Understood both suggested that I self publish with LULU so I had a look and decided to go ahead.

It was really easy to do with comprehensive instructions to follow, though I had to do all the formatting, page numbering etc., with a choice of paperback or hardback - I chose hardback, and best of all it's free! After I clicked the publish button I ordered one copy so I could make sure everything was ok.

Here is the result

I'm thrilled with how it has turned out. I have set the price for just the cost of printing, we are not interested in making any money out of it, the sole aim is that it is available for people to read. I have now ordered another three copies - one for each of my boys, as a sort of 'family bible' and one which I hope to send to the British Library - where they keep copies of all books published in England. As Kit is published in America I have emailed the British Library to ask if I send them a a copy will they include it.

I took the book and gave it to Dad today and he was over the moon to finally see it in print. He has kept his promise to his mother and I have kept my promise to Dad to get it published for him - we can both rest now!


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

that is perfectly lovely. congratulations!!!

smiles, bee

Pig in the Kitchen said...

Fantastic, well done!

RUTH said...

Reading this is fabulous news Akelamula. I'm so pleased for you and your Dad. Massive {Hugs}} of excitement for you both,

Gledwood said...

I'm not the expert on copyright, but this the law as far as I get it...

Any book published in America: you must provide 2 copies to the Library of Congress

Any book published in the UK: you must provide copies for the British Library, the National Library of Wales, Oxford University, Cambridge University and I'm pretty sure the national library in Scotland...

you need to get an isbn number for the book. this is a really straightforward procedure and should cost nothing

i hope that has been of some help!

Gledwood said...

right i wish i had looked that up first instead of speaking off the top of my head.

they are called "legal deposit libraries" and there are 6 in the UK and Ireland:

British Library (London)
National Library Wales
National Library Scotland
Trinity College Library Dublin
Bodlean Library Oxford
Cambridge University Library

you can find out more

good luck with it all
how much is it and how do i get hold of a copy?

you know you can self-publish on the internet via - far as I know they are really good and make it easy for your customers to order online via credit card etc WITHOUT complicated financial arrangements having to be gone into

Linda said...

Congratulations! You should participate in the Manic Monday Meme over at It's a Blog Eat Blog World this Monday as the word for the week is "Kit" and this is absolutely perfect!

Your Dad must have been thrilled to pieces and I don't blame him at all, it's a lovely book!

Around My Kitchen Table said...

What a wonderful gift for your father - and for your sons. I wish I'd had something similar to tell me all about my grandparents. Well done.

Mother of Invention said...

This is a wonderful co-operative achievement od yours and your dad's. What a proud moment it must have been for him and so rewarding for you to be able to hand it to him in a concrete form!

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome!
I'm very proud for you.

Pam said...

congrats to you and your dad! first they are quick w his surgery date and now this spot of good news! i think everything seems to be falling into place :)

the rotten correspondent said...

you have an award over at my place...

la bellina mammina said...

CONGRATS Akela - both of you did it! Now, how can I get a copy?

Elaine Denning said...

That's fantastic news! I bet he's chuffed to bits :)

Dumdad said...

Tremendous. I'm glad your hard work has come to fruition.

Akelamalu said...

Thankyou Bee, Pig, Ruth, Linda, Around my kitchen table, Mother of invention, Crazy Working Mom, Ciara,Bella, Miss U and Dumdad. x

Thanks for all that info Gleds I'll look into it.

For anyone that's interested you can either read KIT on my webpage or buy a hard copy -just click on the links on my sidebar.

Annelisa said...

Nice one, Akelamalu - what an amazing achievement, to got it into hard print. I must admit, even though I sit at the computer and read stuff, I just don't get into it the way I get into the paper version, so I'm off to have a look how you're doing the hard copies now!

Love your new peace globe, sweetheart... I'm going to have to give myself a kick up the backside and get back into blogging by then... wouldn't want to miss the day!

5 weeks to half term? Are you sure? Sounds like forever the way the weeks are stretching at the moment. How's your work, is it ok?

((((hugs))) for getting your book into print...whatever it takes! :-) You did good girl!!!

Akelamalu said...

Hi Annelisa,I so wanted for my Dad to see his work in print. I showed him it online (on my website) but he couldn't get his head round it. A hard copy means so much more. LULU makes publishing so easy - it must be if I can do it!

Glad you like the peace globe, I'm usre you'll come up with something spectacular honey.

Work is going OK - now I've moved offices ;)

Annelisa said...

:-) lol While you were over mine telling me about your book, I was over here reading about it!

I was just reading this about self publishing, and was wondering if you know whether you can just get one copy published, and that's it? I wanted to have a look at my book in print, and see what it looks like :-D

miss you too XX

Annelisa said...

lol it happened again! Glad work's better - thank goodness for a place to move to huh?

C U again soon!

Jo Beaufoix said...

Fantastic. I'm so pleased for you all.
Come and visit when you get the chance. I have an award for you. :)

CG said...

How wonderful! I would suggest sending a copy to your local library too. They might like to include it in their local history sections.

Grizabella said...


Cream said...

Well done, Akela!
I hope it sells like hot cakes.

Unknown said...

Excellent news Akela, I'm so pleased for you and your dad.

Akelamalu said...

Ooooh an Award? Thanks Correspondent I'll be right there! :)

LOL - In answer to your question Annelisa Yes you can just get one book - I've emailed you about it. x

Why thank you Jo I'll be right over. :)

What a good idea CG I'll do that.

Thanks Miss K and thanks for dropping by, I hope you'll call in again. :)

Thanks Cream, especially for suggesting LULU. xx

Aw thanks Pauline x

Shaz said...

Oh Akelamalu I'm so proud of you for fighting to bring this dream alive. Your a true dream of a daughter x x x

Neoma said...

It feels wonderful, doesn't it......and very rewarding. I am so glad that you were able to accomplish this. And I bet your Dad was super happy.

Lo Kelween said...

that's so great! i guess you have really done your part to fulfill this "commission"! i hope that many people will be able to know the wonderful stories of the past! :)

Catch said...

What a wonderful thing you have done for your whole family!!!! I am very proud of you..congratulations on a job well done!!!!! God bless you!!!

Flowerpot said...

brilliant news Ak - well done you!

Heather said...


buffalodick said...

Congratulations! Alot of time, work, and thought must have been spent to get this done!

Barb said...

I would love to have a copy..

Akelamalu said...

Thanks Shaz. x

My Dad's face when he held his book in his hands was worth every minute I've spent on it Nea - priceless!

Thankyou Elween, I hope others find it interesting.

It took a while but we got there Catch thanks. x

Cheers Flowerpot :)

Thanks Orange Blossom Goddess.

There was Buffalodickdy but then my Dad is worth every minute! :)

You can Skittles click on the LULU link in this post! :)

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Amazing, Akelamalu! I'm so impressed with your drive to get that book into your father's hands.

katie eggeman said...

How exciting, I am ashamed to say that I have not read the story, but I will soon. Your dad must be over the moon to see it in book form.

Akelamalu said...

Oh he is Bankerchick, he lives in warden controlled accommodation and has charged the warden with passing his book round to all the other tenants for them to read! :)

Akelamalu said...

Thanks Julia, I was definitely on a mission! :)

Gledwood said...

Here's another self-publishing thing I got put on to:

harish sharma said...

When I look closely to what exactly is illegal in case of tv-links, it perplexes me a bit. Surely freedom-of-speech is legal, so is deep linking (had it been illegal, entire Internet would be too). IMO, only thing illegal in this context is facilitating the distribution of copyrighted content. But is pointing to copyrighted content with a proper disclaimer illegal? Are disclaimers enough for leechers like tv-links? Would it be illegal if I say, "go find some drugs in that bush, but wait..I'm not responsible for the consequences." Inappropriate? Yes. Illegal? May be.
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