
Monday, 7 November 2011

Succinctly Yours - A Microfiction Meme #29

Grandma at Grandma's Goulash provides a picture and a word prompt for this Microfiction Meme and the rules are use the photo as inspiration for a story of 140 characters OR 140 words.

Want more challenge? Use the word of the week in your story. This part is optional.

This week's word is REPUGNANT here's the picture and my offering using the picture and word of the week  in 140 characters, including spaces and punctuation

Though repugnant to the women, folk dancing was necessary to keep the tourists happy.

Thankfully their homemade wine gave them Dutch courage.


Commander Zaius said...

Bravo! Well done.

Catch said...

its me catch. How are you>? Im thinking of coming back to blogging!

Akelamalu said...

Cheers Beach x

YAY welcome back Catch

Valerie said...

Nice one, Pearl. I too would need a drop of the best to get me dancing like that....grins.

Linda said...

As always, I tip my hat to your very creative mind!

Akelamalu said...

Thanks Dumdad

Me too Valerie LOL

Why thankyou Melanie x

You're too kind Linda, thankyou. x

Daryl said...

I am giggling, that's a good one!

anthonynorth said...

Ah, that Dutch courage can get people into all sorts of situations.

Ron said...

"Thankfully their homemade wine gave them Dutch courage."



Thanks for the GREAT Monday laugh. Have a flawless week!


Grandma's Goulash said...

Got to keep the tourists happy. I can just see them sitting around after the show, drinking wine and making snide comments about the tourist crowd. Creative story - well done.

Pat said...

Hahaha...cute!! Thanks for the laugh! My husband is of 100% Dutch ancestry--I'll ask him about Dutch courage.

Your story reminds me of watching a young Mexican couple do traditional Mexican folk dances for tourists in Chiapas, Mexico, in an outdoor setting. They both looked very grim the whole time...probably thinking, "These tourists aren't going to leave us any tips, as usual."

Akelamalu said...

Happy to make you smile Daryl x

Indeed it can Anthony LOL

So pleased you liked it Ron :)

Thanks Grandma x

I don't know why they call it Dutch courage Pat, let me know if your hubby can shed any light on it. :)

A Lady's Life said...

lol oh boy! Here's to Dutch Courage !!

Maude Lynn said...

This cracked me up! You do the best microfiction.

Pooch said... I have to find out what "Dutch courage" means, though I can hazard a guess. Whatever it takes to make it through!


Cloudia said...

another winner!!!

secret agent woman said...

Wine always helps.

G-Man said...

It SOUNDS Dutch....

Catch said...

im trying to get my blog set up. I forget how to do a lot of it but Im trying, so happy to hear from you!!!!

Akelamalu said...

Everyone needs some Dutch courage at some time don't you think Lady's Life :)

Aw thanks Mama Zen x

Dutch Courage is usually an alcoholic drink to give one courage to do something Pooch :)

Cheers Cloudia xx

I've found that too SAW LOL

You think G-man? ;)

You'll get there Catch xx

Flowerpot said...

these always make me laugh, Ak! Thanks x

S K Ditta said...

Wonder, what gave you that impression. I am really trying to find the origin of this dance.

Akelamalu said...

It's my pleasure to make you smile Flowerpot xx

Let me know if you find out Seasons :)