
Friday 13 November 2009

Friday 55 Flash Fiction # 96 The Visitor

Friday 55 Flash Fiction is brought to you by G-man (Mr Knowitall). The idea is you write a story in exactly 55 words. If you want to take part pop over and let G-man know when you've posted your 55.

He walked past without a second glance

Three days on the trot now.

She missed his visits, he usually called every day.

She jumped as she heard the click of the gate as it opened.

He hurried up the path, waving to her.

At last, she thought...

As he posted the mail through her letterbox.


Anonymous said...

What a great 55 my friend. You are always so clever. I wonder how many people wait for the mailman/woman to make there day...sush Clint Eastwood. LOL. Well done :)

Flowerpot said...

I hope it was good news!!

Sandi McBride said...

Ah, the Postie, my old friend! Good one, really!

Shrinky said...

Oh, so clever, especially with all the UK postal upheavals as of late - well done, you! (Smile)

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

the postman! good one!

smiles, bee

Dulçe ♥ said...

This postman today broght bad news now that i come to think of it... We have to pay 560 euros on the house...
Oh no!
Great ONE!
Mine's up too
Nice weeekend!

buffalodick said...

The only thing a mailperson brings anymore is junk mail and bills!

clean and crazy said...

sounds like a lonely gal, hope she found what she was looking for. great 55!!

Dumdad said...

Poignant. Another good one, Akela!

Nessa said...

Intriguing 55. What is she waiting for?

Flash 55 - Blue Gill

Akelamalu said...

Our postman actually goes into my elderly neighbours house every morning to make sure she's OK whether she's got mail or not Thom. How nice is that? :)

I think she even likes the junk mail Flowerpot!:)

Postie's are greaet Sandi :)

Yes the mail is coming in batches at the moment Shrinky ;)

Thanks Bee x

Hope he brings good news tomorrow Dulce x

Aw poor Buff. I hope he brings something nice for you soon. x

There are so many lonely people that just wait for the postman Clean & Crazy, it's so sad. :(

Cheers Dumdad :)

Akelamalu said...

Anything Nessa, she's lonely. :(

Daryl said...

As always, cleverly writ!

Brian Miller said...

my boys love to meet the mailman...probably b/c he gives them suckers... great 55! have an amazing weekend!

mine is up!

Susan at Stony River said...

ROFL! It's so true, he's everyone's friend!

Is it me or does that fellow have an unusually large hand??

Loved the 55!

Ron said...

Oh, how cute!

I think she either has a crush on the postman or she's eagerly awaiting her William-Sonoma catalog!


As always...I loved this one!

Have a great weekend, m'dear!

Spiky Zora Jones said...

Ha! sweetie get me each and every time. I thought this one was such a fun flash fiction story.

I love these...I wait for it. because I smile and I laugh always.

thank you baby. Have a fab weekend.

quilly said...

Oh, I know this feeling well! My heart always breaks when the mail carrier forsakes me!

anthonynorth said...

Ah, it's terrible when you don't get mail. Nicely said.

Akelamalu said...

Aw thanks Daryl x

What a great mailman you have Brian to give the kids suckers. :)

His hand does look unusually large now you mention it Susan! :0

Probably the catalogue Ron :)

I'm so pleased you enjoy them Spiky x

I'm always disappointed too if we don't get mail Quilly :(

Yes it is Anthony :(

Anndi said...

We have a new letter carrier... I miss the old one.

cheshire wife said...

No mail is better than bills!

Linda said...

It seems like nothing good ever come in the mail anymore - just bills and circulars and the like. I couldn't tell you the last time I got an honest-to-goodness letter! Come to think of it, though, it's probably been way too long since I wrote one either!

Donnetta said...

Well, he's not bringing ME anything very interesting lately! But looks friendly enough. Good one, "A." D

Dr.John said...

You got me with thiis one. I was not thinking mailman.

Travis Cody said...

Sometimes I go all week without checking my mail box!

G-Man said...

Ake...I'm afraid mailmen will be obsolete in our lifetime.
Loved your 55 My Dear!
Thanks for always providing suspense..
Have a Wonderful Week-End...G

Tall Kay said...

Nice reminder to a most thankless job! I get checks in the mail, so I check it everyday! Love my mailman. Great 55!

Cloudia said...

My Saturday post owes something to your writer's sensibilty, Ake :)

Aloha, Friend!

Comfort Spiral

Reanaclaire said...

how creative u r.. great 55!
the last time i waited impatiently for the postman was 3 decades ago.. imagine how old i m now.. yeah, around your age too :)

Akelamalu said...

I hate it too when they change our mailman Anndi :(

Yes, you're right there Cheshire Wife!

Oh I know what you mean Linda, I can't remember the last time I got an honest to goodness letter either. Mind you I expect Christmas cards to start dropping through the letter box in the next few weeks :)

Well I hope he brings you something interesting soon Donnett :)

Aha you didn't second guess the ending Dr. John that's great!

Really Trav? I check my mail every day, it's a ritual!

I think you may be right G-man, especially the way our Royal Mail is going!

Oooh cheques in the mail - I wish I got some Tall Kay! LOL

Glad to be of help Cloudia x

Thankyou reanaclaire, glad you enjoyed it.

Anonymous said...

That's awesome :)

Akelamalu said...

Aw thanks Thom x